Server IP : LogiCraft.atl17.creeperhost.net
1. No major griefing or stealing from other players
2. Treat everyone with respect
3. No Racist, sexist, or offensive language
4. Only Cave mining in the Overworld
5. No quarries in the Overworld including Turtle, BuildCraft, and fillers
6. Keep chunk loaders to a minimum to reduce strain on the server
7. No Withers in the Overworld
8. Most importantly, Have Fun!
Disabled Mods/Items:
- A few biomes from ExtraBiomesXL are disabled
- Descriptive Books disabled to stop tons of ages from being created.
About The Server:
LogiCraft is a small server hosted on Creeperhost to allow a maximum of 15-20 people**. On approval you will be sent the IP for our teamspeak.
** Will upgrade server specs if needed
- Username:
- Age:
- Teamspeak? Y/N
- Why would you like to join?
- What could you bring to the server?
- What is you favorite mod?
- Anything else you would like us to know?
We are only going to choose the best applicants so put what you feel necessary and it will be better to write more than not enough. Keep in mind that players with teamspeak will be given priority over those who don't.
Owner: Great_Sphinx
Admins: Assasin01, and Brandon