Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

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Great as long as you don't put any power there by accident. :D

MC 1.4.7, Ultimate 1.1.2, in what was originally an Autumn forest biome.

Power station, Front

You can see the machines inside, IC2/GT across the front wall on top of the second floor, TE/BC along the bottom of the inside wall on the second floor. AE built into the wall. Bed, I-Blast Furnace and Fabricator Assembly station on the lower floor, with a mystcraft station. There's a couple of Xycraft Lava Tanks under the station, which I no longer use now that they're full. Typical. :D Down on the left you can see my vault. Lever actuated door, inaccessible without flight. Stores the valuables I don't want anything hurting, or that I need to restart my AE system.

A little more left is my small steam boiler and steam oven, which AE uses for cooking the dusts out of the I-Grinder.

Power Station, Front Right:

Steam power for the station and the AE network, plus the Greg Tech I-Grinder. There against the wall you can see an RP2 Blulectric Alloy Furnace, and around the wall you can just see a casing poking out for the Implosion compressor. On the lower level of the power station you can see the casings of the Industrial Blast Furnace.

RP2 Knife:

My Redpower 2 Cutting Knife. Runs from 137 to bed rock, and cuts a single line through the land scape. Chews through ground like no one's business. Only been stuck once when it got hung up in some Redwoods. Sliced one in half.

RP2 Oil Rig:

Oil Rig to pump oil anywhere without having to stop and set up the cobble platform and Redstone Engines. Flies on all six axes. Not CC Controlled. Could never get it to work. Stop, plug in a pump, tesseract and ender tank and it'll suck that oil dry.

AE Auto-crafting 1:

The ender chest is connected to my bag, and my Knife. Four import buses ensure it's never filled for long.

AE Auto-Crafting 2:

Non-Multi-Block AE Auto-crafting, and down below is my Oil Tank. Max-size Xycraft Tank.

AE Auto-Crafting 3:

Turns most of my I-Grinder Tiny dusts into full size ones for processing. Normally disconnected when not in use for power reasons.

Steve's Cart Tree Farm:

Actually a little over sized Tree farm. On the left is an experiment with MFR farming. Works well, even if I have way too much wood now.

Titanium Processing:

It's isolated from the main power system so it doesn't use up all my house power, or all my tin making cells. When the MFSU is full, a BC gate pulls Bauxite out of the ME network via interface, and dumps it into the Industrial Electrolyzer. Hydrogen cells go to the liquid transposer, oxygen to an extractor, and the titanium and aluminum goes into the AE network. The Autocrafting table there assembles the tiny piles into normal piles of titanium.

Rail line from my house to the Mage Tower:

The lights switch from green to red when the cart providing power to the tower is in transit. So I don't run into it while I'm going from A to B.

Mage Tower:

The mage tower itself, surrounded by Silverwoods for pure nodes. (I'm standing on one across the river here.) made of wood stone and glass, plus some replaced with warded, for all the variety of research boosts. Sitting on the river I get a huge boost to anything with water in it. Piston actuated glass block on top, plus a water entrance from the river. Stepped design just looks nice.
Thank you. Hopefully the my new wizards tower will turn out a little more majestic than this one, which is more function than form.
Alright, now I finally have a finished base, which I made entirely legit in survival. The pack is Unleashed v1.1.3. Most of it is complete, but I still have a few things to clean up. The texture pack used is a combination of some of my favorites from vanilla minecraft. I don't think I am legally allowed to distribute it, so it's staying on my computer.

Base overview:
The entire base is mob-proof, no hostiles will spawn inside thanks to wrath lamps, which eliminate the need for doors. In the background you can see a beacon that I never moved, an orchard of MFR rubber trees I am yet to take down, and my earlier base attempt (it was a bunker). The gates use Tinker's Construct drawbridges, but because of RedNet cable bugs, a simple lever on the inside is the best I have.

My fully automated MFR farm. It still needs some cleaning up to do.
Farms wheat, carrots, potatoes, MFR rubber, and oak wood. Behind it is an automated cow farm encased in reinforced glass. I like to see the animals when they get brutally murdered systematically. :P

Living Area (Floor 1):
Here is a simple house with some basic non-electric machines and AE access. The obsidian chest right next to me contains emergency supplies: two redstone energy cells so that if I lose power, I can get them back online long enough to fix things. On the left I have a trophy from each TF boss, but for some reason the UR-Ghast didn't drop a trophy, so I cheated it in. (the one exception to "totally legit")

Living Area (Basement)
This area I just added, since I realized I needed a place to put vanilla stuff. Behind me is the only anvil I ever made, and I never used it once. I have enchant+ enabled, hence the odd-looking enchantment table.

Tech Building, Floor 1
All the machines I would ever need. Behind me and to the right is a set of eight lasers and an assembly table. Anything that comes out of the non-forestry machines automatically goes to the AE network.

Tech Building, Basement 1
This is where all the energy comes from. I have 24 magmatic engines and 24 geothermal generators. Behind me is an automated mass fabricator. Behind the stairs are two energy tesseracts. One goes to my lava pump setup in the nether, which I am slowly draining, and the other goes to my quarry a long ways away.

