Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

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It's not much but I play on a small server with me and two of my friends from real life.
Here are some photos I took for fun:
This right here is our AE Room, it's not much from above but everything is below. Over on the right is a drawer used to store our RFTools Dimlets since they take up too much room. There is a terminal for each of us.


Here is the Enderman farm I made, pretty basic, one Ender io spawner hooked up with redstone conduits and some energy conduits. Using Iron spikes to kill the enderman and Vacuum hoppers to pick them up. There is a Import bus underneath that diamond chest there. A lever can toggle it on or off whenever we need to use it. There is, of course, a Octadic capacitor inside the spawner. Oh and its made of Ztone blocks and quite clear glass.


Here is our beds. I'm the one in the middle :P It's not much, though we really don't need much to be honest.


Here is the doorway to our machine room. you can see some of the machines inside there. The flowers on either side is flax seeds from Actually Additions and most of the building is Ztones blocks. Just saying, I'm not the one who made the building, so don't hate on the weird Ztone patterns.


This is a setup one of my friends made (the same guy who decorated the building in the last photo). It's pretty efficient, it basically gets us automatic Ex Nihilo dusts, then smelts them in a smeltry and places them into our AE system. There is a slot casting basin for every single type of metal so that we never waste anything, and there is two smeltrys so that no alloys are made by accident.


And last but not least here is our smeltry, plus a little view of our mob farm. The smeltry can hold around 2 and 1/3 stacks and is auto fed lava or energized glowstone, depending on what you choose it to be. There are three casting tablesand three casting basins.
Over on the far left you can see our mob farm, its pretty basic, I just copied over what i do in Skyblocks and put it here. Then i went underground and lit up all the caves below.


And yeah that's all. If anyone wants I can take a few more photos of things. We recently just updated the pack (12 more mods yo) and now we have advanced genrators which I'm super excited to work with.
So after having looked at the TPPI base photos, believe me, you still build a lot better than some of us. I mean, look at my photos above, not exactly the best looking thing. But on another note, I never really got the whole, building bases out in the open thing. I afk a lot and with my luck I know a creeper will walk in and I'll be standing next to my me drives or something and I'll just be afk while they slowly despawn on the floor.
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I took a bit of a break as work was seriously cramping my playtime ( and awake time... I was TIRED! ) When I finally started playing it was with a slightly modified Horizons II pack. I ruined the intent somewhat as I added a few mods back that I enjoy. I have been exploring the other mods in the pack that were meant to replace the ones I added :D I just wanted the safety net. Simple as that really. I don't think I can ever play a pack again without the Realistic Worldgen Mod. It's absolutely stunning. This base is in a winter mountain. Another I'm doing is in a river mesa... THAT is spectacular but I don't have anything of note built yet.


My fairly typical starter area. I'm a creature of habit. I really liked the lockers once I figured out how to make them work side by side. The chests are sweet too as they don't suffer from a 1 tall space like vanilla chests do.

The side entrance into super cheaty-ville

It was fun figuring out how to use this mod. Soon enough I just went nuts. Without a computer system or massive storage capability I just made most things on the fly with emc. I didn't feel bad adding in the other mods when I found not a single thing had emc value. When you see my power solution, you'll understand why I lament this fact. Still, it felt right as it was. I had to work for my power.
Down to the next level...

Basic tinkers set up

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Elevator to the mines as well as my enchanting area. At the bottom is the nether portal.
The side door leads to the factory. The stairs down lead to my agriculture area. Both are fairly compact and clean.
Behind the walls are an infinite water pool being fed to my ender tank via electric pump from ender io. All the machines feed into the left most chest. By the lava is a sawmill.
After looking at all the good bases here, I thought that I should have a go.


Here is the outside of my base (technically it was my base till I built the lower floors).


The two entrances to my base (and lower floors).


A look inside the entrance buildings (the doors are non-functional, a Ender IO travel anchor is used to move around) and both are the same in terms of function.


A view of the walkway down to the main room and winding corridors that get me to other parts of the base.


My tinkers storage area and general storage on the first floor (the main floor)


The other half of my setup, most of my stuff that hasn't been quarried out (by a quarry) and a very basic AE2 system.


