Whitelist Server LogiCraft [Direwolf20 Pack][Whitelist][Mature 16+][Teamspeak][24/7]

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  1. Username: GoldenEagle200
  2. Age: 17
  3. Teamspeak? Yes!
  4. Why would you like to join? Beucase i want to play with other mature people and have some fun playing ftb, which is a really cool mod :p
  5. What could you bring to the server? I can help whoever needs, because i know a lot about all the mods of FTBm except for bees.
  6. What is you favorite mod? Ic2, Redpower, CC and ThermalExpansion! All of the mods are nice, btw.
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? Well, i like to do complicated stuff!:p
  1. Username: _Kronza_
  2. Age: 17
  3. Teamspeak? Y/N Yes! Just got a new mic for Christmas even!
  4. Why would you like to join? I would like too join because I'm sick and tired of the "Open" Direwolf20 server's that are full of Stealing, griefing bastards and small 10 year olds who have 0 fucks of clue as too what they are doing.
  5. What could you bring to the server? Fews from my youtube.com/user/kronaticfilms page.
  6. What is you favorite mod? All of them, except Thaumcraft and Bee's but I plan too learn them soon.
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? If I get accepted :p
  1. Username: santa609
  2. Age: 16
  3. Teamspeak? No, sorry.
  4. Why would you like to join? Because I'm looking for a good server.
  5. What could you bring to the server? I'm good at building and I am good with most of the mods
  6. What is you favorite mod? Probably Forestry, I love breeding bees.
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? I'm an overall friendly person.
  1. Username:max_crix
  2. Age:18
  3. Teamspeak? Y/N yes
  4. Why would you like to join?i love minecraft and i want to join a direwolf20 server
  5. What could you bring to the server?i can make the best buildings and i am great at doing stuff in minecraft
  6. What is you favorite mod?portal gun mod and the rest
  7. Anything else you would like us to know?i dont like to use xplicit language
  1. Username: jedimaster06
  2. Age: 16
  3. Teamspeak? Yes
  4. Why would you like to join? Well, first of all, i got bored of singleplayer... I've build a lot of instalations, but it is getting boring when you're alone. And the open servers are full of people who have no idea what they are doing, so I tought a whitelist server would be worth a shot.
  5. What could you bring to the server? My buildings look quite good (when i don't make 9x9's, ofcourse), and I have some decent experience with the mods due to playing quite intensive in the last few months.
  6. What is you favorite mod? Forestry, maybe. Bees are interesting. After that, red power is certainly a great mod to play with.
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? I am a funny guy, but sarcasm is the one little downside to this. :)
  1. Username: zRiTzKrAcKeRz
  2. Age: 21
  3. Teamspeak? Y
  4. Why would you like to join? I'm sick of playing and having my stuff ruined by kids.
  5. What could you bring to the server? I could bring comedy and a vast knowledge of the game.
  6. What is you favorite mod? IC, or BC
  7. Anything else you would like us to know. I play all the time.
  1. Username: BeddingPlants
  2. Age: 31
  3. Teamspeak? Yes
  4. Why would you like to join? Ive been looking for a good server forever, had very little luck. I'm very tired of SSP, and want to play/build with others. At least have some people to talk to while I putter around my base.
  5. What could you bring to the server? Much knowledge of many of the mods, a good attitude, respect for others. My builds tend to be more functional than pretty, but i am working on that. I love suggestions/input for my builds from others!
  6. What is you favorite mod? Very tough question. RP2 might be my very fave, but Thermal expansions is up there. On second thought, sorry I cannot answer this question. I love ALL the mods.
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? I'm an active player. I will not disappear for days/weeks.
  1. Username: - rploeger
  2. Age: - 16
  3. Teamspeak? - Yes
  4. Why would you like to join? - Because I'm looking for a safe, proper server, where me and a friend of mine can record a little series for Youtube.
