[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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I'm having an issue with Enviromine. Since the update, water bottles don't fill up my water bar. Cold water bottles do the trick, and I don't really mind cheating them in since I didn't have water issues before, but this is pretty annoying to have to spawn one in every time I need a drink.

Also, I just noticed that they do reduce my temperature by .1 degree, so it would seem that they're just not registering for thirst, as opposed to water bottles being entirely borked.

ALSO, this update seemed to have killed all my waypoints, which is really annoying since I kind of needed those to get back to places like my main base, auxiliary bases, meteors with important things, dungeons I was working on, and other such things. In short, this update seems to have really broken the hell out of a lot of things.

It also changed some stuff on my MyFit, which has lowered my speed from Speed 4 to Speed 2 for no clear reason, which makes all sorts of travel I was formerly capable of much more difficult.
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Hardcore mode is not a gamemode, it's an attribute of the world.
Regardless the only way to get the quest book to work is to no longer be in hardcore mode, which means my choices are play hardcore without the quest book, or play with the quest book with infinite lives,
what the hell is going on with this pack... every update just seems to be out to nerf every possible way of automation shown in youtube videos and twitch streamers. the pack is getting progressively worse and unplayable as everything is becoming nothing but an annoying grind. with each avenue of early game automation being nerfed to hell on the boring aspects of the game, no time can be taken to explore and complete quests.
what the hell is going on with this pack... every update just seems to be out to nerf every possible way of automation shown in youtube videos and twitch streamers. the pack is getting progressively worse and unplayable as everything is becoming nothing but an annoying grind. with each avenue of early game automation being nerfed to hell on the boring aspects of the game, no time can be taken to explore and complete quests.
Change it. There is a map named config and change it to how you like it. Just change a little but not too much.
Yes it does actually, when i open the questbook it then says my lives are infinite and when you open to lan, it does change the game mode and there is only survival, creative or adventure, so there's no way to go back to hardcore mode.

You have infinite HQM lives, because HQM's lives system is turned off, so HQM will not delete your world if you die too many times.

*Vanilla Minecraft* will delete your world if you die *once*, because it's vanilla hardcore mode. Unless you have a Sync shell in storage, which overrides that.
Feel free to toggle it down a little, i am still experimenting with it
Currently, a logistics crafting table takes 200,000 RF per craft; for scale, that is about two minutes with one stirling generator + octadic capacitor, or about 2.3 charcoal, which seems a little bit excessive - you need a wall of generators just to get items crafted before they despawn. (edit: items don't despawn, but they do seem to get stuck in the crafting tables if you log off)

(Also for reference, in the default configuration it takes 500 RF per craft).

I divided that by 10, for 20,000 RF/craft - that's 12 seconds/craft with a single stirling generator (comparable speed to an auto-workbench), or 3 seconds/craft with 4. A complex crafted item still takes a few hundred thousand RF and some minutes.

Item routing doesn't seem to be the main problem, only crafting - so the item transport multiplier doesn't need to be decreased.

... or am I supposed to be using auto-workbenches instead of logistics crafting tables?
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If you are suffering from lag spikes close the Feed The Beast Launcher Console after the mod pack has finished loading. It was eating up 8gb on my system.
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Did the last update (.19) also add torch burnout? It seems like torches only last a few minutes at most now, nerfing them to the point where they might as well not exist.

And 81 cobblestone for a stone gear, and with the early-game source of automated cobblestone removed. And 16 diamonds for a diamond gear. I have to agree with the post above about how everything is getting grindier in this update. Have you actually played with these changes, karmarcharger?
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Did the last update (.19) also add torch burnout? It seems like torches only last a few minutes at most now, nerfing them to the point where they might as well not exist.

