[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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I have a Flax setup with flash boiler, some piping, steam heaters, rock smashers and an archimedes screw. Built all that stuff by raiding the spires in a 200 Block radius around the bunker and got all the copper I needed for that.
Well the steam heaters have the advantage that you can process 11 items instead of 8 from one piece of coal. The rock smashers come in handy as a cobblestone generator (good for early game).
Well the steam heaters have the advantage that you can process 11 items instead of 8 from one piece of coal. The rock smashers come in handy as a cobblestone generator (good for early game).

It's such a large trade off for such little gain... I think I'm gonna rush Pneumicraft... I set up a squid farm and got a squid seed... Now I just have to figure out a way to reliably farm the seeds. Once I can do that I'll have a good lead into Pneumaticraft.

How bad is diminishing returns going to hit me? I'm on my last 10 'free' eats.

I have:

- Raw squid
- Potatoes
- Apples
- Zombie flesh

Those are my only food sources...

If I had a carrot I could breed my pigs but no such luck yet. I haven't tried fishing yet but that might net me some fish to eat too. I should set up a pond outside.
you could add the following:
- dried apples (hang an apple on a drying rack)
- slimy apples (craft an apple with two magma cream)
- zombie jerky (hang zombie flesh on a drying rack)

You can craft stews from bones which come in handy as well as the mob head stews. Get the slimy water from the sappling storage and kill the spawning slimes ... the blue slimeballs can be put on a drying rack and can be eaten.

A good food source is the mariculture line. The different fish are excellent, especially cod and salmon. You can eat them raw, cod can be dried and salmon can be smoked in a furnace as well as cooked in a vat.

I am not entirely sure how hard it will hit you, since I had the 12 food sources up and running once the diminisching returns kicked in.
so I have two questions do you think the fact that I'm using the version of mariculture brought in at 1.3.1 on 1.2.8 might be causing my fish crash and 2. why is ftb unable to extract the natives library when I try to update
you could add the following:
- dried apples (hang an apple on a drying rack)
- slimy apples (craft an apple with two magma cream)
- zombie jerky (hang zombie flesh on a drying rack)

You can craft stews from bones which come in handy as well as the mob head stews. Get the slimy water from the sappling storage and kill the spawning slimes ... the blue slimeballs can be put on a drying rack and can be eaten.

A good food source is the mariculture line. The different fish are excellent, especially cod and salmon. You can eat them raw, cod can be dried and salmon can be smoked in a furnace as well as cooked in a vat.

I am not entirely sure how hard it will hit you, since I had the 12 food sources up and running once the diminisching returns kicked in.

I don't have slimy water... I have fish oil... I'm using the latest version of Blast Off with the new map.
Fortune hammers will get you a ton of ores from meteors, but I pretty much completed all of the first page of quests and then went on to the Steve's Carts page.

If you are worried about ores maybe dabble in the Botania questline?

hey dumb question, how do you get a fortune hammer? i built an enchant table but it wouldnt seem to work :/ i figured it was removed
maybe the open blocks autoenchanter works?
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hey dumb question, how do you get a fortune hammer? i built an enchant table but it wouldnt seem to work :/ i figured it was removed
maybe the open blocks autoenchanter works?
The popular method seems to be rushing the ender io enchanter to make fortune books. Only hammers I know of that can't enchant normally are tinkers, which don't work on meteors anyway. (Though iirc you can get fortune on them with lapis)
hey dumb question, how do you get a fortune hammer? i built an enchant table but it wouldnt seem to work :/ i figured it was removed
maybe the open blocks autoenchanter works?

I found some dark steel in the dungeons early on and made an Ender IO enchanter. The only other hard part is finding some feathers for the book and quill, but I also found a few of those in the dungeon. Just don't let the hammer break and you can keep repairing it with an anvil.
hey dumb question, how do you get a fortune hammer? i built an enchant table but it wouldnt seem to work :/ i figured it was removed
maybe the open blocks autoenchanter works?
Dont build TiCo hammers but just diamond or iron hammer.
I also have a question i asked before but didnt get a proper answer:

Is there any place else i can get BC refineries except for dungeons and bunkers, because i already raided a about 15 bunkers and 3 dungeons and still didnt find it :(
Might've already been mentioned but does anyone know where to find the dungeons/bomb shelters mentioned in the "Dungeons!" quest? I have looked around but to no avail. I am playing on the latest update if that makes a difference
It literally takes like 20 seconds per meteorite piece with the hammers (I'm using iron... Dunno if diamond would make a difference). I'm just using the ones that you straight up craft with 2 sticks and two pieces of iron...

Do the Tinker's hammers work too?

I seem to be running out of lava... Someone mentioned that there's a lava lake somewhere, where?
The center of the Earth is lava, dig down.

You have completed The lava Quest? (20 buckets of lava) Almost infinite lava lakes are under base. I use ender tanks, pump and redstone engine to deploy lava to my base.
As infinite as the world is.

Psss... Try making the cart raid the Nether dungeons :3
Ooooooh, ok!
I was wondering how anyone was supposed to survive those!

Ah ok. Well the other food sources should be available to you nevertheless.
Like squid, make a squid grinder, they spawn SOOOO much, then fill up on squid to reset the counter.
How does the food counter work? Is it by food item eaten or is it by hunger restored? If it's by food item eaten I'll just eat 11 apples or whatever even if they restore 0 hunger... I am overflowing with apples.
any tips on finding dirt? ive spent hours scouring that massive dungeon below the castle...some some at the top but not enough to make 3x compressed dirt to hammer loli know this has been mentioned just not sure which of the 383 pages its on lol
also a super noob question....is there something i can use to automate my cobble gen? (just not sure what to use to break the block haha)