terrasteel. I feel in lava and got heatstroke then it all went down hill i keep taking damage but i am not poisoned! How do i disabled insanity?disable insanity and renable it? see if it fixes the issue, also what are you wearing?
terrasteel. I feel in lava and got heatstroke then it all went down hill i keep taking damage but i am not poisoned! How do i disabled insanity?disable insanity and renable it? see if it fixes the issue, also what are you wearing?
Well thats the issue... you fell into lava XD Have a bunch of snow/ice in your hot bar and it will be fineterrasteel. I feel in lava and got heatstroke then it all went down hill i keep taking damage but i am not poisoned! How do i disabled insanity?
How do you get more than 1 ingot from ores though? it seems the only decent source of ores is from the spires and those are pretty scarce. The meteors don't drop much either and take ages to hammergalgorian has multiple recipe as of version 1.1.20 so it isnt too hard anymore....
I'm pretty sure @karmarcharger charger is either a robot or a superhuman. S/he seems to be here 24/7 and answer the questions within minutes of them being posted m_mThank you , keep up the good work , you probably get tired of answering A TON of questions from people who have no clue what they are doing , like me XD , but seriously thank you so much you rock!
Right click the hardened ores (gold/iron) on the exnilho crucible to get 1.5 times the ingots, or you can do it via the smeltery with vanilla oresHow do you get more than 1 ingot from ores though? it seems the only decent source of ores is from the spires and those are pretty scarce. The meteors don't drop much either and take ages to hammer![]()
I have never got heatstroke 3 so i didnt know it gave hunger and posion! also i couldnt get into my inventory...Your body temperature is 50 degrees. It should be at 37. I'm guessing you stood too close to lava/fire and ignored the heat warnings. I suggest emptying out your inventory and sitting in water far away from any heat sources (including furnaces + torches) until your body heat goes back to normal.
So I guess silk touch + vat + smeltery is the only reliable way to double ores atm?Right click the hardened ores (gold/iron) on the exnilho crucible to get 1.5 times the ingots, or you can do it via the smeltery with vanilla ores
Yes technically, or if you want to try your luck use exnilho hammer to smash vanilla ores, i am not sure if that works well though...So I guess silk touch + vat + smeltery is the only reliable way to double ores atm?
Earlier today I made some fluid pipes and redstone engines and ohgod I can't even remember when I transported stuff with BC last time ,_,Time to automate ore doubling with Buildcraft I guessIt's been a long time since I even touched Buildcraft or Logistics pipes.
Apparently I need liquid blue slime to make fluid pipes... where do I get this? I only know about the 1 block of blue slime water in the sapling AE reward, but that's non-renewable.
Apparently I need liquid blue slime to make fluid pipes... where do I get this? I only know about the 1 block of blue slime water in the sapling AE reward, but that's non-renewable.
Apparently I need liquid blue slime to make fluid pipes... where do I get this? I only know about the 1 block of blue slime water in the sapling AE reward, but that's non-renewable.
Is this version available anywhere yet? (I only see up to 1.1.20 in the launcher.) I don't mean to rush anyone if it's a matter of "takes a bit of time to upload", but I just wanted to make sure I'm not missing a bright red button somewhere that will give me accessVersion 1.2.0
-Disabled enderIO ME cables(Crashbug)
-Disabled Adventurebackpack hose thingy ( Crashbug)
-Disabled torch burnout ( SORRY MY BAD)
-Updated Buildcraft6.3.4
-Updated Environmine96 ( Uses less memory)
-Updated Botania154
-Updated Pneumaticraft
-Enabled striped pipes
-Put leaves cider in crafting bench to get a cider which is drinkable even at full hunger!
-Changed description at front (Thanks @Eunomiac )
-Change botania quest rewards.
-Added a simple new quest about pick leveling
Thirst, i see a lot of posts about thirst and I'm having a problem with this. I just found Blast Off yesterday and I'm having a blast. I'm playing 1.1.20.
But I have problems with thirst, when I drink water from a water bottle my thirst simply dose not stop dropping. I made a Camel Pack and I cant get it to fill. I played a lot of Crash Landing and know how a Camel Pack works but in Blast Off it wont fill up.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
How do you cut then?Kawaii food is still in just use the vat instead of the pan! It's better becasue it doesn't take 5 minutes to cook!