And 81 cobblestone for a stone gear, and with the early-game source of automated cobblestone removed. And 16 diamonds for a diamond gear. I have to agree with the post above about how everything is getting grindier in this update. Have you actually played with these changes, karmarcharger?
I use glowstone nooks. Although they tend to turn into obsidian when I log off. Also I agree as well. It seems you have to spend hours grinding to automate some things and then grind even more. I have barely done anything in the quest book because it seems nearly impossible. The dungeon near your house (The older map) is completely useless and just a waste of durability on tools and armor, food, and water. There are no rewards and high risks. The other dungeons are filled with spawners, only have good loot on the other floors, and seem impossible to get through. I dont even go into the dungeons because I know I will die from all the infernal mobs. It takes forever to clear the dungeons since you need lots of supplies and most things are stored in half stacks. I also feel like you are trapped the entire time. I built a wall around my base and it seems I am always enclosed in it. If I leave I get massacred by the mobs. If I stay I just sit around the entire time doing nothing. I cant expand it because of tornados and meteors. Until you get extremely OP gear you are stuck hiding in your base at night and mining spires and hammering meteors during the day.
There is no point to having the option to go to space and to other planets if you can't automate your basic needs, specifically water. With how hard it is getting to stay hydrated, I'm thinking of disabling the hydration part of EnviroMine.
God, the pack is getting a lot grindier. I mean, some people like that, but I started playing this because it seemed like it was fun and progress could be made at a decent clip. At this point (and I hate comparing modpacks and the like), this is turning more into the endgame of Agrarian Skies where you had to sit around waiting to grind enough to get anything done, but without any of the automation required for that sort of thing. And what's worse, it's got a ton of difficulty that wasn't present in AS, and you have to brave it to get the resources you're grinding, which only leads to massive frustration. Honestly, I, too, am pretty curious if you've tried the pack at all recently karmachanger, because between the bugs and the grind, it's gone from fun to tedious.
By the way, not everything is bad. The new fresh water and gear crafting chains look interesting to automate... as long as automation is actually possible. Both stripes pipes and Steve's Carts are different from typical block breakers. The dungeons can be pretty fun at times.

But I am playing because I like building things, not because I like staring at a cobblestone generator for 10 minutes at a time.
I am starting to get frustrated with this pack. So I died in a previous world and lost everything so I decided to restart in this version. So I jump on and see that there is a new way to become hydrated. The fresh water and leaves cider. So fresh water is impossible to get early game. So I decide to look at the leave cider. I look at how to make it and it seems a little grindy for one bottle. First you need mashed leaves. Takes 6 of one type of leaves or saplings, two apples, and leather. Then you add that to a bottle and get bottled leaves. Now comes the best part. Put it on a drying rack and in 3000 seconds (50 minutes) you have one leave cider! I like modpacks that are challenging, not impossible. The frying pan way was perfect. I may just be done with this pack.
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I updated to 1.1.19 and since then my myfit doesn't work at all. I've tried right clicking on the floor multiple times with it and then putting it back on but it's not working anymore. Can someone please help me?
Getting a crash-report after updating:

---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Don't be sad, have a hug! <3

Time: 31.01.15 00:03
Description: Ticking block entity

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: buildcraft.api.core.JavaTools.getAllFields(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/util/List;
at buildcraft.api.mj.MjAPI.getMjBatteryField(MjAPI.java:196)
at buildcraft.api.mj.MjAPI.getMjBattery(MjAPI.java:85)
at buildcraft.api.mj.MjAPI.getMjBattery(MjAPI.java:55)
at buildcraft.api.mj.MjAPI.getMjBattery(MjAPI.java:46)
at crazypants.enderio.power.PowerHandlerUtil.create(PowerHandlerUtil.java:20)
at crazypants.enderio.power.PowerDistributor.checkReceptors(PowerDistributor.java:70)
at crazypants.enderio.power.PowerDistributor.transmitEnergy(PowerDistributor.java:34)
at crazypants.enderio.machine.generator.stirling.TileEntityStirlingGenerator.transmitEnergy(TileEntityStirlingGenerator.java:180)
at crazypants.enderio.machine.generator.stirling.TileEntityStirlingGenerator.processTasks(TileEntityStirlingGenerator.java:126)
at crazypants.enderio.machine.AbstractMachineEntity.func_145845_h(AbstractMachineEntity.java:365)
at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72939_s(World.java:1939)
at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72939_s(WorldServer.java:489)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:636)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:547)
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:111)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:427)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$2.run(MinecraftServer.java:685)

Not sure about this "buildcraft battery"-stuff, since I didn't build a battery.

Ah was just this "update ender io" I found a few pages before.
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I updated to 1.1.19 and since then my myfit doesn't work at all. I've tried right clicking on the floor multiple times with it and then putting it back on but it's not working anymore. Can someone please help me?
I think it is left click that you want
After update my logistic system died, logistics pipes no longer connect to stained pipes, only to normal ones.

Also seems like buildcraft quests are stuck with unclaimed reward, if I remember correctly it was a bug related to quests not giving notariety, and those dont give any.

The big drawer can store 64 stacks, but the small one 128, I think it was ment to be the other way around.
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