[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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This is pretty much Tetshio's cobble gen, just simplified and compressed down. Should be possible to build it very early on and hide it somewhere in the wall.
The Compacting Drawer is an early quest reward, the most expensive part is the Stripes Pipe with a cost of 8 gold.


Screenie in original size:
Thought I'd give this a go, here's some feedback:

Bad or icky things:
Enviromine Body Temperature. Not sure what is going on, but this seems hardly worth it. Body temperature hardly changes no matter the external temperature. As a user of an earlier version of Enviromine, I've found keeping an eye on your body temperature pretty vital. Just swimming a river can easily lead to hypothermia. But, in Blast Off, I can stroll around the frozen deserts in the middle of a snow storm at night, and not worry at all.

Starting area - a lot of the things you start with make some of the quests pretty obsolete. Bonemeal and Watering can (aka "cheaty" infinite bonemeal). The non-water water in the spatial farm (infinite drinking water and glass bottles)

Roguelike Dungeons made out of snow, and these are supposed to be old bomb shelters? Seems odd/inconsistent.

After a while of playing, FPS plummets like crazy. Haven't established what is going on. I replaced the minimap with Opis, but once I reloaded, world was fine. Opis was also quite happy. Still investigating. Might be needing Fastcraft on my rig.

Battle music - default volume is crazily loud, I personally disabled it as it offers nothing (for me)

Minimap mod - had to change it, when it blurs as you move, it's just painful on the eyes

ItemPhysic mod I may remove. Makes finding dropped items more difficult, might be configurable

Mob Amputation/Dismemberment does make things a little annoying, lots of body parts everywhere that get in the way.

MyFit - tried it until I got the first bonus, and put the item in a chest. Gaining such a fast speed boost is annoying. I can't really see why it's in the pack.

Good things:
Taken me a while work out how to progress with my mining. Just obtained by first bit of smashed copper as a result.

Great base design

Whatever mod that causes torches to set fire to trees, 10/10!

Encumbrance system and custom stack sizes, interesting concept. Putting it here under good until I discover it's too annoying :p

Overall, seems a good map, but, doesn't feel like a "survival" map, even though it's got a lot of survival mods in it. I think it's because you start with so much, a large element of the danger vanishes. My biggest challenge now is to work out/remember how to make a clay bucket. :p
What version are you playing on because in one of the newer versions the magic water has been disabled. And wait until spice of life kicks in... Have fun with that. And finally good luck in nether.(haven't gone there myself yet but planning to once I get a nice tinkers sword)
As I've said, I've mined my first piece of copper. That's as far as I've got. Compared to other similar style maps, this one does give you a lot of stuff from the start.

Now that I think of it, most skyblocks start you with bonemill & 1-2 oak saplings. There is at least 2 that I know of that give you a watering can as a quest reward, and 1 of those removed the recipe for it, so the one you get rewarded is that only one. Actually there really isn't much different given in this pack that's not in most that I have played in the last 7 months.
Is there another way to heat up the Crucible Furnace? It's eaten over two stacks of coal and took along time to heat up, just to make one titanium rod!
Now that I think of it, most skyblocks start you with bonemill & 1-2 oak saplings. There is at least 2 that I know of that give you a watering can as a quest reward, and 1 of those removed the recipe for it, so the one you get rewarded is that only one. Actually there really isn't much different given in this pack that's not in most that I have played in the last 7 months.

Well, but most skyblocks - well at least all I played ^^ - gives you very fast pretty much unlimited ressources. Here you have to fight for alot of things :D

Is there another way to heat up the Crucible Furnace? It's eaten over two stacks of coal and took along time to heat up, just to make one titanium rod!

