[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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any tips on finding dirt? ive spent hours scouring that massive dungeon below the castle...some some at the top but not enough to make 3x compressed dirt to hammer loli know this has been mentioned just not sure which of the 383 pages its on lol
also a super noob question....is there something i can use to automate my cobble gen? (just not sure what to use to break the block haha)

as far as I know they are your only chance to find dirt in the wild. Otherwise you will have to compost plantmaterial in barrels to make dirt.

I automated my cobblegen with the flaxbeard rocksmashers. A piston pushes the cobble towards the smasher which breaks them (make sure they are on breaker mode) and a hopper sucks them into a chest.
wait. what? i was told composting was removed so i didnt even tryhaha awesome thanks..and sounds like steam power it is. thx bro
wait. what? i was told composting was removed so i didnt even tryhaha awesome thanks..and sounds like steam power it is. thx bro

The composting part of Ex Nihilo is in (thankfully) but I can't get Silkworms from trees even though you can make crooks. That means there is no reliable way to get string and given the number of quests I've seen that need wool I have to wonder what sources of string other than random drops off spiders (which my group has seen only 2 so far). I have to ask the person who made this pack: Why did you need to cut out so many parts of various mods that you included into this pack. It all seems like such little thought was put into it. I've played dozens of various Minecraft modpacks and so far this one is the most frustrating but not from a difficulty point of view. GregTech makes his modpacks difficult but at least his decisions form a common theme throughout the modpack. Blast Off? I struggle to see why some things were left in while others left out.
build a mobfarm :) i got a snot load of string from mine...more than i can use haha...just use the fan method..or water if youre not that far...anyone figure out a simple way to automate the brass crucible? nei says you can just put 1 zinc ingot on the bottom right corner and 3 copper ingots in the other slots to make it. but it wont work
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build a mobfarm :) i got a snot load of string from mine...more than i can use haha...just use the fan method..or water if youre not that far...anyone figure out a simple way to automate the brass crucible? nei says you can just put 1 zinc ingot on the bottom right corner and 3 copper ingots in the other slots to make it. but it wont work
i wouldnt craft brass because you only get 1 ingot that way
you cant anyhow. is there a faster method than hiving to continuously right click the crucible/cast? like a machine that simulates a right click lol
I seem to be running out of lava... Someone mentioned that there's a lava lake somewhere, where?

Why run out of lava when you can have infinite lava? Pump cobblestone into crucibles, pump lava out. =D

Just thought I'd throw this out there, since it worked so well for me... if you raid one of the dungeons, you can walk back with a TON of iron and steel. Simply nab all the iron bars and anvils you find and smelt them back into ores! Also, you can combine the mountains of chain mail, gold and iron armor into fully repaired versions, which can then be smelted down into steel, gold and more iron.

It's such a large trade off for such little gain... I think I'm gonna rush Pneumicraft... I set up a squid farm and got a squid seed... Now I just have to figure out a way to reliably farm the seeds. Once I can do that I'll have a good lead into Pneumaticraft.

How bad is diminishing returns going to hit me? I'm on my last 10 'free' eats.

I have:

- Raw squid
- Potatoes
- Apples
- Zombie flesh

Those are my only food sources...

If I had a carrot I could breed my pigs but no such luck yet. I haven't tried fishing yet but that might net me some fish to eat too. I should set up a pond outside.

Zombie Flesh + Drying Rack = Zombie Jerky (can eat this)
Zombie Jerky + Vat and Lava = Grilled Zombie Jerky (can eat this)
Grilled Zombie Jerky x4 + Bone Meal = Zombie something-or-other meal (can eat this)
Potatoes + hammer = chips
chips + hammer - fries
chips + fish = fish and chips
fries + fish = another meal
fish + vat and lava = grilled fish
apples = apples
applie + drying rack = dried apple (actually pretty good)

There's 10!
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How does the food counter work? Is it by food item eaten or is it by hunger restored? If it's by food item eaten I'll just eat 11 apples or whatever even if they restore 0 hunger... I am overflowing with apples.
11 apples works, I do that with squid.

