Mcraftworlds FTB / 20+ Mature / Beta Server - Whitelist

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
In Game Name: quostin
AGE: (Important): 26
Why you are applying: Looking for a stable server and a mature crowd.
What you expect: A mature crowd without the fear of griefing or need to go 20k blocks to be safe.

Favorite color is cyan.
These peoples names are being added to the Whitelist, should be able to log in soon.


Restart should be with in the next 30m.

Thank you.
  • Like
Reactions: fudog
In Game name: slaydemons
Age: 21
Why you are applying: well to be honest I just want to play thaumcraft (realized after a bit there might not be any servers with that on) with others as well as FTB in general
what I expect: A group of people wanting to learn every single thing about thaumcraft while having fun.

My favorite color... thats hard, my top three would have to be blue, red and purple. if I have to choose one it would be purple after some thought
These peoples names are being added to the Whitelist, should be able to log in soon.


Restart should be with in the next 30m.

Thank you.

Hi thanks for the white-list, I had trouble login in, then I realised my minecraft user name is actually fudogz - please can you edit the white-list, thank you. sorry for the hassle
In Game Name: Omenga
AGE: (Important): 21
Why you are applying: I play on the tekkit server and absolutely love guys :D you have the best tekkit server I have ever seen.
What you expect: For this to be the best FTB server :P you have the best Tekkit server
My favorite color is green. :D
fudogz, will be whitelisted in a few. Not sure if it will take til the next restart. But it wil be done. As for the posts following my last whitelist update, I will be working on things in the next day or so.

Thank You
IGN: War_kittens
Age: 37
Why: You seem to have a nice mix of older players and a great setup. I am looking for somewhere with a community feel where I don't need to worry about being griefed to hell and back.
What I expect: To be part of a community that helps each other out once in a while, an atmosphere where I can log in and people say hi, and a fun place to spend my time.
Favorite color: 793DE0. Sort of a medium blurple.
IGN: Nycozi
Why: You seem like a mature server that I will be able to have fun on and be able to record a future SMP Series on without the worry of being griefed or things stolen from me.
What I expect: A Stable lag free server thats up aot of the time while having a really happy and socialable community that id be able to chat to and perhaps visit to show off some of there builds as well as get help to learn all the mods available.
In Game Name: TakuanSoho​
AGE: (Important):29​
Why you are applying: your server looks like it can handle running an FTB server with a good number of players. You guys seem interesting and nice. I want to find a server that will be around for a long time.​
What you expect: I have no favorite color (yes, i know that's a bit odd). I expect to be allowed to play in my own style without mods/admins throwing me any freebies. I expect the chance to stock-up on supplies and give them out as i want. And i want the server to be around long enough for me to organize a little treasure hunt. (making little bunkers with goodies inside and posting a map on the forum. first person to get there gets the stuff inside.)​
In Game Name: Dekamoore​
AGE: (Important):24​
Why you are applying:Have friend playing here says its a really good server. Also been looking for a good stable FTB server.​
What you expect: Stable mostly lag free server with a mature knowledgeable community. Active admins and restarted regularly.​

Favorite color is brown
In Game Name: Baradin​
AGE: (Important): 20​
Why you are applying: I have been searching for a stable FTB server.​
What you expect: Building and perhaps an ounce of human decency.​
My favourite colour would be dark green.​
In Game Name: imBobertRobert​
AGE: (Important): 17​
Why you are applying: I want a nice server, unlike the last one, which was extremely corrupt. also i have a fairly green understanding of the FTB mods, since the last server was, as i said, very corrupt and made it difficult to learn.​
What you expect: I expect a majority of kind individuals but as expected a few rotten eggs. honestly this sounds like a much better server than most.​
IGN: Aldante
Age: 20
Why am I applying? Because a peaceful, mature server sounds like just what the doctor ordered.
What I expect? Probably a mature and friendly environment in which I can enjoy experimenting and toying with many of the less familiar mods that I haven't gotten to try yet, as well as a peaceful, hopefully grief-free setting so that I can attempt to build more complex machinations and systems without having to worry about people mucking it up.

Oh, right, favorite color. I have two, black and a bright red. Take your pick, ha.
In Game Name: bwblazerkid
AGE: (Important): 17
Why you are applying: I'm looking for a server that I can get to know well. I was headadmin on a server that recently went down and am looking for a new home in FTB
green and black
What you expect: TO have a good time and hopefully hang out with some chill people
I am 24
IGN: wolfe02
Why you are applying: Looking for a good server to play on and help out on.
What you expect: building with other and to help
In Game Name: Willibilly19​
AGE: (Important): 22​
Why you are applying: I'm looking to start playing FTB on a nice, mature server. I've played tekkit for a couple months now, so I'm not an expert on any of the mods although I do have a decent understanding of them.​
What you expect: I expect a nice, mature server to start a community with. Getting to know the people you are playing games with is one if the best things about multiplayer gaming.​
In Game Name: idriveby
AGE: (Important):19
Why you are applying: Looking for a good communityof mature players, have skype/ts3/ventrillo.
What you expect: Mature group of people working somewhat co-operatively.
In Game Name: _Walrus (not a grey one though)
AGE: (Important): 19. I know it's a 20+ server but I can assure you I act at least 20 and a half. Sometimes. The matter is a bit grey.
Why you are applying: Lookin' for a good FTB community! Been browsing servers and have gotten into a couple and I haven't really found the right server for me yet.. just a lot of grey area. I'm hoping that this server will be the one!
What you expect: All out nuclear warfare - I'm talkin' scorched earth. Just kidding, I expect to have a good time with some mates. Did I mention stuff about the colour grey?
Name: flupzing
Age: 19
I am an ivy university student, and I have 20+ hours a week free. I'm looking for a solid, mature community to build in and collaborate with, without the indignity of being ruled over by a dictatorial 13 yr old. I've played vanilla for over a year, and currently own and operate a private FTB server for friends and family. This can't provide the level of dedication I'd like to have moving forwards, so I'm looking for a new server.
I expect an atmosphere that's as conducive towards group collaboration as it is to individual projects- IMHO, making something cool and competing intra-server can be pretty motivating!