Hi Loving the pack so far been having a heap of fun though being hampered with a persistant issue which i think is caused by the flax beards crusher, i held of wingeing about it till after the update but its still seem to be happening, thought this time i got it work to make gravel with out crashing (trying to set up a cobblegen ) which was a leap forward, but now when i use the pipe wrench to set it to the breaker mode it crashes me back to the FTB launcher then when i tryu to reload i get my save almost loaded and same back to the FTB loader
i tend to just go back to the save before but i would really like some auto cobble gen
i tried to add the crash log but cant post it cause it makes my post longer than 30000
characters so if there a part of it that would be more usefull to work out what the problem is
Cheers Delgrade