Kinglemming, you asked for suggestions at pax

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey KL o/ We met at PAX, compared security clearances, chatted with Morv, dunno if you remember hehe. You told me to get at you on here if I had ideas. Just saw the liquid redstone on Dires channel, can't hold back this suggestion anymore: TE should be THE liquid mod, with the transposer as the centerpiece block (multi imo). Every time I use the transposer it feels like it should be more epic, I want to hear massive hydraulics and relays popping when I'm infusing tesseracts and cells, I imagine noises like in Empire Strikes Back when they're getting the machinery ready to freeze Han. No one else is doing this, and you're already going down this road.. I say own it.

Another suggestion I have is to add more sound! You're a big fan of TC right? Don't you just love the bellows?! Give all your machines awesome sound (and of course a config to disable for the haters)

Otherwise, keep up the incredible work, can't wait to make my base electrified-river powered :)
well, if it's suggestions for Kinglemming, I also have a few.
I suggested before about adding a way to craft mossy stone bricks and moss stone. since you can make cracked stone bricks using the pulverizer, I thought it'd be nice if you could also make mossy stone bricks and moss stone using a transposer filled with water.
by putting cobblestone in a transposer with water you'd get moss stone, and by putting stone bricks in the transposer with water you get mossy stone bricks.

a new suggestion is regarding the tesseracts. it'd be nice if you could have a little more control with it like with the machines and energy cells you have right now.
it'd be nice if you could tell from what sides the tesseracts has inputs and outputs, for more compact setups. it'd also be nice if you could for example tell the energy tesseract how much it can output, since you don't always want all machines to run on full power.
right now I solved that by putting an energy cell inbetween, but I love doing compact builds.

I also never understood why the buildcraft and thermal expansion wrenches don't take damage. they're not expensive to make, and it's only natural for them to take damage. the omni wrench not taking damage is not that weird, since it's quite expensive for a wrench, and if it'd take damage, it'd have a durability of something like a diamond tool. or you could do something like IC2 and RP and add a charging bench, and make an electric wrench that doesn't get destroyed, but does run out of energy. this way you're also giving other mods and submods a chance to add tools and armor that can be run on MJ.

a last suggestion is purely wishful thinking on my past, but I always loved how RP machines connected to eachother can power eachother. I really liked it if TE machines could also do this, for again, more compact builds. but ofcourse not free of charge. you could have an input in the machine GUI where you can put in a redstone conduit that will allow the machine to share it's power with the rest, and the power would balanc itself between the machines. this way you can have a whole wall of machines, with just 1 machine connected to a conduit powering the rest of the machines, with that you have more sides you can use for inputs and outputs of items.

these are purely some ideas I came up with while playing with Thermal Expansion, and it's also purely wishful thinking, so you can disregard it if you want.
I'd like to be able to melt metals for storage. Liquid iron. Oh oh. Fill up a few tanks with them and cast them back into ingots with another machine. Maybe even have a small energy cost for the tanks to keep the metals hot.

Obviously this wouldn't really work in real life :P
Currently when one steps into liquid glowstone they just get a couple of buffs and cannot swim in it at all, I propose that instead, it would lift you up along with it, just as mobs are not able to sink to the bottom of any body of water, neither would the player in liquid glowstone.
I also never understood why the buildcraft and thermal expansion wrenches don't take damage.
My dad has wrenches that are older than me and in perfect condition (and still used heavily) the only way a wrench will take damage IRL is if you leave it out in the rail like a dumbass
My dad has wrenches that are older than me and in perfect condition (and still used heavily) the only way a wrench will take damage IRL is if you leave it out in the rail like a dumbass

Indeed. I got one that belonged to my grandfather (inherited a lot of tools from him). I'm quite sure it'll outlive me.
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Hey KL o/ We met at PAX, compared security clearances, chatted with Morv, dunno if you remember hehe. You told me to get at you on here if I had ideas. Just saw the liquid redstone on Dires channel, can't hold back this suggestion anymore: TE should be THE liquid mod, with the transposer as the centerpiece block (multi imo). Every time I use the transposer it feels like it should be more epic, I want to hear massive hydraulics and relays popping when I'm infusing tesseracts and cells, I imagine noises like in Empire Strikes Back when they're getting the machinery ready to freeze Han. No one else is doing this, and you're already going down this road.. I say own it.

