[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nah, haven't made it past err pneumatics yet. I love to keep restarting to see new changes. 1.2.6 is probably the point where I'd just stop restarting to go make vids. :D
But......but.....XD I had faith in you tetshio...WHYYYY. XDDD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Finally, a fortune III pick :D. I love my dual set of fortune II and silk touch on mining missions. I can simply press Q to switch them out too! (since tools replace each other when you drop them) Both are made of steel (same level as manulliwhatsitsname), slime tool rods buff the durability, and after a single mining boost they mine obsidian! I had to experiment a lot in creative to realize a pick with a slime tool rod + obsidian binding + steel head is the most OP basic pick. You need slime or paper to make the durability high enough to be able to get a modifier (for moss) before it breaks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone have any good recommendations for a sword? I really get crosseyed looking through all the different types XD. Also, what type of projectile weapon should i make?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nah, haven't made it past err pneumatics yet. I love to keep restarting to see new changes. 1.2.6 is probably the point where I'd just stop restarting to go make vids. :D
With the state of flux this pack is in. I don't see the point of people doing videos on it. @PurpleMentat summed it up pretty well yesterday in his Vlog. This pack should still be in the development section.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
With the state of flux this pack is in. I don't see the point of people doing videos on it. @PurpleMentat summed it up pretty well yesterday in his Vlog. This pack should still be in the development section.

True however it was almost the same thing as when I made videos for Crash Landing when it was starting. Map changes and restructuring in quests that needed world restarts. Modpacks are supposed to change according to feedback and suggestions and hence that is why I postponed making videos compared to some youtubers who just jumped in and say "wasted hours and get frustrated from the update/changes" after playing. Nothing wrong with that but I could have jumped the bandwagon too but no, I have my own schedule and gut feeling about this pack. If I could stream via twitch so that people can see how I approach the modpack, I'd probably be doing it 24/6 (but ISP is derpy and only has 300kbps available in the area where I am at) :(


Jul 29, 2019
You can get silicon from smelting iron in a crucible furnace

This right here is a massive issue. I was pointing out how people seem to be leaving more and more because of the ridiculous grind. The response? "Hurr durr, you makes the silicons from the irons hurr durr." Not even remotely related to what I was saying.

Support steve's carts all you want, but don't punish people for wanting something different. I think that's the entire problem. You want to control all of the player's choices so they only have one path to go down. YOUR path. You give no options otherwise, and punish the player for trying something different. Add to that you haven't even clearly laid out what path you want them to take, leaving them guessing along the way what to do next (your quests don't lead very well).

Completly agree with you there. My main problem with this pack is the linearity of the progression. I don't feel like I have any choice in which machine I should craft next and that I'm forced to take a predefined path.

It's one thing to want to encourage players to try to use more a certain mod but it's another thing to actually force players to use said mod by disabling any other alternative.

Huh, I've said things to this effect before. Others have said things. I wonder if that means that there may be a real issue with the pack? Naw, karmarcharger's always right, because he's the modpack maker and can do no wrong. (And yeah, just because there are multiple options, that doesn't mean they're all viable at early game. The only early game option to make a tree farm is purely Steve's Carts. It uses basic materials and a cart maker. Flaxbeard's needs a whole steam infrastructure and brass production and Pneumaticaft needs a pressure infrastructure and compressed iron. The only one readily available with no infrastructure required is Steve's Carts; everything else is pretty far from early game.)

Videos above.... These are all choices of tree farms, the player has a choice.... :p

See, this is the issue. It's pointed out that there may well be a choice, but only one is feasible early game. Your response is, "Hurr durr, there more than one way hurr durr." As in, you completely ignore what the issue at hand is. So let me restate it yet another time so you may finally understand: Multiple tree farm options aren't the bloody issue. The issue is that, because all but one have infrastructure and advanced material requirements, the only one left standing is the only viable one at early game. Is it clear yet? I recall I had to repeat myself and others over and over again when trying to get you to understand the issue with triple compressed dirt. This is a bloody repeat of that. This is not a good thing. You're ignoring the issue at hand. You're repeating the same "solution" that everyone is telling you isn't a solution at all. This has to stop.

And yeah, I realize I'm a touch late on the subject; I just woke up, but this bugs the heck outta me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the hint with cursed-earth-spawner and the smeltery. Was really wondering how to get more enderpearls early on without an enderman-spawner around. (the enderlily is so damn slow, hehe).