Tech Building, Basement 2
This is where all the automation occurs. On the left wall I have 18 machines, all of which connected to interfaces (except the extractors) for processing on-demand. In the back is the main AE hub, with two drives and a small M.A.C. Below me is a much smaller second network that handles quarry input. Cobble, dirt, and gravel all go straight to the recyclers, and everything it knows how to process goes to pulverizers/furnaces/compressor (for uranium) and into the crystal chest. Anything that's in that chest gets picked up by the main network. All the scrap goes upstairs to the mass fabricator. This is my personal favorite part of my base.

Arcana Building, Surface Floor
This floor has a basic Thaumcraft setup. You can probably tell I never really got into it. The outside of the building is dome-shaped, and it was really tricky to build. Not much else here.

Arcana Building, Basement
This is my Mystcraft setup, where I have a portal to my lava pump, and the entrances to the twilight forest and the end. Because the only village I can find in the overworld (and I looked for about an hour flying with MPS jetpack) didn't have any Mystcraft villagers, this part I had made little progress on. I did have some fun trying to find the best portal color for each dimension. The one to the end is dark blue-gray.
I like how you name all of your landmarks around your world. My waypoints are never anywhere near as elegeant as yours. "Oil" "Home" "Dungeon 1" "Dungeon 2", you get the idea, boring.

Yea actually I just started wandering around and found some neat landmarks. "Cruel peak" is just a spot at the top of a crag biome, and Frost point is the tip of a GINORMOUS ice plains biome that takes up about half the continent. I looked at it in MCEdit, it's really that big. All my other waypoints are boring. I usually do "Home" "Quarry 1" "LHH 3" (Large hollow hill 3), and "Lava Pump 2". Kind of a wierd worldgen, when I first loaded the world I didn't know BoP had its own world type. Only after making my first few machines did I realize this. Then I went into the BoP config and made it overwrite vanilla biomes. I wandered around in the overworld some more, and the nether. After that (this was in v1.1.2) I couldn't find any nether fortresses at all, so I deleted my nether and turned the BoP config option off again. This explains the wierd "ring" of BoP biomes about 1-2 km around my house. Lesson learned: If you want BoP, use the worldgen.
Bugs with Rednet cable? Oh that. Hold shift and make sure you're clicking exactly on the red square in the middle. Presuming it's the one that crashes the game if you miss that.
What exactly are the colored lamps that you seem to use throughout various buildings? I haven't been able to find something like that in Unleashed, but maybe it should be obvious and I'm just being silly... :confused:

Also, I like the base! The clean white look of the tech building is especially nice.
What exactly are the colored lamps that you seem to use throughout various buildings? I haven't been able to find something like that in Unleashed, but maybe it should be obvious and I'm just being silly... :confused:

Also, I like the base! The clean white look of the tech building is especially nice.

Those look like glowstone illuminators to me, they are from TE
What exactly are the colored lamps that you seem to use throughout various buildings? I haven't been able to find something like that in Unleashed, but maybe it should be obvious and I'm just being silly... :confused:

Also, I like the base! The clean white look of the tech building is especially nice.

It depends on which ones you're talking about. He has Wrath Lamps, Nitor, and Xycraft lights.
Wrath lamps and nitor I recognize. I didn't think Xycraft was in Unleashed yet though? If I'm wrong, that's a double face-palm on my part...
The creator of XyCraft (I think it's Myrathi but I can't remember, as I never liked the mod very much) isn't releasing or even making a 1.5 version of XyCraft, it is skipping up to 1.6.
The creator of XyCraft (I think it's Myrathi but I can't remember, as I never liked the mod very much) isn't releasing or even making a 1.5 version of XyCraft, it is skipping up to 1.6.

Ah yes, that sounds familiar. Must be TE illuminators then. I'll check that out once I finally get back on.
And maybe you'll like Xycraft a bit better once Soaryn actually gets the power system implemented. One can hope. ;)
Ah yes, that sounds familiar. Must be TE illuminators then. I'll check that out once I finally get back on.
And maybe you'll like Xycraft a bit better once Soaryn actually gets the power system implemented. One can hope. ;)

I really hope so. His power system looks amazing and almost functional. Apparently he just needs something to use the power on. Maybe he could make fabricators require power?
The bug with the RedNet cable is the one where it won't connect to vanilla redstone if a mod block is also connected, somehow "stealing" the redstone signal, no crash. That prevents me from using a PRC and a button on either side of the door. (I really miss RP2, FTB should add in Project Red to replace it.) I'm using Wrath lamps for the outside lighting, and mainly TE Illuminators for the inside (you can right-click on them with a dye to change the color), with TC Nitor for some of the arcane-ish rooms. You can tell I really like Iron Brick from Tinker's. No, Xycraft is not in Unleashed, and I miss not being able to use them for TC research (they had lots of aspects). If by fabricators you mean my fully automated mass fabricator, then I'm standing right in front of it on Basement 1 of the tech building, almost continually supplied with scrap. I think I plan on using the power to build (smaller) bases in other dimensions, using AE's quantum entaglement thingamajig to make my stuff available. If Xycraft is adding a power system, I sure hope they add a way to convert it without an external mod, like forestry's electrical engine.