The central shaft that goes from the main floor (y level 67) to nearly bedrock (y level 5), the bridges on the lower floors are not standard (as in from the inspiration material) but make it cooler IMO.


The second floor, just recently completed but lacking the corridors up to the main floor and down to the 3rd floor.

If you've liked what you saw, please let me know, I would like to post more (and maybe in a dedicated thread too). If you've got any questions, also let me know.
woah.... *-*

Is the outside supposed to be a ship? Because it really looks like a ship for me...
Also, what biome/world is that? How can you settle in a terrain like that? It looks absolutely horrible and your base definitively deserve a better terrain.
And why keeping a dirt (I suppose) ceiling? (picture 6)
Is that a sort of painterly pack? Not that I like it much, but it gives a different feeling to the building that is pretty cool ;D

Actually, the build from the first image is supposed to the big towers you see in Halo: CE.


Like this one from the Halo Mash up pack for the X360/XB1 Minecraft.

The biome is the ever elusive Mesa Plateau F, and the terrain around it while being (minecraft) ugly is planned to be changed to something better. The dirt ceiling is leftover from the hollowing out of the rooms, and I do intend to change it out for something else but unsure of what to use (Strongly moving towards using the floor blocks on the ceiling). Yes, the texture pack is Painterly, but heavily modified to suit modded minecraft (actually most of it is a mis-match of other packs, older painterly packs and edits done by myself).
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I set out about a month ago to do something simple: Build a wizard tower that was cooler than yours. Foolishly, I set out to do this in survival FTB Infinity. The structure so far can be found at the imgur link. A lot of blood, sweat, and vis went into it...
In any case, I'd love some feedback! Especially ideas: anything related to how I should complete the top of the tower, how to fill the vast empty spaces within the castle, ect.

I can't honestly say that it was an accident it ended up so big, its blueprints originally had it with 4 of those buttressed cathedral-segments. Anyway, on to the history. The world-save is named Virtis. That is a made up word before you go looking ut up, but it means something because the very first world I made way back in Minecraft beta 1.5 was the same name. It means something to me, like it was a fresh start or something of that nature. On that original log, I built a dirt hut without a clue as to how I was to even make a crafting table. Here, however, I made a quaint little wizard tower with the infusion altar sitting on the top floor, research in the middle, and my essentia jars on the bottom one.
It was fine and all, but it wasn't satisfying. It gave me just a taste of Thaumcraft and Botania, and I wanted much more. I said to myself "I haven't built a castle in forever!" and then I went ahead and started on it. I didn't have a quarry, or a clue as to how much land I would need to flatten to make my blueprint a reality.
That used to be a mountian. Just clearing out the land to take this picture was a feat unto itself. I did it with an iron TC hammer and a thaumium shovel.
Since then there's been major add-ons, and I really don't see any reason not to make it taller and even more imposing. I've had my fair share of scares too, one time I accidentally unleashed a yellow imbued fire when trying to scan it and I nearly destroyed the world because I had to quickly scramble together some entropy imbued fire. Another time my basement of the castle was invaded by an eldrich guardian and I had little idea as to how to handle the situation. Although, the biggest threat to the castle has probably been my boredom with the pack. Infinity doesn't offer the adventure and dungeon running that some other packs have, and even though its a little of "kill the mobs, then the boss, no worries because you're overpowered" it's still nice to see the variations in chunk generation. It makes me regret not using a different pack with biomes o' plenty enabled. Oh well, can't move now!
In any case, the addition of a hungry node to the center of the base is undoubtedly going to give me things to do, and the ambition all of you guys give me will keep me going until this tower-of-the-damned really is the coolest wizard tower of them all. Thanks!
UPDATE: I've completed the top of the tower, and my progress into the future will be documented in my new journal! :D
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I set out about a month ago to do something simple: Build a wizard tower that was cooler than yours. Foolishly, I set out to do this in survival FTB Infinity. The structure so far can be found at the imgur link.
In any case, I'd love some feedback! Especially ideas: anything related to how I should complete the top of the tower, how to fill the vast empty spaces within the castle, ect.View attachment 22652