Now I only need to find a way to get blaze-rods in the new 1.2.6 map. Havn't seen any blaze spawners yet and still too scared of going to the nether... even though the demon spawnrate was reduced. I seriously hate them ^^ (and finding a fortress and all... hope I'm lucky)

A lil bug:
The adventure-backpack seems to be missing texture at the moment. (not sure if that is a mod-bug though)

This right here is a massive issue. I was pointing out how people seem to be leaving more and more because of the ridiculous grind. The response? "Hurr durr, you makes the silicons from the irons hurr durr." Not even remotely related to what I was saying.

Karma already put in a silicon-recipe using the blacksmith anvil and skystone...


Jul 29, 2019
Karma already put in a silicon-recipe using the blacksmith anvil and skystone...

The issue here being that I said one thing and he responded as though I'd said something else. That silicon is easier to get is great; but that's not what I was talking about and what he said was completely pointless.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Some more quest bugs:
-the pneumaticcraft gps doesnt seem to register in the quest when i craft it
-the mars goo quest does not register the bacterial sludge when i pump it in (it accepted the vines)

Some remark:
-the inventory cable from steves factory manager seems to be way too expensive, especially when the quest requires u to make at least 24(=144 enhanced metal + me stuffs)
-i dont see the point in requireing 4 advanced solar generators for the mekanism tier 3 quest. Even one is super hard to make, especially at the stage of that quest line and shouldn't it be up to the player how he powers his stuff?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What I really don't understand however is, why you people are so damn focused on "Choice of ways to do it" like this was one of the kitchen-sink-packs...
It's like complaining that skyblock-modpacks force you to use ex nihilo in the beginning and in 1.6.4 it then forced you to use thermal expansion to automate stuff. In 1.7.10 it allows you to choose between thermal expansion and ender IO.

Sorry, but if you want "total freedom of choice what I do which way", then play a kitchen-sink-pack and not a modpack like this which gives you a more linear way of doing things, because it tries to tell a story (like steve's carts is the early game cause it makes sense alot with coal-engines and stuff. The locomotive was there before the electricity)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What I really don't understand however is, why you people are so damn focused on "Choice of ways to do it" like this was one of the kitchen-sink-packs...
It's like complaining that skyblock-modpacks force you to use ex nihilo in the beginning and in 1.6.4 it then forced you to use thermal expansion to automate stuff. In 1.7.10 it allows you to choose between thermal expansion and ender IO.

Sorry, but if you want "total freedom of choice what I do which way", then play a kitchen-sink-pack and not a modpack like this which gives you a more linear way of doing things, because it tries to tell a story (like steve's carts is the early game cause it makes sense alot with coal-engines and stuff. The locomotive was there before the electricity)

This is a really good point. You don't play a map pack like this if you want freedom and options, that's what normal mod packs are for. You play a HQM pack like this for direction and goals. They are all fairly linear, and they all force you to use certain things in a certain order, that's the point, that's what sets them apart from the lazy packs that just mash a bunch of mods together and call it done.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey please help, thank you !
So mining is fun, you run around in the daylight and find those litle hills\mountains and get as mch as ores as possible before is night again, or you go and hit some meteors and get a litle bit of ores, Is there a better way ? Is it what you do the whole time ? what's the advanced way ? well of course you get faster mining tools and maybe hammers to mine a big area at once but you still need ALOT of ores for those quests, I don't think I can use steve's cart for auto-mining because you only get ores from those hills.

2.What's the usage of 'flaxbeard'\steam stuffs ? well I know I can get like more efficent usage for coal but I made an auto lava farm so I don't need coal to smelt stuffs, I heard I can do some stuffs what fans to move mobs or something, not sure or to use the rock smasher to double ores? how does it work? thanks for the help.

3.If I played in 1.2.0 and an old quest reward was changed in 1.2.5 should I cheat the new reward and void the old one? Cause I can't get it anymore or re-do the quest and If I could reset the quests I would'nt because I've done alot of stuffs so far.

