Unsure if anyone still checks into this post, considering the last post was in December...but I'll give it a shot!
Hullo kylemcqueen75! Hope things are going well on your side.

This is gonna sound like a bunch of ass-kissing (I hope not), I read that you are in the military, and this may not seem like much, but I worked for 8 1/2 years at the VA Hospital here in my hometown, and it's been a pleasure helping you men and women with everything I could do, even though I was just a Medical Records clerk.

(I put things in past tense cuz I retired last year)
Okay, now about your modpack! I hafta say, New World is my ultimate fav modpack.

I've caught myself once playing this modpack from 10am to almost 3 in the morning!

(no exaggeration!)
I had an issue with the entire Launcher that started last year, about the time when Java 7 came out. But that was fixed (darn newly installed anti-virus program). And a few days ago when playing New World everything was playing wonderfully. I even noticed new mods were installed into it, and I like them. Only mod I could see missing at the time was the Falling Meteors mod. I assumed that maybe it was buggy and maybe next update it'd be back. (otherwise I think it'd be kinda awkward to still have a comet in the logo)
The day after I played there was an update, and after updating there was no more minimap, and to my dismay, no more Millenaire! D:
I'm hoping it isn't taken out permanently, is it? Or is it a glitch on my part? It's not on the list of disabled mods. Out of all the mods in this modpack, my favs are TreeCapitator, Millenaire, and Falling Meteors.
If it has been taken out, well I guess I can still play it on Tekkit.
Sorry for the wall o' text here.