[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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A question:
We have built a brass fan fpr the Brass Fan-quest. It doesn't seem to register though. Keeping it in the inventory would make the quest book read 1/9, shouldn't it?
So why doesn't it recognize our fan? What have we done wrong? It's not like we want to take our chances, build eight more and then it turns out we are using the wrong recipe or something. They are pretty expensive. So... any suggestions to what we are missing or doing wrong?

Thankful for help. :)
A question:
We have built a brass fan fpr the Brass Fan-quest. It doesn't seem to register though. Keeping it in the inventory would make the quest book read 1/9, shouldn't it?
So why doesn't it recognize our fan? What have we done wrong? It's not like we want to take our chances, build eight more and then it turns out we are using the wrong recipe or something. They are pretty expensive. So... any suggestions to what we are missing or doing wrong?

Thankful for help. :)

Also build all nine of them, if it is definitely correct (which is why I want the screenshots), we will let karma know here and for now you can bypass it with /hqm edit
They are really small but it looks like everything is right, make a total of nine and just use /hqm edit until Karma fixes it.
It's a detect task. HQM doesn't actually display progress numbers on detect tasks, but it will finish it once you have all of that item in your inventory.
@karmarcharger maybe a little hint for the questbook.
I was working on the natural gas quest lately and had a severe problem understanding what was to be done ;)
I had the pump, tanks a generator and was ready to go. But when I plop down the pump on one of the sandpatches nothing happens. Maybe you could add a little hint, that one actually has to dig to the cave below that patch.
@karmarcharger maybe a little hint for the questbook.
I was working on the natural gas quest lately and had a severe problem understanding what was to be done ;)
I had the pump, tanks a generator and was ready to go. But when I plop down the pump on one of the sandpatches nothing happens. Maybe you could add a little hint, that one actually has to dig to the cave below that patch.

Yeah and don't forget to NOT bring freaking TORCHES it will burn... Horribly.

And of course you can right click the pump if you don't have a generator handy.

Also one hint: it is possible that mobs will spawn there and you cant light it up with torches, either bring glowstone nooks or dig holes from surface to the hole to light it up.
Yepp @Lagman those where the hints I found in a tutorial as well. The good thing is that I have my solargenerator loaded fully, that can do the work.

Another hint that might come in handy, is to be careful around the gas, since it causes quite a deal of negative effects (weakness, nausea and so on).
So having that generator, quickly set everything up and then get out of there until the work is done is a god way to tackle it. I also have some leaves with me in the hope to get around any air quality problems, since the caves are usually quite far down.
I haven't used it so far. But according to some stuff I read (cannot remember where) that you can use it to power crucible furnaces with a very long lasting and hot (read hot enough to melt titanium) effect.
Have yet to veryfy that.
What still has me thinking is the efficency, since I read that you get around max 30 buckets of gas and not more. And since the process is not really automateable, I wonder if it makes sense at all, and not to completely rely on steves carts to supply the burning material.
@karmarcharger maybe a little hint for the questbook.
I was working on the natural gas quest lately and had a severe problem understanding what was to be done ;)
I had the pump, tanks a generator and was ready to go. But when I plop down the pump on one of the sandpatches nothing happens. Maybe you could add a little hint, that one actually has to dig to the cave below that patch.
Yeah and some people (ChimneySwift) were even digging up the sand like, "Free sand!"

Yeah and don't forget to NOT bring freaking TORCHES it will burn... Horribly.

And of course you can right click the pump if you don't have a generator handy.

Also one hint: it is possible that mobs will spawn there and you cant light it up with torches, either bring glowstone nooks or dig holes from surface to the hole to light it up.
Well it IS natural gas...
Also I've been using glowstone glass because nooks feel too cheaty to me... /:

Version 1.3.1

-Mainly quests fixes, and a few mod updates
Huzzah! Thanks kar!
I'm sure I am in the minority, but I found a division sigil in a dungeon. I activated it and use a cursed earth farm. I use diamond spikes/fans/conveyer belts. I also use the witch water bucket from the witch killing quest to turn skeletons into wither skeletons. I don't get wither skulls, but I do get necrotic bones and red hearts, so I could fill out my red heart canisters. I have some conduits with a filter/trash can to save what I currently need because there are SO many drops I can't keep it all. I also have a poor villager that I cured, tucked away underground next to the diamond spike, to lure the zombies over without effort.

I have had a few downsides to my design, the most annoying one being that every few days (real time, i run a server on my computer when I'm not recording to keep the farm going + my ender pearl farm going, let meteors fall for resources) something will blow a hole in the wall. I think it has something to do with support creepers/some infernal variant. TBH I've just been disabling mob griefing when I run it in the background because it's not worth the headache. The only other real problem I have had is that Skeleton Majors (the big ones) sometimes get outside of the farm, but they still just stand there trying to get to the villager. I think that they try to get on another mob (a la Jocky-style) and they glitch outside the wall. A couple shots from my crossbow and they are dead, but it is a nuisance. I've filled a few barrels of liquid xp for myself/my blacksmith's assistants. I have shown it off in one of my videos before, but sadly I don't remember which one it was.

I believe the festive creepers will suicide with TNT when they get low on life... perhaps that's the problem? I'm planning on addressing this issue with the TNT eating botania flowers when I get to this point.
2 questions for @Xolan and @karmarcharger:

Xolan: How do you automate your blacksmiths assistants? I tried with hoppers, but in between the processing some items go through unworked.

Karmarcharger: How do you automate brass now exactly? With hopper and redstone? (and how do you get 1.3.1, is it in the launcher?)
I do the blacksmith assistant with emerald pipe with a filter on it, but I have found that when you hammer silicon you will get diamond wire. I dont see it in NEI is it normal or a bug?

And about that brass... I didnt even try automating it but I may do it cuz itz good to have.