Old post from a different version of MC, and vastly different versions of both Mekanism and the Grief Prevention plugin. The only way to get them to work is to go back to 1.5.x. Otherwise, ask the mod author for the Grief Prevention plugin to work with the Digital Miner.Old post is old, but this is one of the top Google hits for ["digital miner" griefing].
Digital miner does not respect the Grief Prevention plugin, but it's easy to stop things like the Equal Trade Focus. Is there a good way to prevent digital miner griefing? The best I can do currently is to force it to be placed at least 16 blocks from somebodies claim. Of course, with a radius of 32, this isn't full proof.
u wot m8I'm asking here because the topic has already been discussed here by Vaygrim. If you're not Vaygrim and you don't have an answer to the question, then there's really no need to respond.
Hi, I'm replying to this because you didn't have to common sense to use a PM to talk to someone when it was targeted at a specific person. This is a bit like using twitter as email.I'm asking here because the topic has already been discussed here by Vaygrim. If you're not Vaygrim and you don't have an answer to the question, then there's really no need to respond.
u wot m8
Just because they're not a specific person does not mean they can't help.
Can I focus the lasers?Hi, I'm replying to this because you didn't have to common sense to use a PM to talk to someone when it was targeted at a specific person. This is a bit like using twitter as email.
I'm asking here because the topic has already been discussed here by Vaygrim. If you're not Vaygrim and you don't have an answer to the question, then there's really no need to respond.
I just coded this for Mekanism v8:
It's basically a cool looking way for you to visually see your Digital Miner's range. It updates whenever you change the values in it's configuration, too.
I've also added "Fuzzy Mode" to the ItemStack Filter, which when active forces the Digital Miner to ignore metadata values on that specific filter:
(image snipped)
I'm pretty sure it can.The miner doesn't mine above it, does it?