Mcraftworlds FTB / 20+ Mature / Beta Server - Whitelist

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
In Game Name: Ghost016​
AGE: (Important): 20​
Why you are applying: Looking for a community to play in​
What you expect: A good community that is helpfull​
Favorite color is blue
In Game Name: khouns​
AGE: (Important): 24​
Why you are applying: Looking for a strong community and a stable server.​
What you expect: To meet new players, have fun, and get a quarry up and running =D, also I like the color blue.​
In Game Name: Kirasy
AGE: (Important): 21
Why you are applying: Looks like a good fun server. Seems like the community is small and the specs on the computer are sweet.
What you expect: Not much just a good FTB server
Hello !

In Game Name: Pifpafpoum​
AGE: (Important): 27​
Why you are applying: I've been playing alone on modded Minecraft since I discovered it on Docm77's youtube channel. I want to try it out multiplayer style !​
What you expect: a lot of blue and white and pink, and a stable mature community as well (plus a friendly environnement to try my new builds!).​
IGN: datajugend
Age: 25
Why you are applying: To find a relaxed server and check out cool stuff other people build.
What you expect: Just a relaxed mature server.

Colour blue.
I want to play on a mature server whitelist server. The rules seem fair especially greifing which is why I want to play with adults.
I expect to have fun with like minded people working on cool group projects. I have made group farms on other servers, and I enjoy it.[DOUBLEPOST=1354151447][/DOUBLEPOST]
I want to play on a mature server whitelist server. The rules seem fair especially greifing which is why I want to play with adults.
I expect to have fun with like minded people working on cool group projects. I have made group farms on other servers, and I enjoy it.
I forgot to say my favorite color is purple
In Game Name: KoncreteLiqudis
AGE: (Important): 30 something...
Why you are applying: Currently on a server that crashes everyday, not enjoying it...
What you expect: People having lots of laughs at my DOH! moments as I am very new at this game.
I do my research though and I am not afraid of asking a dumb question as evidenced by my mob spawner thread that got stickied on this forum...

***edit*** My favorite color is... I'm colorblind mate...
In Game Name: ArchaicLogos​
AGE: (Important):21​
Why you are applying: starting new on a modded minecraft sever​
What you expect: build, explore, hang out, have fun​

Fav color: purple
OK people looks like we are doing well. Really well,
So we are Opening up More spot and adding another 10 spots.

So I will start on this ASAP,
I am going over the post now. Stay Toon for the new list.
In Game Name: Addrax​
AGE: (Important):31​
Why you are applying:I have previous ran servers of my own, but I do not have the time to run a server any more. So I am looking for a server to call home.​
What you expect: Not much to be honest I am looking for a friendly community to play FTB with. I would also Like to find a group of players to build and open world FTB adventure map with.​

Favorite Color : Red
Name: Boaky
Age: 30
Why you are applying: looking for a stable FTB server with a mature/casual community.
What you expect: fun adventures
Color: green
In Game Name:Luthern
AGE: (Important):22
Why you are applying: Been playing ssp for over 2 years just had a urge to play online with ftb seems like it would be fun
What you expect: A mature community maybe some voice chat ts/vent? And to learn more about ftb big old newb here
I have the new White list and its a bit more then 10 SO .... here it is.

---------- 15 People
------------ 27 people

Welcome All, Look Forward to seeing you in game.
And thank you.
In Game Name: HickDead​
AGE: (Important): 23​
Why you are applying: I'm not an expert on the new mods but have a solid knoledge of the older one (IC2, Buildcraft, Redpower etc.​
What you expect: A nice communty where I can help people with complicated build and to can ask help when I need it. A place without people messing up your stuff and take your resources without asking​
My favorite color is black​
In Game Name: hellspawn3200
AGE: 24
Why you are applying: looking for a cool server to record on.
What you expect: a mature community that will help each other if need and not grief other members
My favorite color is blue.
One question for the server owner will mystcraft worlds be allowed?
In Game Name:jbowon
AGE: (Important):17
Why you are applying:To play feed the beast and have fun with others, and to get everybody to realize my favorite color is purple
What you expect:A organized leadership group and a no drama/trolling policy.
IGN: Levytskyy. I prefer to be referred to as Levy though.
Age: I am 22 years old
My Reasons For Applying: I only recently found FTB and have yet to choose a server that i feel is organized enough but at the same time not too big for me to be interested in. This server seems to have competent leaders while at the same time not having 100 people on at the same time so the community could still work together.
What I Expect: I am expecting a friendly community willing to cooperate with each other and enjoy exploring everything FTB has to offer. At the same time i expect them to be mature, not a group of 12 year old making retarded jokes.
I like Red
post #81,
We are done adding people as of post 75 where I posted the last list.
IF you have not been added please reread the head post and your own app to see why you where not added to this point.
I have a list of every app and why.

AT this time we are NOT using Ages, and when we get a few more people playing and we know for sure we are solid to that point we will open the mystcraft age ability, This way we have more control, to see what issues we may or may not have.
We are looking at possibly opening mystcraft in a weeks time depending on the traffic of players.

For now, take care.