  5. What could you bring to the server? - I will be an active player, I can help some people with a couple of mods if they are not familiar with them, including Industrial Craft 2, Thaumcraft 3, a little bit of Redpower 2 and Buildcraft 3 and Thermal Expansion. I know pretty much every mod, but I'm not very experienced with all of them.
  6. What is you favorite mod? - My favourite mod is Industrial Craft 2. It was the first mod I every played and I love every single thing about it. My second favourite would be Thaumcraft 3, which has made insane amounts of improvement since the first version. A third one would be Thermal Expansion, because it is basically a smaller version of IC2 with BuildCraft power, but it also adds my favourite MJ production method, producing and using lava.
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? - When my friend and I are recording, we will probably not be on Teamspeak. Other than that i feel like interacting with other people in the server could make the series more fun to watch for the viewers, so we will be visiting people and such.
  • Username: - Flamingshirt
  • Age: - 17
  • Teamspeak? - Yes
  • Why would you like to join? - to have fun with mods together with other players, build some cool contraptions with others. also i am planning to record a little series with a friend.
  • What could you bring to the server? - i like to talk with people, learn from and help people, the resources for others to build because i like mining. maybe sprucing the place up a bit with some achitecture. i can be the lively fellow.
  • What is you favorite mod? as of now, Thaumcraft 3. it has improved so much and given the game a whole new playstyle. reseaching things is exciting, and it adds some amazing functions to the game. second place would be Redpower, because it doesn't influence the game too much, but just makes things a lot easier so you are more easily inclined to make interesting contraptions
  • Anything else you would like us to know? i might not be the biggest FTB nerd but i definitely enjoy toying with the various mods. i hope i get accepted. i'll be an active member.
  1. Username: spendowali
  2. Age: 23
  3. Teamspeak? Y/N No but I can set one up
  4. Why would you like to join? Because I hate playing on open server where people grief and steal other people stuffs, I want to play on whitelist server where people are filtered before they can get on the server.
  5. What could you bring to the server? I have alot of experiences in all the direwolf20 mod pack mods except for extra bees and I'm still learning about it. I want to be one of the great online community and I can help others who need helps. I love to play with others.
  6. What is you favorite mod? Thermal Expension and Railcraft(iron tank)
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? I will be online for 8 hours a day if I have nothing to do, I live in Seoul and the connection with the server is pretty good, I would love to get on the server.
  • Username:gc_shadow_child
  • Age:20
  • Teamspeak? yes
  • Why would you like to join? The server i normally play on had to be shut down due to lack of money and i would like to find another one, but this time with more people.
  • What could you bring to the server? im really good at mining and making machines that mine.
  • What is you favorite mod? red power
  • Anything else you would like us to know? I have a friend that im trying to talk into applying me and him make a great team we get a lot done.
  1. Username: jman_blue
  2. Age: 18
  3. Teamspeak? Y/N yes
  4. Why would you like to join? to join a whitelist server with some friendly ppl and to be able to talk to them on ts
  5. What could you bring to the server? me and maybe a friend or two who also have ts
  6. What is you favorite mod? all of them
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? just that I have a lot of free time and no set sleep scedule
  1. Username: Ashen92
  2. Age: 20
  3. Teamspeak? Y
  4. Why would you like to join? I'm looking for a small server filled with fun people I can enjoy the game with.
  5. What could you bring to the server? I'm very knowledgeable about Thaumcraft, ComputerCraft (CS Major in college), and the Twilight Forest.
