Awesome. And if terrifying your friends isn't a good reason to use steam boilers, there isn't one that I know of. 

I think I'm ready to share my current (Unleashed 1.1.4) base build. If you see anything you want explained, feel free to ask.
What's with the piston and the melon? And how did you get Wither Skellies On Demand?
Apart from those, I approve wholeheartedly.
Gratuitous '80's film reference. Soul Shards dropping into a Mystcraft portal. 5 levers = 5 spawners: Wither Skeletons, blazes, regular skeletons, zombie villagers, cave spiders. The spawners are in a column in the nether. I'm using a Sinister queen bee (with no flowers in range) as my killing mechanism if I shut down the Mystcraft portal to just get the drops. You can kill 1 wither skeleton to set the shard, then go break several regular skeleton spawners to get the shard up to tier 5.What's with the piston and the melon? And how did you get Wither Skellies On Demand?
Apart from those, I approve wholeheartedly.
Here is the link again I have uploaded more images since I have completed the house for the most part.
What is middle pedestal thing in middle?(mod name?)
Can you put any mod item inside too?