Mcraftworlds FTB / 20+ Mature / Beta Server - Whitelist

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
I was asked to post when i got kicked and said it was by an operator to post it here and what i was doing. well i was dropping wood for my friend one by one cuz he was moving and i got kicked
In reference to post #53

reapplication (due to an error on my part in failing to post my favourite colour; i hope this doesnt affect my application status as of post #75)

In Game Name: daveibo1
AGE: (Important): 21
Why you are applying: Tired of tekkit and looking for some new modded fun in a mature enviroment.
*edit*What you expect: A solid community base which takes advantage of all of the exciting new mods.
Favourite Colour: Indigo

Apologies for unintentionally failing to post correctly the first time. I would appriciate it if my application was reconsidered, I mean well and have a strong community attitude. It's unfortunate my original post didn't reach the benchmark.
In Game Name: servusmortis​
AGE: (Important):21​
Why you are applying: looking for a small-ish FTB server, as i got tired of tekkit and its immature playerbase. This seems to be one of the better ones server spec wise.​
What you expect: A mature community that will be able to help me on my way in FTB. Also, my favourite colour is yellow.​
In Game Name: hans_markus
AGE: (Important): 22
Why you are applying: Because a friend of mine is on the server, so i wanted to join to play with her (not the beast reason on the world is it?) also because i like playing FTB, i like playing SMP so why not?
What you expect: Can't really say i expect anything, other than a nice somewhat normal server.
Fav Color: Blue
I was asked to post when i got kicked and said it was by an operator to post it here and what i was doing. well i was dropping wood for my friend one by one cuz he was moving and i got kicked
Got kicked when I was attacking a creeper.
A second time, Jumping in my house

Ok we have a forum for any issues that one may come across, Please go to
And make a post there.

This thread is for Apps.

Thank You.
In Game Name: kucan
AGE: (Important): 23
Why you are applying: Looking for a nice and stable server to play the cool FTB pack on with other people. (Millenaire doesn't quite cut it, the blue oceans makes them too isolated.)
What you expect: A level headed server which has an active community.
In Game Name: Beeproductions
AGE: (Important): 22
Why you are applying: Want to play FTB Multiplayer..Looking for a competent sv without lag with good support.
What you expect: No lag,full support.
In Game Name: Wubbbi​
AGE: (Important): 21​
Why you are applying: I am applying here, because I am looking for a Server with respectfull people. I am tired on playing on Server with little kids online which find it kind of funny to disturb other people. y.y​
What you expect: I am expecting a nice, stable and fun Server. Where we play together and not against each others. (Sadly Redpower 2 is not out. Otherwise I would color a Tube Blue, just to transport Diamonds :D )
See you ingame :D
Im joining because i am looking for a great community that can teach me FTB because im 100% new to the mod pack. (i do know rp2 and like tekkit stuff)
Im expecting there to be nice people who are fun and mature =D
IGN: Tesmetron
AGE: 32
Why Applying: Used to play on your tekkit server and enjoyed the community. Hoping to get back into FTB with some people I remember.
What I'm expecting: More of the same, an active server and cool folks. Fun mods to play around with.
Favorite Color: Blue
thank you for ignoring me rook, i see your server management is far below the standard ive come to expect from a mature server. keep up the shoddy work =)
In Game Name: Joditha
AGE: (Important): 22
Why you are applying: I'm looking for a server to start playing on. I'd like to become part of a community with people around my age and older.
What you expect: I expect a mature community that is fun with potential cooperation to build awesome things :)
Purple is the best color ever

Edit// I don't know if you meant post with the color or just simply post what it was. To be on the safe side I edited part of my post with the color.
In Game Name:thelonelywolfsoul
AGE: (Important):20
Why you are applying:I want to play on a ftb server
What you expect: to play on a ftb server
In Game Name: etopsirhc
AGE: 23
Why you are applying: looking for a stable community survival ftb server w/o a lot of drama , nothing too fancy
What you expect: pretty much what i said above , though on the tecnical side: http enabled on CC
Fav color: dark blue
In Game Name:Theedeester1​
AGE: (Important):39 (yea im old) I spelled (or is that Spelt?) old wrong the first time​
Why you are applying:Because I wanna Play Feed The Beast with mature people and have a great time​
What you expect: My sence of humor says tell a joke here. Well since your asking!Im looking for someone to walk my dog while I continue to play Minecraft! Its dark round here! I can lend them my torch!​
Edit cause Im Lazy:Oh favourite colour OOps erm Im nearly 40 its not something I get asked much...Probably blue.:)
In Game Name: arallak​
AGE: (Important): 30​
Why you are applying: I like to make friends, build cool stuff. And your server seems very good.​
What you expect: Play on a server with mature people.​
In Game Name: jeremielandry​
AGE: (Important): 21​
Why you are applying: looking for a mature server and this looks like it will work for me​
What you expect: not too much block lag, respect beetween player and hopefully big group of people working togheter dont want like 20 groups of 2 player​