Machine Request: Clay Maker

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Tome of Alkahest in a modpack enviroment frequently leads to duplication chains for free resources.
That's why self-control exists. Nothing is an exploit if you don't actually exploit it.
Another option I just remembered is Witchery -- make Mutandis, upgrade it with Nether wart to Mutandis Extremis, then use it on underwater dirt to turn it into clay.
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That's why self-control exists. Nothing is an exploit if you don't actually exploit it.
Another option I just remembered is Witchery -- make Mutandis, upgrade it with Nether wart to Mutandis Extremis, then use it on underwater dirt to turn it into clay.

I absolutely agree that self control is key. That works great for SSP.

I'll check out Witchery.

Even then, all the Clay production options seem to be magical. That doesn't work for every theme
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I was even thinking of adding a recipe through minetweaks or custom things 2 or whatnot that crafts one clay ball out of a water bucket and sand. Would be annoying but could be automated with the cyclic assembler.
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Taking that to a scale that could fill that barrel in (on average) 6 hours 50 minutes (similar to an igneous extruder producing obsidian) would require a hefty resource and power investment. I'll need those 16 Induction Smelter operations to happen every six seconds. An Induction Smelter on Dust takes one second, so that's 3 Inductions Smelters. I need to provide 32 Pulverized Iron per six seconds, meaning 16 Pulverizers working on metal. I'll need to supply 16 sand every six seconds, so 8 pulverizers making sand. To supply 16 Cobblestone every six seconds would require 6 Igneous Extruders. I will need two cyclic assemblers and an aqueous accumulator to perform the crafts. Same challenges apply to the dirt supply. I'm using 1080 rf/tick, and have a lot of materials invested in machines.

Honestly, I think those are fair numbers. Clay is after all a second tier crafting block. Even in vanilla, getting alot clay isnt easy unless you find the right biome. This biome is put into the hot climate, wich together with the ice climate are rarer because they cannot spawn next to eachother. Ontop, its that climates rare biome, meaning that not every hot climate will actually have this clay biome. Making it very possible for a 10k x 10k area centered on world spawn to not have the clay biome.

As such I think its completly reasonable that making clay actually requires abit of work. My only beef here is that it requires dirt without having a way to make dirt. It does, however, combo realy well with MFR's sludge boiler as that produces both clay and dirt. But maybe if we bug KL enough he might chance it to require sand or adds a way to make/get dirt. (I heard some rumors of him potentially making some sort of autominer? Would provide us with dirt :p)
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@Skyqula: I think our definitions of 'abit of work' are very different. A complicated multi-block machine structure, needing 14 dynamos worth of power, an intricate item routing network, and multiple mods to be able to supply the resources properly does not strike me as 'tier 2' or 'mid-game.'

Clay is being compared to obsidian as similar in Vanilla gathering difficulty. We have a single-block, 7 iron, 1 gold, 2 redstone, 2 tin machine that, fed materials, will generate 4096 Obsidian in around 7 hours. To match that for clay, it's 3 stacks of iron, a stack of gold, 2.5 stacks of redstone, a stack of copper, half a stack of tin, a handful of invar, 14 silver, and 2.5 stacks of copper, tin, bronze, or invar. That's just for the machines and power for them, supply your own resources however you like.

Obsidian is a poor comparison for Clay in modded minecraft. It is significantly more challenging to produce large amounts of clay in tech mods, no matter if you examine resource investment, power requirements, or complexity of build.

For those saying "just use the sludge boiler," it is 100 Harvester operations to generate a bucket of sludge that might become 1 clay block. If you're already using MFR as your primary farming, you get plenty of clay as a by-product. If clay is your goal, MFR is not a great way to go after it.

This only seems to apply to the tech-mod side of modded Minecraft. There are a couple magic mods that give fairly easy access to large amounts of Clay. More options is not a bad thing in a sandbox game.
@Skyqula:Clay is being compared to obsidian as similar in Vanilla gathering difficulty.

I heavely disagree here, there is significantly more lava per chunk then there is clay. Additionally finding said lava is easy ==> branch mining @ lvl 11/12. I can also combine my obsidian collection with mining. Both take more time to collect then usual because most clay will be underwater. Now if I read the minecraft forums correctly, clay will spawn like dirt/gravel/granite/etc in the future. But thats 1.8, wich is still far away for modded minecraft. Nevertheless, thats a great addition (gogo random mod add this for us mod users already :p).

That said, lava in modded minecraft is a joke because of chunk loading and fluid pumps (<== both require extra mods). Getting obsidian without pumping the nether/lava lakes is more difficult and takes significantly more time then gathering dirt. Use bucket on lava, use on tank is gonna take ~1s. In that 1s you can sweep your efficiency V shovel and get 10 dirt.