  6. What is you favorite mod? Thaumcraft! I love the tools!
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? I'm a 20 year old college student. I will be on most during the afternoons, EST
Teamspeak? Y/N Yes
Why would you like to join? because i'm looking for a save and fun sever to play on with my friends
What could you bring to the server? i'm a nice and helpful person and i like building and exploring. i'm good at Thaumcraft and i am happy to help others with there projects when i can
What is you favorite mod? Thaumcraft . magics fun
Anything else you would like us to know? i'm a bit weird i guess
  1. Username: SavageWarlord
  2. Age:16
  3. Teamspeak? Y/N nope trying get a mic
  4. Why would you like to join? need a new sever to hangout on
  5. What could you bring to the server? not much more then everybody else
  6. What is you favorite mod? ic2 and twilight forest
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? i guess if u have to Know..i really like Mincraft i know i know u think its a horrible game but its a great game just give it a try "Trust Me" ;)
  1. Username: TryHardxDieHard
  2. Age:17
  3. Teamspeak? yes!
  4. Why would you like to join? I am Huge minecraft fan! And i would love a community to talk to and play with as well! and i love looking at other members builds to help inspire me to build and craft more exquisite and interesting things!
  5. What could you bring to the server? i would like to bring friendliness as well as great ideas! And i will help whenever possible!
  6. What is you favorite mod? My favorite mod is IC2! i love the machines and how they enhance the play style of the game!
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? How every i can help any other members, just ask! and i will try my hardest.
  1. Username: michaelcurtis96
  2. Age: 16
  3. Teamspeak? Y/N no
  4. Why would you like to join? to build stuff and interact with the community in a POSITIVE way (don't like getting my diamonds stolen)
  5. What could you bring to the server?: Extensive knowledge of ~80% of the mods, and adequate knowledge of all. As well as cool contraptions
  6. What is you favorite mod?: IC2, RP, Thaumcraft, Forestry, BC3
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? I like to collaborate to get things done
  1. Username: Sicmaster21
  2. Age: 17 Turning 18
  3. Teamspeak? Y/N Yes
  4. Why would you like to join? I'd like to join because I would like to player with more mature players/people. I have so much fun playing with the modpacks on FTB.
  5. What could you bring to the server? I can bring fun and I can also help others with anything. I'm not good with ThaumCraft though.
  6. What is you favorite mod? My favorite mod is IC2, ThermalExpansion, and Applied Energistics.
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? I like to build IC2 machines.
  1. Username: raggedreece
  2. Age: 15
  3. Teamspeak? Yes
  4. Why would you like to join? The server seems to be comprised of many varying types of people that know all the different mods included in this pack and i like the idea of whitelisted servers due to the decreased amount of griefers and the community being easier to get along with
  5. What could you bring to the server? I can bring basic knowledge of most mods and some nice looking buildings once i had a basic setup achieved and i am friendly to any players who talk to me
  6. What is you favorite mod? I'm split between applied energistics and forestry bees but i would most likely pick forestry and extra bees due to the resources that they can make for you automatically
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? I am from the UK so i will be on around 3 pm GMT until about 11 pm for about 2-3 hours a night.
  1. Username: Cpaxe97
  2. Age: 16, I am mature though
  3. Teamspeak? Y/N: N, I personally can't use Teamspeak because I have a bad computer and I mean really bad. But if I have to I will.
  4. Why would you like to join? Because, I am looking for a DW20 server, with hardly banned items. I need a friendly, mature, reliable server.
  5. What could you bring to the server? I could help new people out and such, I can be on the server alot and I am very friendly and mature I am familiar with most mods.
  6. What is you favorite mod? Honestly, I can't pick 1. I would pick these: ThaumCraft, and Applied-Energistics.
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? No, not really I just hope I can get in!
  1. Username: bizzmode
  2. Age: 32
  3. Teamspeak? Y/N Yes
  4. Why would you like to join? I don't like jumping servers... I'm hoping to find a server that is proud of what is made instead of building a bunch of eye soars... I felt by your description and low numbers aloud on the server that's what your were after :) among other things.
  5. What could you bring to the server? My strength is design for sure. I've always built all spawn buildings (people say its always looks real).I also know most mods well and like helping others out if they need it.
  6. What is you favorite mod? RP2 (which is why I'm going to direwolf)
  7. Anything else you would like us to know? I have run, admin & just played on servers.. i have a very good understanding of what needs to happen to make last and enjoyable. Also I am easy to make friends with :)
Thank you for your time :) and take care.