I saw that putting lava-blocks around the lower block of the furnace helps keeping it warmed up. But I can't say much to how much this works in favoring doing stuff with it. Mariculture is still something I hardly used yet... really should slowly see if I can understand it. (if the fish-breeding is as complicated as Bees... I won't do anything with it ^^)
What version are you playing on because in one of the newer versions the magic water has been disabled. And wait until spice of life kicks in... Have fun with that. And finally good luck in nether.(haven't gone there myself yet but planning to once I get a nice tinkers sword)
I suggest using a cleaver. I believe that steel does the same damage as manallyn but with lower durability. Might want to use quartz you get from the spires to upgrade sharpness. After you get necrotic bones you can add those on for life steal. To get steel melt down chain armor in a smeltery
Now that I think of it, most skyblocks start you with bonemill & 1-2 oak saplings. There is at least 2 that I know of that give you a watering can as a quest reward, and 1 of those removed the recipe for it, so the one you get rewarded is that only one. Actually there really isn't much different given in this pack that's not in most that I have played in the last 7 months.
Hmm.. its rather easy to get bonemeal, so i think its okay to give a watering can :P
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Quick question: if playing in Ezycore, when you die and you get a gravestone, are you supposed to get the actual Myfit item back or do you simply loose it if it was equipped? Because I lost mine sadly and I don't know if I should spawn it back in because its a glitch or something or not...also I'm playing the most recently released version so if this is a bug in this version then I'm happy to tell you about it.
Extremely fun modpack, but there are few things that are confusing. NOTE: I am playing on the latest version.
1) I don't get anything when I use a hammer on meteors, is there a specific one you need?
2) I have fully levelled up my bone pickaxe, but I can't find out where I can get/make copper to upgrade it.
hi there i have a very big and annoying problem whenever i try to play the blastoff modpack that has just been bought out onto the feed the beast launcher i cant play it i get an error message in the console whenever i try and open the modpack it comes up with this in the console can anybody help me with a fix for this and if not then just somewhere somebody could most likely help me

[12:34:17] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
[12:34:17] [main/ERROR]: Unable to launch
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_72]
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_72]
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_72]
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_72]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_72]
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_72]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_72]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:106) ~[launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_72]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_72]
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_72]
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_72]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:98) [launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28) [launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
Extremely fun modpack, but there are few things that are confusing. NOTE: I am playing on the latest version.
1) I don't get anything when I use a hammer on meteors, is there a specific one you need?
2) I have fully levelled up my bone pickaxe, but I can't find out where I can get/make copper to upgrade it.

1) You need to use the Ex Nihilo hammers on "Fallen Meteor" blocks. "Frezarite" and "Kreknorite" meteors don't drop ores via the hammer. The drops are randomized and not 100% guaranteed. The Ex Nihilo hammers can be enchanted like vanilla tools and even Fortune I seems to help quite a bit. I've noticed with the multimine mod, if you partially break a block, pause, and start again, it treats it as if you broke the block with a pick and not the hammer meaning no ores drop.

2) Hammer away for some copper, or mine the big slay spires
So how do you get water in the barrel for clay?

right click one of your water bottles on a barrel.

to get more water make a shovel with tinkers go to one of the snow buildings near by(theses snow buildings are the dungeons that go down around 4 levels but only have snow on the 1st 2).
shovel snow
combine 4 snowballs into 1 snow block
make frying pan with 1 stick and 3 stones
place frying pan 1 block above lave
right click snow block into frying pan.
I have 1200 entities in my world and toggling to peaceful clears NONE of them. Further investigation suggests bats and treasure slimes are filling the enviromine mineshafts and rougelikes and not despawning. Anyone know a SSP "/killall" equivalent or really anyway to get rid of them? I don't want to give up this pack because of freaking bats!

EDIT: Well a relog cleared things up considerably... This was after exploring new terrain. Do rougelikes spawn mobs when generating on top of regular spawn rules?
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Probably a really dumb question, but how do I get cobblestone?

Edit: I found some by

digging down a bit from the second level of the snow dungeon near spawn, and found a dungeon made of assorted stone bricks and cobblestone

but I'm not sure if this is the intended way.
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Probably a really dumb question, but how do I get cobblestone?

Edit: I found some by

digging down a bit from the second level of the snow dungeon near spawn, and found a dungeon made of assorted stone bricks and cobblestone

but I'm not sure if this is the intended way.
You can hammer hardened gravel to get stone pieces that craft into cobblestone.

Plus, in my world, I've got some surface lava and water from meteor strikes. Just need to work out a way of moving it.