Another suggestion I have is to add more sound! You're a big fan of TC right? Don't you just love the bellows?! Give all your machines awesome sound (and of course a config to disable for the haters)

Otherwise, keep up the incredible work, can't wait to make my base electrified-river powered :)

We're definitely doing more with liquids in the future. :) As for sound, I have Cynycal working on that, but it's not something we're going to add unless we can absolutely make it configurable and high quality.

well, if it's suggestions for Kinglemming, I also have a few.
I suggested before about adding a way to craft mossy stone bricks and moss stone. since you can make cracked stone bricks using the pulverizer, I thought it'd be nice if you could also make mossy stone bricks and moss stone using a transposer filled with water.
by putting cobblestone in a transposer with water you'd get moss stone, and by putting stone bricks in the transposer with water you get mossy stone bricks.

Okay. Sold. Included in 2.3.0 release.

a new suggestion is regarding the tesseracts. it'd be nice if you could have a little more control with it like with the machines and energy cells you have right now.
it'd be nice if you could tell from what sides the tesseracts has inputs and outputs, for more compact setups. it'd also be nice if you could for example tell the energy tesseract how much it can output, since you don't always want all machines to run on full power.
right now I solved that by putting an energy cell inbetween, but I love doing compact builds.

Sorry, but Tesseracts are designed the way they are specifically for computational reasons. And while I don't like the idea of a unitasker per se, I also don't like omnitaskers either - the Energy Cell is designed to act as a flow limiter, and there will be another flow-limiting device at some point in the future.

I also never understood why the buildcraft and thermal expansion wrenches don't take damage. they're not expensive to make, and it's only natural for them to take damage. the omni wrench not taking damage is not that weird, since it's quite expensive for a wrench, and if it'd take damage, it'd have a durability of something like a diamond tool. or you could do something like IC2 and RP and add a charging bench, and make an electric wrench that doesn't get destroyed, but does run out of energy. this way you're also giving other mods and submods a chance to add tools and armor that can be run on MJ.

Wrenches are really hard to break. I have an old set of sockets that has seen a TON of use, and they're holding up just fine. As far as the chargeable thing, the API is already in. MPS and Chargeplates make use of it, and we're adding a charging station in the near future when we have things that make use of it.

a last suggestion is purely wishful thinking on my past, but I always loved how RP machines connected to eachother can power eachother. I really liked it if TE machines could also do this, for again, more compact builds. but ofcourse not free of charge. you could have an input in the machine GUI where you can put in a redstone conduit that will allow the machine to share it's power with the rest, and the power would balanc itself between the machines. this way you can have a whole wall of machines, with just 1 machine connected to a conduit powering the rest of the machines, with that you have more sides you can use for inputs and outputs of items.

I won't rule it out for an upgrade option in the future, but there's a computational concern here. We'll see.

I'd like to be able to melt metals for storage. Liquid iron. Oh oh. Fill up a few tanks with them and cast them back into ingots with another machine. Maybe even have a small energy cost for the tanks to keep the metals hot.
Obviously this wouldn't really work in real life :p

There are a lot of players in this space already, and while I feel that Thermal Expansion could do it very well, the upcoming Forge Fluid revamp (which I'm writing) is going to flip a lot of mods on their head. I won't commit to this until we have the new framework.

Currently when one steps into liquid glowstone they just get a couple of buffs and cannot swim in it at all, I propose that instead, it would lift you up along with it, just as mobs are not able to sink to the bottom of any body of water, neither would the player in liquid glowstone.

The reason that Glowstone rises is because it's lighter than air. It doesn't have enough density to lift anything up. ;) Also, there's sort of a Minecraft physics limitation here with how the engine is coded right now. Forge may change that.
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Okay. Sold. Included in 2.3.0 release.

yay, glad to hear that :)

Sorry, but Tesseracts are designed the way they are specifically for computational reasons. And while I don't like the idea of a unitasker per se, I also don't like omnitaskers either - the Energy Cell is designed to act as a flow limiter, and there will be another flow-limiting device at some point in the future.

I can understand that. I just hate it when conduits or pipes connect to tesseracts when I don't want them to...

Wrenches are really hard to break. I have an old set of sockets that has seen a TON of use, and they're holding up just fine. As far as the chargeable thing, the API is already in. MPS and Chargeplates make use of it, and we're adding a charging station in the near future when we have things that make use of it.

true, wrenches can be really sturdy, but not if you know my brother. he knows how to break every damn tool you can imagine.
but now that you guys are mentioning, my dad does have one huge old wrench, that thing might even be older then him :eek:

I can't wait to see what people are going to come up with. I know there's one mod that adds tools and armor that runs on MJ, but from what I saw it was really unbalanced... (note, I am not talking about MPS, I don't know the name of the mod)

I won't rule it out for an upgrade option in the future, but there's a computational concern here. We'll see.

