Magic Farm 2 venting and advice thread


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been building out my base for a while, and I just realized that I have never seen any angry zombies.. No brains. :(

I've been toying with the idea of making a Sinster node spawner and MFR grinder to try and generate some of the brainy zombies, since Sinister nodes should spawn them. Sinister nodes will convert an 11 block radius into an erie biome. I've thought about enclosing the area around the node in a dark room to try and get it to start spawning mobs for me. The closest sinister node is a little far for it to spawn entities while I'm at my base, but I should be able to bottle it and move it a bit closer. Has anyone tried making a sinister spawner before? How much space should I leave around the node for spawning purposes, and how close to my base do I need it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes. Early-game, I put a hopper on top of my presser and a TE3 itemduct w/servo below to extract. Works nicely. I right click the hopper and then shift+click to insert whatever I went pressed. If I'm feeling really cheeky, I'll put a barrel on top of the hopper (or just use a hopper upgrade *in* the barrel) and then I just right-click.

If you are presssing soybeans, you can filter the soft tofu into a 2nd presser (or loop back around) to make firm tofu (meat substitute) and pipe the soy milk bottles wherever.

Hmm...I think tonight, I'll hookup some MFR liquicrafters to auto-craft hearty stew. It takes just wheat, soy, and soup stock (ex. carrots) and no power or water. 60RF/t for 12s in the culinary generator.

One trick I figured out this play through is to use an MFR Cyclic Assembler to make recipes that require water and/or salt not suck. Set the Cyclic Assembler up with a blue print that is the recipe for 1 iron bucket of water into 4 wooden buckets of water. Then you just apply power and you pipe water into it with a fluiduct. It's really nice that the Cyclic Assembler lets you pipe in fluids instead of requiring a filled bucket.

You could also apply that method to producing salt and I think I'm going to try it for Enderium as well, I am set for salt actually from the Sludge Boiler.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have heard rumors that the harvestcraft crops grow slower when they can't see the sky, instead of just using the light level. Can anyone confirm our deny this? I am thinking about underground mfr farms and wonder if i need to make more to accommodate this.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2013
Doral, FL
I have heard rumors that the harvestcraft crops grow slower when they can't see the sky, instead of just using the light level. Can anyone confirm our deny this? I am thinking about underground mfr farms and wonder if i need to make more to accommodate this.

This is correct. Crops will grow slower indoors.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I went out to hunt for angry/furious zombies as I haven't come across any, and I can now say in Magic Farm 2: 2.1.5, angry zombies do not spawn naturally. Thus no brains. I did make a dark room (11 radius) and placed a sinister node in the center. Now, I have plenty of zombie brains, as sinister nodes will spawn furious zombies when it is dark. I'm adding redstone lamps to the floor/ceiling as a way to turn off the spawner when I don't want angry zombies. The 11 radius for the room is that is the distance the sinister node will change the biome to eerie. (23x23 total)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have not had this much fun in minecraft in a long long time.

The challenge is just great. I am a big Thaumcraft fan and once I had a steady supply of food coming in and decent TiCon tools/weapons I really dug into the Thaumcraft side of things.

Through Thaumcraft you eventually get a pretty decent armor set. The Runic armor may not look or sound good to most, being the equivalent of leather armor sounds horrible. But that extra pool of hearts is HUGE especially when upgraded. You also can get a Charm through Thaumcraft that absorbs negative effects. The armor, the charm and with a fully enchanted Shock Focus on a Thaumium Bossed Reed Staff I do not fear the night. I hunt almost every night around my base, I do not do exp farms.

The greatest change to the game and it can be hard for the hard headed is the fact that you have to run away sometimes. Some just plain nasty things due to RNG can spawn sometimes and you just aren't going to win lol.

The Nether... so there I was, gathering resources. Had a huge amount of netherquartz, glowstone, blaze rods etc. Was currently farming Witherskeletons for bones and skulls, had 6 bones 2 skulls. I had a circuit I would run and was running down the walkway to an intersection, when one of the Zombie Pigmen with his fishing rod decided to attack me and tossed me into the air, over the edge and down down down into the lava lake, just before I hit I managed to open my hanglider only to glide about 10 blocks and into the lava. I lost sooooo much stuff it was really stunning. My nether trips since have had me on my toes the entire time, Thaumostatic harness for the win lol.

Worst mob in the modpack. Zombie Pigman with a Fishing Rod. That one encounter set me back sooo many hours trying to recoup my losses lol.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Got into this pack watching Pakratt's LP on youtube. Liked it so much I decided to record it myself. Had to fix an issue with the pack name though -to make it more appropriate- so the series is called "SadistCat's Magic Farm 2 LP" (love ya Jaded) ;)

My question is what is a good start point for energy generation. I want an initial power system that will also cover mid game and I don't feel like mucking about with culinary generator's. I'm a lava man by nature and I just want something simple to automate that works.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Got into this pack watching Pakratt's LP on youtube. Liked it so much I decided to record it myself. Had to fix an issue with the pack name though -to make it more appropriate- so the series is called "SadistCat's Magic Farm 2 LP" (love ya Jaded) ;)

My question is what is a good start point for energy generation. I want an initial power system that will also cover mid game and I don't feel like mucking about with culinary generator's. I'm a lava man by nature and I just want something simple to automate that works.

