Karmarcharger, In the botania quest line is it intended that the runes quests give you less materials back than what you have to put into them to complete?
Another question, since you changed the recipe for manasteel, perhaps the botania quest line should be moved to the pnuematiccraft section or directly after due to a massive grind to get the needed materials to complete the botania quest line. And simply put, if you don't have pnuematiccraft set up your looking at probably serveral real life days if not longer to even hope to complete quest line without pnuematiccraft. Guess all I'm really saying is that botania now feels like it just isn't properly placed in the questbook. And I will note that I know that the questbook is simply a guide in ways and that the setup you have allows for starting each quest line when you choose. It just seems a little misleading to me where it's at because, it just isn't plausible to complete, as starter questlines go.
Also want to thank you for your hard work and tell you I am having tons of fun with your pack

and hope that you'll continue to work on it for a long time. Perhaps keep adding to it for years to come. And I really am not trying to offend, just thought you would like a little feedback.
And if others would post their opinions on botania, I would love your take on it. And thank you in advance