I'll be interested on how it turns out :)
1: Splashing around in a xycraft tank put this idea in my head: required multiblock structures for machine operation. Like to use the glacial precipitator you'd have to build a "cold room" of some sort, have to maintain specific atmospheric envelopes ya know? perhaps clean room / airlock buffers? Required armor to be inside and not melt / freeze / contaminate like a hazmat suit? I'm picturing rl blast furnaces, extruding glowing beams etc, it would be epic.

2: Liquid magtubes. I realize this conflicts with tesseracts but hear me out; a expensive pipe with unlimited flow and capacity. I'm assuming liquid tesseracts will be nerfed at some point, they've just flat out replaced pipes for a lot of people, myself included and I doubt that was your vision for them. So assuming they get nerfed there'll be a reason for this superpipe. Make it enticing, maybe it can carry multiple fluids at once with special filters on each end? I loved magtubes requiring special accel / deccel blocks on each end, makes it feel like a true beefy transport system. No slowdown though, requiring the accel machines every 30 blocks or whatev is why noone uses magtubes, it's annoying. Call them frictionless, supercooled, whatever.. it's thematic.

3: More focus on the cold end of the spectrum, entropy always increases.

4: Still waiting on these explosive arrows ;)

5: Have you seen The Core? They have a material in that movie called unobtanium (avatar stole it) that gets harder as it gets hotter, it also stores energy. How bout a multiblock power generator? Build big "hot box", the hotter you can make the inside the more MJ you gets. Maybe a unobtanium forge, the more energy you can get going the denser the resultant material; could be used for armor / weapons / construction blocks / upgrading the forge itself. Hell you could make it the primary ingredient for your mod, it'd make a cool quasi-real basis for redstone energy cells. In the movie they make it by "combining tungsten and titanium crystals in a supercooled matrix" Sounds perfect amirite?
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I'd like to see upgrades (overclockers) for the machines. There's an empty box below the power level which I've always assumed was for future upgrades. The TE machines are great early game, but then are outclassed speed-wise by IC2 machines later on. Make them fairly expensive to make and require double the power for each upgrade to double the speed. For example, the furnace would take 2 mj/t with no upgrade, then 4, 8, 16, 32, etc, as far as you'd let it go, doubling speed with each upgrade unit added.

I'd also like a one-click solution to shut off an input/output side, rather than having to cycle through. Shift-click to close or something.. Purely a convenience request.

Finally, I'd like to see liquiducts in extraction mode extract by default and allow turning off extraction by adding a redstone signal, essentially flipping how they work now. I've never had a situation where I didn't have a lever on a liquiduct in extraction mode, and sometimes it just makes me have to have an ugly block placement to allow a lever. This would allow cleaner builds while still keeping the option open for switchable flow.

That's my TE wishlist. These may go against your design philosophy or not. If so, disregard. Thanks for the great mod.
1: Splashing around in a xycraft tank put this idea in my head: required multiblock structures for machine operation. Like to use the glacial precipitator you'd have to build a "cold room" of some sort, have to maintain specific atmospheric envelopes ya know? perhaps clean room / airlock buffers? Required armor to be inside and not melt / freeze / contaminate like a hazmat suit? I'm picturing rl blast furnaces, extruding glowing beams etc, it would be epic.

I'd need some completely new blocks for that, and they would have to bring some majorly interesting mechanics. Not really seeing it with the current machines.

2: Liquid magtubes. I realize this conflicts with tesseracts but hear me out; a expensive pipe with unlimited flow and capacity. I'm assuming liquid tesseracts will be nerfed at some point, they've just flat out replaced pipes for a lot of people, myself included and I doubt that was your vision for them. So assuming they get nerfed there'll be a reason for this superpipe. Make it enticing, maybe it can carry multiple fluids at once with special filters on each end? I loved magtubes requiring special accel / deccel blocks on each end, makes it feel like a true beefy transport system. No slowdown though, requiring the accel machines every 30 blocks or whatev is why noone uses magtubes, it's annoying. Call them frictionless, supercooled, whatever.. it's thematic.