If ya don't mind getting a bit into TC, and installing another mod, you could try Technomancy. Just do a lot of mining and dump your cobble in a chest with a hopper leading into an alchemical furnace. Then essentia tube it to an essentia dynamo. More or less free power, but requires you to have access to iron and if you want optimal performance, diamonds. Or you can use a furnace generator, if you're that boring guy.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had all those things... chests with space, filtered and unfiltered trashcans, empty JABBA barrels... even after adding more of everything to the existing system, nothing would clear up. As long as the system was only used lightly, like output from 1-2 machines, there was no problem. Hook up something heavy-use like a harvester and your ticks are numbered. It handled a 2/3-powered quarry on my DW20 world but once I added the harvester it was all over. I'm to the point in my new MF2 world where I'm about to start automation, but it looks like the transfer pipes have been removed at some point. Off to the nether...
Just an update for those who aren't reading the MF2 bug report thread... My issue with my MF2 world locking up was caused by a harvester attempting to harvest a Harvestcraft fruit tree with jungle wood set to no. Everything was running fine and then immediately stopped, and it was all due to the fruit tree spawning that was a jungle-variety and within the range of the harvester. I had to MCEdit the tree out of my world, but then everything started working again, and now all my harvesters will be set to jungle wood YES on placement.

On a side note, why were the XP Drain and Auto Enchantment Table removed from OpenBlocks in the 2.1.6 that hit the launcher this morning? I found those items very handy for making my first Ender Quarry in an MF2 world now that it's finally working again...


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Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
On a side note, why were the XP Drain and Auto Enchantment Table removed from OpenBlocks in the 2.1.6 that hit the launcher this morning? I found those items very handy for making my first Ender Quarry in an MF2 world now that it's finally working again...
Oh dear! I'll have to re-enable them. I assume it's just an easy config change. Unless it was disabled due to some problem or issue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Got into this pack watching Pakratt's LP on youtube. Liked it so much I decided to record it myself. Had to fix an issue with the pack name though -to make it more appropriate- so the series is called "SadistCat's Magic Farm 2 LP" (love ya Jaded) ;)

My question is what is a good start point for energy generation. I want an initial power system that will also cover mid game and I don't feel like mucking about with culinary generator's. I'm a lava man by nature and I just want something simple to automate that works.


Hmm, on the magic side of things, you could go with a woodfarm ran by golems. This requires no energy to run. Using an Infernal Furnace you can make endless coal. Coal can go into a distillery to produce endless ignis for the furnaces and potentia for your harness. Saplings into another distillery to make herba, herba and a lamp of growth grows wood crazy fast so you can keep the area used rather small.

In a rather small area you can create quite a lot of coal. The very large amount of coal produced can go into thermal expansion steam engines for a start. You can go from there.

Of course being a Thaumcraft fan, I went real heavy into the thaumcraft side of things before messing with anything else. So this is how I started power production.

Thaumcraft will also let you grab Blaze Spawners, so you can go endless blazerods for fuel with a mob grinder which would completely eliminate complexity and be self sustaining with a potential to fuel dozens of engines.

Just suggestions, there are probably better ways, but if you went the Thaumcraft route this can be pretty simple and easy. I dont mess with Forestry because it almost always requires player interaction and things tend to fail alot.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks guys I haven't gone down the path of using Thaumcraft for power before. I am a big fan of the mod so that sounds like a lot of fun to try out, plus flight is a major consideration so it looks like the harness is a a high priority as well.

Another question for the folks here.

Does anyone one know which, if any of the Biomes o' Plenty biomes can be enabled without triggering id conflicts?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks guys I haven't gone down the path of using Thaumcraft for power before. I am a big fan of the mod so that sounds like a lot of fun to try out, plus flight is a major consideration so it looks like the harness is a a high priority as well.

Another question for the folks here.

Does anyone one know which, if any of the Biomes o' Plenty biomes can be enabled without triggering id conflicts?
Biome ID conflicts with what? TC4.1? IIRC all of them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In my latest MF2 world, under 2.1.5 and 2.1.6, I noticed two things which seem too easy:

1. I have Growthcraft and Harvestcraft apple trees side by side. The Growthcraft ones seem to be unaltered by Hunger Overhaul, as they seem to be growing unrealistic numbers of apples. I can bash a Growthcraft apple on a tree, do a few more, then come back and find the apple regenerated in what seems like seconds later. The Forestry apple trees seem to have a much more realistic growth rate. I have stopped using Growthcraft apple trees, as they were just too easy.

2. I have 9x9 farm plots with two items in alternating rows for many types of vanilla and Harvestcraft plants. The vanilla items (potatoes and wheat so far) seem unchanged by Iguana's Tweaks in that I am awash in wheat and potatoes, while the other plots grow nice and slow.

I have not altered the Hunger Overhaul, Harvestcraft or other relevant config files. (Only tweaked the Iguana's Tinkers config to disable leveling via heads, using experience to level).

I hesitate to file these as bugs, since these are just subjective observations, and I haven't been able to prove anything. I thought someone else might be experiencing the same thing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I love the culinary generator. It really does encourage you to make better-quality food.

This playthrough, a few of my self-imposed rules are:
  • Strict building codes
  • No infinite water (Forestry rain tank for the win)
  • Food powah ! (culinary generator only)
It's making for a nice challenge. It's amazing how far a hardened energy cell and a single culinary generator are lasting in this world. Golems for food auto-farming are nice since they don't require power.

I just got my crop production to a stage where I can keep the culinary generator fed with hearty stew, which is 60RF/t for 12s.

I love the idea of more realistic play and have been trying this out. I never paid attention to the Forestry rain tank before, but it's a lot of fun to work out rain collectors and tanks, both centrally located and in satellite locations. Now I wait for it to rain, then run around checking the water is accumulating!

I am also trying to not use tesseracts and instead leverage long centralized pipelines between locations, carrying power, items and fluids. Just like a real pipeline, fluids need to be moved in batches, with tanks on either end, and flushing the fluiducts before switching to a different shipment.

What are the "strict building codes" you are using? I am trying out placing pipes and connections overhead, with groups of machines on pads, and nothing running in the walls. Trying to make the pipes and connections a feature, not something to hide. Data center style, like this:

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