Whitelist Server < Legion Mindcrack > Community Focused Survival -- 100% Grief-Free

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Previous Bans (if any):
Timezone | Country:
Activity Level (Hours per day):
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name)
Additional Information (Optional):

Below 18 questions

How do you age? Are you becoming more tolerant, more accepting, more indifferent; more mellow etc.

How do you view your attitude and relationship towards your parents?

What are your views on the current situation in Africa and sympathetic people for their cause. Are they hypocrites or genuine? etc.
IGN: RobbieBobby
Age: 15
Previous Bans (if any): None! (Proof: http://mcbans.com/player/RobbieBobby)
Timezone | Country: (-8) Pacific Standard Time
Activity Level (Hours per day): 3 to 6 hours on weekdays, and on weekends anywhere from 5 to 8 hours.
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes, my skype is imnotrobbie
Additional Information (Optional): I'm very quiet, I restrain from vulgar language and I just want to learn the mod with a few cool people!

Below 18 questions

How do you age? I am more mellow than I was 10 or so but that's the general of aging. People become more mature and do less stupid things. I am mellow.

How do you view your attitude and relationship towards your parents? I respect my parents. We get along quite well. We go out pretty often and some nights just sit in and watch TV together.

What are your views on the current situation in Africa and sympathetic people for their cause? As there are many problems in Africa at the moment, I'll have to avoid that question to make sure I don't look stupid answering about the wrong topic. As of genuine people, i would have to say, out of anyone being sympathetic, there will always be people who are hypocrites. I'm sorry for being so broad on this question, but without more detail I can't really expand what I think.
IGN: RunAwayNine
Age: 16 (17 this year)
Previous Bans (if any): None.
Timezone | Country: +8 GMT Singapore.
Activity Level (Hours per day): 2- 4 hours.
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes but currently I do not have skype but I do have a mic so I am able to communicate on skype if I wanted.
Additional Information (Optional): Nothing much.

Below 18 questions

How do you age? I become more tolerant to pointless direct/indirect insults to the point of indifference because I do not want to have pointless and retarded arguments. However, if it is genuine criticism, and it's logical, sensible and whatever, I will accept it and try and 'fix' myself.

How do you view your attitude and relationship towards your parents? My parents are separated for reasons I obviously do not want to share, however, I still see both of them, except one not too often, but I respect them and am grateful towards them as they brought me up. My relationship with them is very good, we seldom ever argue with each other and even if we do, the next day we just forget about it and everything is okay..

What are your views on the current situation in Africa and sympathetic people for their cause. Are they hypocrites or genuine? I really don't have much of an idea what is happening in Africa except for famine but oh well here are just my 2 cents. There are both hypocrites and genuine people among those people. But I would say mostly hypocrites, majority of those hypocrites are people who just sat on their desk one day, start up their computer one day and log on to facebook for example and sees a picture depicting the situation in Africa and then notice that a few of his friends have liked the picture and then like it just to avoid being called heartless and then may even comment to make it more convincing. The rest are for example, those that say that people should donate to help with the Africans, and when asked to do so, refuse even if they are rich and have the ability to do so. However, that there is still the minority that are genuine, those that really want to help out with the situation in Africa. I suppose there should be 2 categories for them, those that have the resources to help and those that are not able to provide any but wants to. I could give some examples but I think it is pretty obvious with the 2 categories.

Uh the facebook thing on the hypocrite part, it's just something I see on facebook everyday and I'm not really sure if it is relevant but I believe it is, you see people liking those photos of African children suffering due to famine and sure the photos may have captions that say 1 like = 1 dollar donation, but what do those people do after liking the photo, more often than not they just forget about it and never bother doing any research at all, which just shows that they are not genuine at all.

If this isn't the answer you are looking for I apologize.
IGN: cornflakes69
Age: 15
Previous Bans (if any): none
Timezone | Country: western pacific AZ
Activity Level (Hours per day): about 5 to 10
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes

18 and under questions

How do you age? well im becoming more mellow and starting to take leadership i try to keep my temper low but it will some times and if it does happen i apologize now.

How do you view your attitude and relationship towards your parents? I do as im told and i am a good child. I do tend to forget to do somethings they ask but for the most part i do as told.

What are your views on the current situation in Africa and sympathetic people for their cause. Are they hypocrites or genuine? I don't really know much about this stuff as i am a freshmen and i don't really watch the news as its on befor school. So i may not know what goes on if people are talking about thise things.
IGN: cornflakes69
Age: 15
Previous Bans (if any): none
Timezone | Country: western pacific AZ
Activity Level (Hours per day): about 5 to 10
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes

18 and under questions

How do you age? well im becoming more mellow and starting to take leadership i try to keep my temper low but it will some times and if it does happen i apologize now.

How do you view your attitude and relationship towards your parents? I do as im told and i am a good child. I do tend to forget to do somethings they ask but for the most part i do as told.

What are your views on the current situation in Africa and sympathetic people for their cause. Are they hypocrites or genuine? I don't really know much about this stuff as i am a freshmen and i don't really watch the news as its on befor school. So i may not know what goes on if people are talking about thise things.
Denied, sorry but we do not appreciate ragers irregardless if you are able to recognize it as an undesirable trait within your personality.
@Rezenith Hey uh for some reason I'm unable to create an account in the forums, the confirmation code for some reason is always wrong, even after asking my brothers to try typing it, it still failed so uh some help would be appreciated.
In Game Name: CommanderBill
Age: 17
>I am not the sort to spam the chat log, swear endlessly, or start screaming at people over Skype because someone burned down my lousy little wooden cube of design ingenuity. I should hope that I'm not anything like the twelve year-olds that have overrun the gaming community.
Previous Bans: None =D
Timezone/Country: GMT, Canada
Activity level: Around a couple hours a day. I play other games too.
Skype: Preferably not, my account is strictly for business purposes ;D
IGN: Kila_Dylbert3021
Previous Bans (if any): Nope.
Timezone | Country: US Central Time
Activity Level (Hours per day): Around 2.
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) No. Getting mic around Feb. though.
Additional Information (Optional):
Yeah, we have about 50 people whitelisted now. No hard feelings.[DOUBLEPOST=1357352202][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: Kila_Dylbert3021
Previous Bans (if any): Nope.
Timezone | Country: US Central Time
Activity Level (Hours per day): Around 2.
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) No. Getting mic around Feb. though.
Additional Information (Optional):

Nice lie, posted ages of 14, 16 and 19 on other threads. I'm going to go by the youngest age, 14. Denied.
IGN: saburewolf
Age: 35+ (much older, but I'm not retired...yet!)
Previous Bans (if any): none
Timezone | Country: US Central (GMT -6)
Activity Level (Hours per day): 1 or 2, more on weekends
Able to communicate on Skype: Could if required, normally don't use Skype.