Mcraftworlds FTB / 20+ Mature / Beta Server - Whitelist

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
In Game Name: Valmeron​
AGE: (Important): 28 years old​
Why you are applying: Im applying becous Im looking for a server to play on whit nice people.​
What you expect: Well a good server and nice people to pass the time whit.​
In Game Name: b0h <-- note: it's zero, not o.
AGE: 31
Favorite Color: Blue/Black
Why you are applying: Looking for a nice place to play with no drama.
What you expect: Nice people, with no intention in making differences between players in game terms.​
In Game Name: Savel
AGE: (Important): 25
Why you are applying: I'm just looking for a great FTB server with a good community atmospher
What you expect: A good group of mature people to hang out with, and enjoy the FTB mod with.
In Game Name: semo0ne​
Age: 31​
Why you are applying:
I'm lookiing for a server with a mature community. I've been into vanilla for years and now discoverd FTB.​
I'd like to play with others, learn from them and then help building new things =)​
What you expect:
Fun, Inspiration and coop creations.​
IGN: weels1566
Age: 13 (nearly 14)
Why: I wish to gain a large stock of FTB servers to spend my time on and I believe I can bring things to this server that others can't.
What I expect: In reality I do not expect much although you have specified no lag I would not bet on it even the best dedicated servers get lag above all however I expect a grief free server where creative and talented minds are allowed to flourish among friendly staff and community.
OK updating the list now, I am sending this Whitelist to the owner then he will add it and restart the server so you should all be Be able to get in. Remember I copy then pasted everyone name from your posts. If its not right you know why.

This is Updated to post 165, if you are of Age your in. If I missed you please let me know.
Thank you

OK people,
As stated on the FRONT page, this is a test server there will be issues. Bugs and lag will sometimes happen. We are on top of it for the most part and get to the core of all issues ASAP.
If you have issues please kindly post them on the forums with times and dates so we can look in to it. Then give us time to get it done and reply.

Thank you
Uhm, will you post it here when the whitelist is updated, or i have to check manually?
i don't mind either.
In Game Name: Eh_Canadian​
AGE: (Important): 19 (I hope my 3 1/2 month difference doesn't make or break my acceptance, but I am not going to lie about my age)​
Why you are applying: Looking for a steady 24/7 FTB server with a great community, and hopefully 1 or 2 people that would be willing to work together to create something amazing (possibly even hop on Skype to communicate)​
What you expect: I am expecting, or at least hoping for everything I am applying for; great community, player interaction instead of just building on your own like an SSP map, and hopefully a little voice communication if people are able and comfortable.​

In Game Name: imBobertRobert
AGE: (Important): 17
Why you are applying: I want a nice server, unlike the last one, which was extremely corrupt. also i have a fairly green understanding of the FTB mods, since the last server was, as i said, very corrupt and made it difficult to learn.
What you expect: I expect a majority of kind individuals but as expected a few rotten eggs. honestly this sounds like a much better server than most.
well i guess i forgot about the 20+ thing. just ignore this application.
Damn us teenagers for not being good enough for this server! -_-
The one decent looking FTB server at that.... Just wondering if you allow any exceptions to being 20 years old/lying about it?

The funny thing is, the people most likely to lie about thier age are usually younger than those of us who actually want to play with "more mature" people.
In Game Name: Pornfinger​
AGE: (Important): 23​
Why you are applying: Have a couple friends playing here.​
What you expect: Never played FTB or on a server this large before, looking for something fun and different where the people aren't, for lack of a better term, jerks.​
Edit: My favorite color is orange.
Damn us teenagers for not being good enough for this server! -_-
The one decent looking FTB server at that.... Just wondering if you allow any exceptions to being 20 years old/lying about it?

The funny thing is, the people most likely to lie about thier age are usually younger than those of us who actually want to play with "more mature" people.

Your right it is possible to lie and get on the list, And I guess If I don't have issues with that player I have no reason to look into the players to find that out. But then again lying about ones age to get what they want just goes to show you why they do not belong on a server set for adults. Let alone the lac of respect show toward the owners who spend their time and money hosting the server.
I understand that some younger people can be mature and its crappy for those that are, but 9 out of 10 young people today are nothing more then disrespectful foul mouthed degenerates looking to do nothing but cause problems. I am sorry if you are not one of them. and hell I have been thinking about giving those that did post true and correctly the ability to join the server. So I will sleep on it and maybe talk to my superiors to see what I can come up with.

Thanks, I know how it is, when i was helping run a server, we tried to keep it 15+ because ALL the problems on the server came from younger people. The only problem with this was that there was a good amount of younger people who were perfectly fine and denied because of the actions of some stupid kids. My suggestions would be an extra application process for people close to the age limit or something of the sort. And you're 9 out of 10 may be a bit exagerated, the ones who act like that get more attention making it seem like there are more of them, while the ones who act like civilized regular people are off doing something else and arent accounted for. And if you are still thinking about allowing me to join, the server that i ended up basically running, i just joined as a regular player, and moved my way up to the highest rank beside owner and helped A LOT on improving the server. Honestly, I'm looking for a FTB server i can enjoy and play as much as that one and maybe one day move up the ranks as i get to know and play with everyone.
IGN: liq3
Age: 21
Why you are applying: Want a fun modded server to play on... that's got mature people around.
What you expect: To meet fun people, have fun, and build lots of stuff.
Fav color: Green
In Game Name: Kurtlemop
AGE: (Important): 24
Why you are applying: Looking for a friendly server with reduced lag.
What you expect: To have fun and not be griefed :P
My favorite color is green!
In Game Name: brail
AGE: (Important): 25
Why you are applying: The server I played on the past 2 years finally shut down due to low attendance, looking for a new home.
What you expect: A good place to play. Somewhere I can feel safe logging out,and not have to worry about my house being set on fire when I log back in. A community that can help each other with builds or trading, and maybe have events like (pre-arranged) arena fights.
In Game Name: Kenzishi
AGE: (Important): 24
Why you are applying: The server i was playing on with friends is bugged and they have decided to play with other mods and im still way too interested in ftb.
What you expect: i expect to find a greif free server and have fun using voice chat and building projects and my ultimate goal is to find a friend or two to start fresh with. Make a place together, and explore things together.
Pink~ ask me why if interested =P (not pervy)
In Game Name: ELIT3XG4M3R
AGE: (Important): 20
Why you are applying: Previous server got reset, wiped out my entire progress. Looking forward to a more stable server
What you expect: Helpful members, clean gameplay and No abusive language