Not exactly. I'm assuming that logoster was referring to remote-request of any items in the network from beyond the relatively small range of the Wireless Access Point, which is basically impossible without Logistics Pipes. Yes, you can keep items stocked (albeit through a fairly complicated and space-consuming method), but requesting specific items is impossible without being near the network itself.
Personally, I also like both. AE routes items a LOT faster (especially in larger networks) and also takes up a lot less space. There are a few things Logistics Pipes does better though, such as keeping a specific amount of items stocked (yes, it's possible with AE, but it's a lot more time-consuming and inefficient), and also the aforementioned remote-requesting. Luckily, they're cross compatible, so I just use both. I get the compactness and speed of AE without sacrificing any of the few things that LP still does better.
I do really miss watching items fly around my logistics system though.