Hey Kyle!
Just a quick word, I've been enjoying the mod since day 1, it's been a real pleasure and tons of fun so thank you so much for all the effort you have put in to it

On a less happy note, I tried making a NWMP Server v0.0.1/2, but I can't seem to get it started.
I notice that the server stops at a certain point, when it is showing the following line:
[INFO]The mod Millenaire is overwriting existing item at 1269 (org.millenaire.common.block.BlockDecorativeSlab from Millenaire) with org.millenaire.common.block.BlockDecorativeSlab$ItemDecorativeSlab
Right after that I sometimes get a long pauze, follow by [INFO] Stopping Server and the deadly [SEVERE] The server has crashed
I will put the server.txt file in here so you can have a look.
Thanks in advance for any help!