The composting part of Ex Nihilo is in (thankfully) but I can't get Silkworms from trees even though you can make crooks. That means there is no reliable way to get string and given the number of quests I've seen that need wool I have to wonder what sources of string other than random drops off spiders (which my group has seen only 2 so far). I have to ask the person who made this pack: Why did you need to cut out so many parts of various mods that you included into this pack. It all seems like such little thought was put into it. I've played dozens of various Minecraft modpacks and so far this one is the most frustrating but not from a difficulty point of view. GregTech makes his modpacks difficult but at least his decisions form a common theme throughout the modpack. Blast Off? I struggle to see why some things were left in while others left out.
Every now and then I go on a murdering spree and kill all the mobs so I am swimming in string? Not sure what the issue with string is?

I updated to 1.3.1 and now the Nether crashes when making new chunks and in new games the nether crashes when entering.
Try deleting the Nether and then walking in fresh?

you cant anyhow. is there a faster method than hiving to continuously right click the crucible/cast? like a machine that simulates a right click lol
The speedy way would be to just toss a bunch of copper in the smeltery then remove it as ingots and repeat with zinc.
Do not put both zinc and copper in at the same time, too wasteful.

This hasn't appeared on the FTB launcher yet... I just booted it and I'm still 1.3.1
It can take a moment to be uploaded.
Try deleting the Nether and then walking in fresh?

I tried this. Even a fresh whole game crashes. I can only stay in the parts of the nether that I loaded before the update. any new chunks created crashes the game. and not just a save crash the whole app crashes and I got to load wait to load all over again. Then I have to go to a backup because the save no longer works. if I go to the nether and venture to a close enough to the edge and new chunks are created everything disappears and all I can see is the mobs, y level goes to ?, and I can not move. till I die then the save no longer works.
I tried this. Even a fresh whole game crashes. I can only stay in the parts of the nether that I loaded before the update. any new chunks created crashes the game. and not just a save crash the whole app crashes and I got to load wait to load all over again. Then I have to go to a backup because the save no longer works. if I go to the nether and venture to a close enough to the edge and new chunks are created everything disappears and all I can see is the mobs, y level goes to ?, and I can not move. till I die then the save no longer works.
try updating flaxbeard
I am not terribly familiar with mods but was playing 1.3.1 and placed glass covers. Now my server won't let me back on cause the microblocks tile.whiteStone is not installed client side. Could glass covers me named wrong in the server files or ... have I done something terribly wrong?
How do you make a large lump of gallagodirian metal? It doesn't say in NEI?

Also is there an easier way to make small lumps of gallagodirian metal? Enchanted Wood is a B**** to make.
... I just looked at the requirements for 1... 1... Steel casing to make any of the mechanism stuff...

Are you actually joking? You just switched it for April Fools right?

If not that's straight up insane.

Also I don't get how people built the enderio enchanter with no NEI recipe for large lump of Galigador metal or whatever... And If it's 9x9 of the smaller metal that's like 36 enchanted books and 36 gold ingots...
... I just looked at the requirements for 1... 1... Steel casing to make any of the mechanism stuff...

Are you actually joking? You just switched it for April Fools right?

If not that's straight up insane.

Also I don't get how people built the enderio enchanter with no NEI recipe for large lump of Galigador metal or whatever... And If it's 9x9 of the smaller metal that's like 36 enchanted books and 36 gold ingots...

Look for galgadorian blocks through the pressure chamber and assembly line.
Yes you WILL need magical wood, but don't forget that you will get more, if you have better enchants on the books.

And it is NOT a april fools joke, this is the TRUE HARDCORE MODPACK and it IS possible to do everything, it is just hard... Very, VERY HARD!!!

I want more modpacks from you @karmarcharger