4.You only get 1brass ingot for every 3copper ingots and 1zinc ingot that you craft, I thought we should get 4 per crafting recipe (4ingots=4ingots) but you only get 1ingots per 4ingots, is it a bug?
Please reply and help, thank you !
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Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
4.You only get 1brass ingot for every 3copper ingots and 1zinc ingot that you craft, I thought we should get 4 per crafting recipe (4ingots=4ingots) but you only get 1ingots per 4ingots, is it a bug?
Please reply and help, thank you !
You get 4 ingots or 6 plates for 3 copper + 1 zinc using the flaxbeard crucible


Jul 29, 2019
1.So mining is fun, you run around in the daylight and find those litle hills\mountains and get as mch as ores as possible before is night again, or you go and hit some meteors and get a litle bit of ores, Is there a better way ? Is it what you do the whole time ? what's the advanced way ? well of course you get faster mining tools and maybe hammers to mine a big area at once but you still need ALOT of ores for those quests, I don't think I can use steve's cart for auto-mining because you only get ores from those hills.

Nope, that's just about the only way to get any ores, from what I've gathered. No matter how far you get, you'll still have to go out and mine spires and smash meteors, unless someone's found a better way and just not said it yet.

2.What's the usage of 'flaxbeard'\steam stuffs ? well I know I can get like more efficent usage for coal but I made an auto lava farm so I don't need coal to smelt stuffs, I heard I can do some stuffs what fans to move mobs or something, not sure or to use the rock smasher to double ores? how does it work? thanks for the help.

The rock smasher is used for cobble generation, I believe. Otherwise, Flaxbeard has pretty niche uses in this modpack.

3.If I played in 1.2.0 and an old quest reward was changed in 1.2.5 should I cheat the new reward and void the old one? Cause I can't get it anymore or re-do the quest and If I could reset the quests I would'nt because I've done alot of stuffs so far.

At your discretion, really. Either way, you did the quest, and you got the reward. I say just use whichever you prefer.

4.You only get 1brass ingot for every 3copper ingots and 1zinc ingot that you craft, I thought we should get 4 per crafting recipe (4ingots=4ingots) but you only get 1ingots per 4ingots, is it a bug?

Nope. You can either set up an autocrafting system that'll make one brass for every three copper and one zinc, or you can take lots more time to make four ingots via the Flaxbeard crucible, or alternatively six plates.


Jul 29, 2019
Hey please help, thank you !
So mining is fun, you run around in the daylight and find those litle hills\mountains and get as mch as ores as possible before is night again, or you go and hit some meteors and get a litle bit of ores, Is there a better way ? Is it what you do the whole time ? what's the advanced way ? well of course you get faster mining tools and maybe hammers to mine a big area at once but you still need ALOT of ores for those quests, I don't think I can use steve's cart for auto-mining because you only get ores from those hills.

2.What's the usage of 'flaxbeard'\steam stuffs ? well I know I can get like more efficent usage for coal but I made an auto lava farm so I don't need coal to smelt stuffs, I heard I can do some stuffs what fans to move mobs or something, not sure or to use the rock smasher to double ores? how does it work? thanks for the help.

3.If I played in 1.2.0 and an old quest reward was changed in 1.2.5 should I cheat the new reward and void the old one? Cause I can't get it anymore or re-do the quest and If I could reset the quests I would'nt because I've done alot of stuffs so far.

4.You only get 1brass ingot for every 3copper ingots and 1zinc ingot that you craft, I thought we should get 4 per crafting recipe (4ingots=4ingots) but you only get 1ingots per 4ingots, is it a bug?
Please reply and help, thank you !

Flaxbears armor allow flight, early game cobble farm and no XP anvil using the hammer machine.

Try luck III diamond hammer on cold meteor blocks to get tons of resources. To automate resource gathering look for orechid from Botania mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way to get more pearl oysters?

You can find them in the chests you find in bunkers, they are fairly common.

1.So mining is fun, you run around in the daylight and find those litle hills\mountains and get as mch as ores as possible before is night again, or you go and hit some meteors and get a litle bit of ores, Is there a better way ? Is it what you do the whole time ? what's the advanced way ? well of course you get faster mining tools and maybe hammers to mine a big area at once but you still need ALOT of ores for those quests, I don't think I can use steve's cart for auto-mining because you only get ores from those hills.

2.What's the usage of 'flaxbeard'\steam stuffs ? well I know I can get like more efficent usage for coal but I made an auto lava farm so I don't need coal to smelt stuffs, I heard I can do some stuffs what fans to move mobs or something, not sure or to use the rock smasher to double ores? how does it work? thanks for the help.