You could try making a huge aura node or two for the tops of your towers like the eye of Sauron or something. And if you use all of the big magic mods at once (witchery, thaumcraft, botania, blood magic etc) you could fill up the rooms inside quickly. Dont forget decocraft. Anyway, great job.
You could try making a huge aura node or two for the tops of your towers like the eye of Sauron or something. And if you use all of the big magic mods at once (witchery, thaumcraft, botania, blood magic etc) you could fill up the rooms inside quickly. Dont forget decocraft. Anyway, great job.
Thanks! I've recently added a hungry node to the center of the base in a little obsidian box with a crafting table dropper set up to feed it... but it isn't in any particularly good looking spot. I'm going to eventually energize it and make some sort of eye-candied node room with a somewhat steampunk feel. I think the 4 outer towers will eventually need some sort of floating crystal or the like, as if it were a massive conduit or repository of magical energies. Either that or fire.
I set out about a month ago to do something simple: Build a wizard tower that was cooler than yours. Foolishly, I set out to do this in survival FTB Infinity. The structure so far can be found at the imgur link.
In any case, I'd love some feedback! Especially ideas: anything related to how I should complete the top of the tower, how to fill the vast empty spaces within the castle, ect.View attachment 22652
My feedback?

Damn, son.
Thanks! I've recently added a hungry node to the center of the base in a little obsidian box with a crafting table dropper set up to feed it... but it isn't in any particularly good looking spot. I'm going to eventually energize it and make some sort of eye-candied node room with a somewhat steampunk feel. I think the 4 outer towers will eventually need some sort of floating crystal or the like, as if it were a massive conduit or repository of magical energies. Either that or fire.

Draconic Evolution energy sphere-thingy perhaps.
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I set out about a month ago to do something simple: Build a wizard tower that was cooler than yours. Foolishly, I set out to do this in survival FTB Infinity. The structure so far can be found at the imgur link.
In any case, I'd love some feedback! Especially ideas: anything related to how I should complete the top of the tower, how to fill the vast empty spaces within the castle, ect.

Good Lord...

Oh and build a dungeon and torture chamber, oh and a fluxed up room that's all blown up from cocked up experiments, oh and a node-in-a-jar storage room , oh and a massive wand recharge room
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I set out about a month ago to do something simple: Build a wizard tower that was cooler than yours. Foolishly, I set out to do this in survival FTB Infinity. The structure so far can be found at the imgur link.
In any case, I'd love some feedback! Especially ideas: anything related to how I should complete the top of the tower, how to fill the vast empty spaces within the castle, ect.View attachment 22652
I feel like that deserves a medal...
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That is a pretty cool tower. I do like your essentia reservoir system. I have thought about doing something like that, but I like having the jars around the altar. My current build is golem free and uses lots and lots of buffers to automatically move essentia around the room and it automatically refills the jars. Any excess is centrifuged, then sent around again. The final stop before the centrifuge is a set of void jars to pull out any of the primal essentia as that will clog the centrifuges.

I have space for some of the void reservoirs, but I am just getting to void metal in my world, so I haven't built any of them yet.
Thank you all for the kind words :D
I really feel motivated to go and try to finish her now. On the list of things to do: Mob Dungeon & Testing chamber, Grand feasting hall with golem waiters, and a giant hurricane of ash clouds spreading out from the tower center.
So, after reading the entire topic, it may be the time for me to post there.
Unfortunately, me and building is two different things. (totally not bad translation)
The modpack is a "very" customized TPPI. Why TPPI? Because GregTech. Mostly.
So, I will just post the only thing I'm "proud" of. (actually, I was proud until I read the topic.)

In short, I'm not very good at building (compared to what I've seen there) and I don't build much anyway.
Also, every screenshots there have somehow survived many things, which mean that a lot of thing is missing. Although I think I still have the save, in case someone is interested.

Gravity Probe B, based on this and that

Still proud of it.

For everything else, I've made imgur albums.
The interesting things are there: (just don't except buildings)
And I also have an album with bonus screenshots:

Albums comes with small blocks of text.
(sorry, the grammar is probably horrible, I will try to fix it asap)

Now, I'm trying Horizons II, and if things goes okay at least 1% of what I planned, I will hopefully have something to post. Currently, my "home" is not worth looking at...

Thaumcraft IS beautiful, I'll have you know. ;)