First of, aren't you a member of nanotekkit server community? Maybe its just my imagination but i see some very similar themed builds. (which is a good thing)Hi, I am new to this forum. I only signed up to show you the base my brother and me have built.
This is our first settlement. We started exploring the world and building our mainbase from here. Machines, storage and everything we need for crafting is placed in a little basement under the building with the IC2 Solar Panels.
That's it. I hope you like what my brother and me have built.
Sorry for the long post. I'd be glad to get some reviews and/or comments.
Best wishes and a Happy New Year!
If this is just a test server... what is planned there(apart from that reactor)? I see something like underground harbor on left? Also you know you will be unable to copy/paste microblocks to your normal build right? Why to bother with so much work on test server?
Awesome build. It gives me the nostalgic feel back from ultimate, which brings fuzzy feeling to me. Gee, I miss those days.Hi, I am new to this forum. I only signed up to show you the base my brother and me have built.
This is our first settlement. We started exploring the world and building our mainbase from here. Machines, storage and everything we need for crafting is placed in a little basement under the building with the IC2 Solar Panels.
In this picture you can see the mountain, on / in which our main base will be built.
The main entrance. Yes, I love microblocks!
After passing through the gate, you reach the entrance hall.
View of the open gate from the inside with signal lamps (green = opened; red = closed).
The first (top) level. Currently, there are two other, deeper levels. There are no other halls however.
The storage room. Every chest is linked to an AE-System and an old-school Redpower 2 sorting system (yes, this is FTB Ultimate).
Our computer room with a 5x5 ME Molecular Assembler Chamber covered with microblocks and some fancy lighting.
"Some" ME Drives with(out) ME Storage for extra item storage. 40 silver chests are not enough.
I do not like FTB's style of machines. So I am building my own. Two GT Industrial Blast Furnaces in the middle and two IC2 Induction Furnaces on the left and right side.
Map of the first level.
View of the second level upwards. You can see the railings of the first level.
Last but not least, a prototype of the planed nuclear reactor. This has been built only on a test server to trial and error.
That's it. I hope you like what my brother and me have built.
Sorry for the long post. I'd be glad to get some reviews and/or comments.
Best wishes and a Happy New Year!
I'm not sure, but if I had to guess, I'd say one to two weeks ingame (200-300 h).KingTriaxx said:That's pretty awesome. How long have you been you working on it?
No, this is my first forum post in my life.masterzh said:First of, aren't you a member of nanotekkit server community? Maybe its just my imagination but i see some very similar themed builds. (which is a good thing)
Yes, of course. If you can see a frame pattern in this base, it is movable. Here you go!masterzh said:+ Do i see roof frame-entrance on top floor ceiling ?! Will it open?
Nuclear Control is installed. There is a button in the nuclear control room to activate an alarm system with signals and sirens.masterzh said:- Is there no nuclear control mod in your modpack?
We are testing the looks, power generation and all the redstone mechanics. There is quite a bit. All the closable doors, gates and movable bridges... In addition, the movable structures react to certain conditions. For example closes the reactor shell and the bridge retracts when the reactor is started, the shield goes up as soon as a certain temperature is reached, etc .. For detailed information I have to ask my brother. He built all the redstone stuff.KingTriaxx said:I believe he meant they're testing the internal power generating bit, rather than the exterior construction. The one that makes it explode, to make sure it won't.
I am glad you like it.CarbonBaseGhost said:Awesome build. It gives me the nostalgic feel back from ultimate, which brings fuzzy feeling to me. Gee, I miss those days.
The water is just for decoration. And all you can see on this picture is the nuclear reactor hall.masterzh said:If this is just a test server... what is planned there(apart from that reactor)? I see something like underground harbor on left? Also you know you will be unable to copy/paste microblocks to your normal build right? Why to bother with so much work on test server?
Well... who does not want to have a smiling nuclear reactor? Producing energy full of joy.^^masterzh said:- And last this(joke):
Woow! That control room is looking great. I love how the outside walls create shielding. I guess your server is not public.Wow! Thank you for your feedback!
BTW: My inspirations come largely from Warhammer 40k, Star Wars and The Hobbit
Up for some serious IC2-base-porn?
1.4.7 BASE by Lutaar Pelagorn (available for download -> )
some teasers...
More in my album...
Heres my underground base Ive been working on:
First of all amazing!
Second of all OCD:
fix it for gods sake ;-;
They are the people that needs burningsome people just want to watch the world burn...
May I ask what block the wall behind the marble pillars is and which ones you use for the checkerboard floor?
That is one of the most awesome thaumcraft rooms I have ever seen. Well done sir.Made a bit more progress on my underground base, figured I'd show some pics.
Heres a shot of the exterior. Im planning on growing everything indoors but for now I just use this area, I have a small arcane lamp/golem farm set up growing some magical crops. It used to be a swamp biome but I changed it to magical forest for the grass color.
Thaumcraft room:
The Hungry node I've been feeding:
This is exactly how many heads it takes to fully stabilize my altar:
Heres my Tinkers Construct room, it needs some more work I think.
And finally the workshop which is completely unfinished and mostly designed for function.