3.If I played in 1.2.0 and an old quest reward was changed in 1.2.5 should I cheat the new reward and void the old one? Cause I can't get it anymore or re-do the quest and If I could reset the quests I would'nt because I've done alot of stuffs so far.

4.You only get 1brass ingot for every 3copper ingots and 1zinc ingot that you craft, I thought we should get 4 per crafting recipe (4ingots=4ingots) but you only get 1ingots per 4ingots, is it a bug?
Please reply and help, thank you !

1. A diamond hammer with fortune III on it will get you loads of ores from the meteors, add efficiency V and unbreaking III and you can just go to town and fill your inventory. The botania orechid can get you infinite ores, but it takes a ton of mana generation to get a stable system up, it uses like 5% of a mana pool per ore, 9 thermalilies and 36 endoflames can't keep up, not even close. I believe there's normal oregen on the other planets, so you can set up automated mining later.

2. Eh... The armor is decent. The fans are bleh, I believe the openblocks fans are still in and they do the same with just a redstone signal, there's also extra utilities conveyors.

3. Up to you.

4. I believe karma said it was a mistake a few pages back.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lol yog-tards, So thaaats what turned this place into a youtubes comments section. XD As I said more than 100 pages ago when their first blast off episode came out.
Frankly I have to say this place went downhill the moment this modpack stopped being a private pack and was featured on the FTB launcher itself.

With the state of flux this pack is in. I don't see the point of people doing videos on it. @PurpleMentat summed it up pretty well yesterday in his Vlog. This pack should still be in the development section.
What state of flux? The only real major change that has been made is the removal of the block of infinite water which forced the drinkable water creation change, the only real need to adjust your world would be when sugarcane seeds was added as a quest reward meaning those who didn't get that reward should cheat it in, the rest is fairly stable enough.
The only reason why this pack even changes as much as it does is because people like the complain and the dev tries to accommodate the complainers way, way, way too much.

But the real question is did you actually try to make those in an actual new world ? Like I said the problem is not the possibilities you have overall but the possibilities you have at a given time. Of course later in the game you can make wood farms in several way but when you are playing and progressing throught the tech tree the first and only logical choice in regards to the amount of time taken and ressource needed is steve cart.

And even if theoricly there would be other choice the fact that making a steve cart woodcutter is part of an entry quest in the steve cart quest tree kinda force you to actually make it if you ever want to progress in that tree line.
No, just no. This is a themed modpack, if you want a billion different ways to do everything then don't play something that is specifically themed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You get 4 ingots or 6 plates for 3 copper + 1 zinc using the flaxbeard crucible

Nope, that's just about the only way to get any ores, from what I've gathered. No matter how far you get, you'll still have to go out and mine spires and smash meteors, unless someone's found a better way and just not said it yet.

The rock smasher is used for cobble generation, I believe. Otherwise, Flaxbeard has pretty niche uses in this modpack.

At your discretion, really. Either way, you did the quest, and you got the reward. I say just use whichever you prefer.

Nope. You can either set up an autocrafting system that'll make one brass for every three copper and one zinc, or you can take lots more time to make four ingots via the Flaxbeard crucible, or alternatively six plates.

Flaxbears armor allow flight, early game cobble farm and no XP anvil using the hammer machine.

Try luck III diamond hammer on cold meteor blocks to get tons of resources. To automate resource gathering look for orechid from Botania mod.

You can find them in the chests you find in bunkers, they are fairly common.

1. A diamond hammer with fortune III on it will get you loads of ores from the meteors, add efficiency V and unbreaking III and you can just go to town and fill your inventory. The botania orechid can get you infinite ores, but it takes a ton of mana generation to get a stable system up, it uses like 5% of a mana pool per ore, 9 thermalilies and 36 endoflames can't keep up, not even close. I believe there's normal oregen on the other planets, so you can set up automated mining later.

2. Eh... The armor is decent. The fans are bleh, I believe the openblocks fans are still in and they do the same with just a redstone signal, there's also extra utilities conveyors.

3. Up to you.

4. I believe karma said it was a mistake a few pages back.

Thank you very much for your help !

By the way, can someone explain to me what is it a bunker? is it one of those litle 'hills' that you find around the world? there are chests inside them? and also the dungeonus are realy hard and even with a good armor\bow\sword i can't survive for a while in it, same with the nether, what do you guys use for armor\weapons\potions and etc' ? thank you !