Here's some screenies from my base in Forever Stranded. Playing it slow and steady, not paying much attention the quest book (it's got a lot of pointless crafting which given the rarity of iron and redstone, I just felt I'll progress in my own way, then come back to them later). Took me 3 worlds to get to this point, the first two are day 1 and 2, and I'm being ganked at spawn by a husk horde. I think it's game year 2, as I'm in my 2nd winter.
Iron and redstone is a real pain, and I'm glad I do not have to do any more manual sifting, there is just way too much of that in this pack.

My resource gen, all powered by cobble. Underground is a lava gen power system, plus setup to auto-craft iron meshes. Main sifts Gravel and Dust, with Sand only being sifted as a side product of the gravel in sag mill. All gets dumped into a medium storage crate, and the dust/grains/chunks are sent to various compressors and then either sent to the AA crusher to get a lot more resources (well worth the investment building that) and then smelted and all ingots stored into a different medium storage crate.
Need to setup a storage wall and do something with all the seeds, then I can think about AE2.

Two vanilla cactus farms, one producing dirt, the other making water (I'm avoiding the "cheaty" infinite water block thats available). Small witchwater setup down there too for soul sand production.

My greenhouse, only just recently added the heating coils for winter warming. As usual, barely need to touch pams various meals, it's easy enough to keep well fed

Various overview shots (got my first chicken in the enclosure out back)

Naturally formed mob trap outside, plus waterwheel and ink sack farm. Nothing can get into the base, and sand cannot pile up outside. My eventual goal is to enclose the entire area and cover it with grass.
Edit: Following the above, I decided to review my non-ingots crate and setup a basic IC2 scrap processing system making use of flint and ex nilo seeds, other seeds are being squeezed to seed oil (might have a use for that later). Scrap is going to be turned to scrap boxes and then auto-opened (somehow) for some further useful resources. Saves throwing it into a trash can!