Do you have any of these builds without SFM?
Rather than autospawning a bunch of endermen or AFK'ing in the end I like this setup. Not early game as built here but it can be scaled down earlier in the game and still work just fine.
Bottom Line: A stack of ender pearls every five minutes - 3 microseconds
More complete explanation here
Sorry I'm just confused on how you got the block gate to plant the ender lilly's instead of just dropping them. I have a similar but different program, when it detects that there is no ender lilly the system is supposed to pull one and then output to the block gate. Which just drops it.
Edit: I see, the block gate inside the advanced cable was facing incorrectly, which is hard to see with no visual cues. For anyone that wants to know more about how block gates work check out this video
a bit of rightclicking/shift-rightclicking on it will change how it worksthe block gates are also kind of weird, sometimes they need to place blocks 2 blocks away to work, sometimes only 1 block away, but they can only break a block if it's 1 block away
Probably not the sexiest thread title but as others have suggested I have decided to start a thread to hold all my various devices which accomplish common tasks in modded Minecraft using very light methods and machines. My motivation (besides creating a mini game for myself) is selfish; I enjoy playing mature worlds and going through every mod in a pack and it frustrates me when a world finally becomes unplayable due to lag. This thread will not be focusing on tweaking servers but rather on alternative machines which consume much less of the game tick loop than do the conventional methods.
All timings are measure by Opis and I tend to play DW20 packs with just a few additional mods (MmmmMmmmMmmmMmmm and Rotarycraft currently) so my designs will tend to be possible on DW20 servers. Things I in general avoid are entities since they consume so much more of the game loop than tile entites (blocks you can interact with).
To kick things off I'm starting I don't like bread because of its very low saturation and while meat is great that means entities. Anytime I start a new world, one of the first things I do after I make my hidey hole with a bed, furnace and crafting station, is get a sleeping bag and wander looking for the four berry bushes from Natura in the overworld with the goal of working toward this.
Bottom Line: Food Solved - 30 microseconds
More complete explanation here
I am either 100% dumb, but does not work for me. Crafted 1 medley and no more despite the chest having 20+ bowls and around 40 of each berry. Any chance you could give me a complete explanation of the "crafting flow" part? What setting can I miss?
I have condition on chest to "Have all" (2 bowl, 1 of each berry), Whitelist for input with 2 bowl and 1 of each berry from chest, Excess Inv on the Chest, Whitelist output for Medley into Enderchest...