We'll see. Honestly the Tesseracts are maybe a touch ridiculous, but at the same time Liquiducts see a ton of use. Tesseracts are largely used for crossdimensional lava pumping, and that's fine.

3: More focus on the cold end of the spectrum, entropy always increases.

4: Still waiting on these explosive arrows ;)

5: Have you seen The Core? They have a material in that movie called unobtanium (avatar stole it) that gets harder as it gets hotter, it also stores energy. How bout a multiblock power generator? Build big "hot box", the hotter you can make the inside the more MJ you gets. Maybe a unobtanium forge, the more energy you can get going the denser the resultant material; could be used for armor / weapons / construction blocks / upgrading the forge itself. Hell you could make it the primary ingredient for your mod, it'd make a cool quasi-real basis for redstone energy cells. In the movie they make it by "combining tungsten and titanium crystals in a supercooled matrix" Sounds perfect amirite?

3. Yeah, will play around in this arena at some point.

4. Me too. We'll see. :) Liquids are going to get a MAJOR overhaul here soon.

5. Unobtainium is a generic materials science/engineering term. I don't really plan on adding anything like it.

I'd also like a one-click solution to shut off an input/output side, rather than having to cycle through. Shift-click to close or something.. Purely a convenience request.

Finally, I'd like to see liquiducts in extraction mode extract by default and allow turning off extraction by adding a redstone signal, essentially flipping how they work now. I've never had a situation where I didn't have a lever on a liquiduct in extraction mode, and sometimes it just makes me have to have an ugly block placement to allow a lever. This would allow cleaner builds while still keeping the option open for switchable flow.

That's my TE wishlist. These may go against your design philosophy or not. If so, disregard. Thanks for the great mod.

Regarding the side thing, hold Shift. If you click on the machine face, you'll reset ALL sides. Wiki needs updating.

Conduits (and liquiducts) are getting an overhaul here in the future. We'll be adding a way to flip that default, though it will cost extra materials.
good stuff, upgraded liquiduct with built in lever and and liquiduct/conduit that can do i/o in 1 block would be my suggestions, awesome mod btw, thanks!
I'd need some completely new blocks for that, and they would have to bring some majorly interesting mechanics. Not really seeing it with the current machines.

Hmm well, you could use them (hot / cold rooms) as a bridge to late-game productivity. They could be your upgrades, it'd be a novel approach, and a way to integrate existing machines; magma crucible runs 2x as fast in a hot room as out for example. Perhaps not the most interesting new thing but people do love their minmaxinz..
Okay. Sold. Included in 2.3.0 release.
Are you certain that wouldn't throw off some ThaumCraft balance in the FTB packs? I have been messing around with ThaumCraft a lot recently, specifically on the research system, and I have to say that out of all the aspects, Mutatio is the one that is the biggest pain in the ass to get. 2 out of my 3 deaths on the server I am currently playing have been attempts to get Mutatio (killing wisps from a nearby spawner, falling in lava after grabbing nether wart from a fortress), mossy cobblestone is just as good a source of that aspect as nether wart is, and if this gets added, it would be as hard to get as just putting cobblestone and water into a machine and giving it a source of power.
How about bigger MJ Batteries? Like seriously IC2+GT have ton of EU storage options but the RS cell that hold a bucket of Fuel worth of power is the only way to do it. More dense power storage units should also emit more than 100MJ/t and take in more too. At the price of more processing and more pricey than their counterparts.
...mossy cobblestone is just as good a source of that aspect as nether wart is, and if this gets added, it would be as hard to get as just putting cobblestone and water into a machine and giving it a source of power.

Mossy cobble is pretty easy to generate now, without even needing machines; just cobble, a moss stone, and water. I have stacks and stacks of the stuff to make walls with.
Mossy cobble is pretty easy to generate now, without even needing machines; just cobble, a moss stone, and water. I have stacks and stacks of the stuff to make walls with.
That is coming from a mod. Not sure which one, off the top of my head. I'd like to say RP2, though.
That is coming from a mod. Not sure which one, off the top of my head. I'd like to say RP2, though.

That sounds right to me. It can also be made in a moistener, though that is an added layer of complexity. I would love something like an igneous extruder, perhaps priming it with an existing block of mossy cobble, to allow me to compact my moss gen into a smaller space.
yes the current method of growing moss is an RP2 functionality.
KL, these added materials to flip the defaults of the liquiducts would possibly be along the lines of a redstone torch in the recipe?