Now ofcourse, we can make lava from netherrack. Netherrack can be insta mined like dirt, but this is going to require 2 magma crucible's and 10 dynamo's while still leaving a 1second gap per craft where the ignous extruder is not producing obsidian. You can go further though, you can completly automate it using 4 magma crucibles, 20 dynamo's and 1 more ignous extruder for cobblestone. Still has the 1s gap per craft though.

Now looking from this perspective, clay creation is around the level of netherrack based obsidian creation. Not bad but can be better and like I said, its a Tier 2 building block. Its not realy used for anny kind of mod based items. As such it should be easyer to get then obsidian. We would achieve that by having TE's recipy using sand instead of dirt. Or TE introducing a relatively easy way to generate dirt.
I heavely disagree here, there is significantly more lava per chunk then there is clay. Additionally finding said lava is easy ==> branch mining @ lvl 11/12. I can also combine my obsidian collection with mining. Both take more time to collect then usual because most clay will be underwater. Now if I read the minecraft forums correctly, clay will spawn like dirt/gravel/granite/etc in the future. But thats 1.8, wich is still far away for modded minecraft. Nevertheless, thats a great addition (gogo random mod add this for us mod users already :p).

That said, lava in modded minecraft is a joke because of chunk loading and fluid pumps (<== both require extra mods). Getting obsidian without pumping the nether/lava lakes is more difficult and takes significantly more time then gathering dirt. Use bucket on lava, use on tank is gonna take ~1s. In that 1s you can sweep your efficiency V shovel and get 10 dirt.

Now ofcourse, we can make lava from netherrack. Netherrack can be insta mined like dirt, but this is going to require 2 magma crucible's and 10 dynamo's while still leaving a 1second gap per craft where the ignous extruder is not producing obsidian. You can go further though, you can completly automate it using 4 magma crucibles, 20 dynamo's and 1 more ignous extruder for cobblestone. Still has the 1s gap per craft though.

Now looking from this perspective, clay creation is around the level of netherrack based obsidian creation. Not bad but can be better and like I said, its a Tier 2 building block. Its not realy used for anny kind of mod based items. As such it should be easyer to get then obsidian. We would achieve that by having TE's recipy using sand instead of dirt. Or TE introducing a relatively easy way to generate dirt.

It's not really used for modbased items. Dude I can name 3 major mods off of the top of my head TiC, MFR and TE. All 3 require a decent source of clay outside of building.
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So, sounds like people just want one magic block that can spew out a ton of clay, instead of getting creative and building a massive factory making use of what mods can currently offer?

I'd rather go for the factory, more impressive...
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So, sounds like people just want one magic block that can spew out a ton of clay, instead of getting creative and building a massive factory making use of what mods can currently offer?

I'd rather go for the factory, more impressive...
My challenge to you is to not use the igneous extruder. It's just "one magic block" that can show spew out loads odd cobble smooth stone and obsidian. Why wouldn't you make a factory having block breakers smash cobble as it generates from a infinite cobblestone gen. You can then put it through a mama crucible and make obsidian or put it through a Redstone furnace and make stone.

Wouldn't you rather go for the factory much more impressive right?

No this is about convenience. Just because you could create a massive assembly line doesn't mean you should. If someone made a clay Gen that required constant water input and and and was made with iron blocks around a diamond I would make it. Sometimes I don't want to "get creative" and as a player I almost always get that choice. Your saying I should go through the tedium of pulverizing and induction smelting my invited just as my first step? I'm really sick of this community trying to make things harder than they have to be. I like options so I can choose to make it harder. So I can make igneous extruder you make an entire factory just for cobble. Te3 has usually had the objective of not forcing large difficulty upon you (ore tripling) but letting you choose which road you want to take and I think either the TE3 team or another modder should give us this option.
It's not really used for modbased items. Dude I can name 3 major mods off of the top of my head TiC, MFR and TE. All 3 require a decent source of clay outside of building.

I dunno man, 1 stack of clay blocks for TC, that isnt exactly alot. 2 clay blocks for TE's furnace isnt exactly annything to even speak about. MFR's use is mostly in cosmetic blocks. The few machines that need clay need what? 1-4 blocks? I am sorry, but these are numbers that pale in comparison to a simple structure. That easely needs over 54 stacks. If your making annything big like a town then even 54stacks pales in comparison.

My challenge to you is to not use the igneous extruder. It's just "one magic block" that can show spew out loads odd cobble smooth stone and obsidian. Why wouldn't you make a factory having block breakers smash cobble as it generates from a infinite cobblestone gen. You can then put it through a mama crucible and make obsidian or put it through a Redstone furnace and make stone.

Wouldn't you rather go for the factory much more impressive right?

The reason that the ignous extruder exists is to reduce lag generated from cobblestone generators using water and lava. Not so much for your convenience.
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@Not_Steve challenge accepted, I've never needed an Igneous Extruder. I get more then enough cobble I need from my mining.

The Igneous Extruder just replicates a vanilla mechanic when lava and water are combined in one block. There is no vanilla mechanic for creating clay.
If it didn't produce so much lag, I doubt the block would exist, and everyone would still be building the "old fashion" and "more creative" factories.

