Water tends to freeze in cold biomes, unless there's block/s above it.
(Water also freezes if you have Cold touch on your boots. This thing drove me insane when trying to figure why the damn water was bugged <.>)
Are you killing Endermen or Endermen slaves?Wonders if the killing enderman quest is registering on others' quest? Mine is stuck at 0/30 when I killed 4.
IF your computer is slow and lags Remove battlemusic/weather2/mobdisemb/mobamputation/itemphys/damageindicator/statuseffect/smartmoving/Renderplayerapi/realisticpain, see if doing that helps
Since you just said it again I don't think you understood what I said, nevermind then.What? No, I disagree with your statement that the initial documentation is a problem (i guess you mean difficult), it just takes a little more time than it does to maintain it. And since someone is already working on the guidebook it's not an issue. You were saying documentation can't be done because of how often the modpack is updated; I disagreed with that.
Well if you are holding someone's head that might freak you out quite a bit.god I hate the sanity system in this pack. for some reason every once in a while something drains my sanity down to 0 with no explanation. Even setting it to peaceful doesn't fix it. Personally I find the whole enviromine system to be glitchy and just plain annoying tbh. If something is effecting your sanity, why doesn't it tell you WHAT is causing the hit? It's completely ambiguous.
edit: I figured out that when I was hunting, I looted a zombie head to my toolbar and THAT was causing a sanity drain. So totally stupid. (so a zombie head causes sanity drain in my toolbar but not my inventory? makes no sense)
I did get a sugar cane seed from a quest. I planted them outside with water. When I came back, the water was frozen and it destroyed the seed.
No, there is no way to get sugarcane besides the starter quest.
You have a 0.2% chance of getting something from compressed dirt though and mystery seeds from I think Kawaii can get it but those all have very, very little chance of getting it for an enormous amount of work that likely won't resolve it. Also that 0.2% might just be 2%, I forget.
Are you killing Endermen or Endermen slaves?
Only endermen count.Didn't notice. All were in the open, build a roof and stared stare/lure/kill. Maybe I killed the slaves. I guess I'll go kill endermen at the dungeons.
You can kill zombies outside your base with the sword with looting on it (one of the early quest rewards), and they drop a TON of iron/chain armor which if undamaged (it all starts out that way) can be thrown in the smeltery. Weapons too. You can get alot of iron and steel this way.
For those of you wanting to disable vanilla snow, NEI does that. Just add the rain button to your UI and right click it to disable rain/snow.
You may want to point out that disabling weather2 requires editing the modtweaker file to remove/comment out the references to that mod or none of your custom recipes will work. Modtweaker is very sensitive and a single mistake in the .zs file causes the entire file to fail to load. I suspect a few people reporting missing recipes in the past couple pages are experiencing this issue.
It's usually worthwhile to split the modtweaker changes into several .zs files based on mods so that if somebody decides to remove a mod only that file stops working and the rest of the recipes are unaffected.
configHey guys! Can someone tell me how it is accomplished that some of the botania flowers decay after 4 days? I want to use such a mechanic on our server tooAwesome idea
in the botania configs?
I have another dumb question. So I crushed up snow and put it into a bottle and it says "Place in Vat to turn into water". I right click and it places the bottled snow in the vat. How do I actually melt the snow?
Been playing 1.2.4 for a bit, I noticed in the changelog you added "realisticpain" mod which I really don't like so far.