It's not really about convenience or difficulty. One you've built that factory, it's always going to be chucking out those resources, just like that one block, it's actually getting out there and building something and working out how to route the resources. To me it's all about combining together different blocks to achieve a goal. A similar example is that I've never used Forestries peat farms to make peat. I've always built a piston/blockbreaker/tube/autocrafting setup purely because it's more enjoyable.

I have nothing against one block that can generate the resources, it's just not very imaginative.
It's not really about convenience or difficulty. One you've built that factory, it's always going to be chucking out those resources, just like that one block, it's actually getting out there and building something and working out how to route the resources. To me it's all about combining together different blocks to achieve a goal. A similar example is that I've never used Forestries peat farms to make peat. I've always built a piston/blockbreaker/tube/autocrafting setup purely because it's more enjoyable.

I have nothing against one block that can generate the resources, it's just not very imaginative.

Finally someone else who does this. You ever used frames to move the peat along instead of pistons?

@Not_Steve Bring it on- The autonomous activator and terrain smasher made the extruder obsolete anyway.

If everyone wants a magic clay vomiting block- about an hour of coding could build that, or 10 minutes if you're experienced with modding MC.
Frames were something I never really got into. Usually the peat was my starting fuel source. Placed and dug up manually, then once I'd dug up the resources, automated. Each world the design would be slightly more refined. Not as efficient as a forestry farm (new or old), but kept me up and running.
Okay, to clear the heads of the physicists here, I'm changing the recipe a bit. Load up a Chemical Injection Chamber with some Water Vapor, and run an operation with dirt to get Clay Blocks. The previous recipe now makes Mycelium.
From aiden
For those using EnderIO

I tinkered around with the alloy smelter config file and got the following recipy in there: 1 sand + 4 slag = 1 clay block.

To add this, add the following code to your "AlloySmelterRecipes_User.xml" file. You can ofcourse increase or decrease the components as you want by adjusting the number after "number=".

 <recipeGroup name="SkyqulaClay">
    <recipe name="Clay" energyCost="300">
        <itemStack itemID="12" number="1" /> <!-- Sand -->
        <itemStack itemID="20264" itemMeta="163" number="4" /> <!-- Slag -->
        <itemStack itemID="82" number="1" /> <!-- Clay Block -->

I also added a recipy for slag from gravel in the sagmill (this disables the gravel ==> flint recipy):

Add the following code to "SAGMillRecipes_User.xml".

<recipeGroup name="Vanilla">
  <recipe name="Gravel" />

<recipeGroup name="SkyqulaSlag">
    <recipe name="Slag" energyCost="300">
        <itemStack itemID="13" number="1" /> <!-- Gravel -->
        <itemStack itemID="12" number="1" /> <!-- Sand -->
        <itemStack itemID="20264" number="1" itemMeta="163" chance="0.75" /> <!-- TE Slag -->
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For those using EnderIO

I tinkered around with the alloy smelter config file and got the following recipy in there: 1 sand + 4 slag = 1 clay block.

To add this, add the following code to your "AlloySmelterRecipes_User.xml" file. You can ofcourse increase or decrease the components as you want by adjusting the number after "number=".

 <recipeGroup name="SkyqulaClay">
    <recipe name="Clay" energyCost="300">
        <itemStack itemID="12" number="1" /> <!-- Sand -->
        <itemStack itemID="20264" itemMeta="163" number="4" /> <!-- Slag -->
        <itemStack itemID="82" number="1" /> <!-- Clay Block -->

I also added a recipy for slag from gravel in the sagmill (this disables the gravel ==> flint recipy):

Add the following code to "SAGMillRecipes_User.xml".

<recipeGroup name="Vanilla">
  <recipe name="Gravel" />

<recipeGroup name="SkyqulaSlag">
    <recipe name="Slag" energyCost="300">
        <itemStack itemID="13" number="1" /> <!-- Gravel -->
        <itemStack itemID="12" number="1" /> <!-- Sand -->
        <itemStack itemID="20264" number="1" itemMeta="163" chance="0.75" /> <!-- TE Slag -->
Ah yiss, Clay for Days, son!
So, sounds like people just want one magic block that can spew out a ton of clay, instead of getting creative and building a massive factory making use of what mods can currently offer?

I'd rather go for the factory, more impressive...
So you're telling me I have to make a massive MFR machine just to build the pretty base I want to out of clay blocks? :(
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Extra Bees is updated and not crashing worlds any longer so I'd suspect it will show up in various packs so at that point get breeding and it's not even that high a cross just a hive bee + a common (the magic bees version requires a bit more involved breeding), you'll be drowning in clay in next to no time. (I've personally been using the "crash worlds" version for a while I was just very careful about what I used and also very careful to make sure my backups were up to date, that said my server didn't crash due to it, other things sure, my client however i crashed a couple times due to Extra Bees)