JamPacked II

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I am almost done with my modpack. I just need to submit it now. I would not call a winner but it is much better than the modpack I made for the first JamPacked! BTW how do I submit my modpack?
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I want to fill my biomes with ruins (using the ruins mod at the moment) but regardless of the weight I give them and even after disabling the default ruins they're extremely rare. I would also like the ruins to carve into the surface layer but they currently keep the shape of the base plate so its a chunk of floating rock with an ugly square hole beneath it. I haven't tried recurrent complex but there might not be enough time to get permission to use it as its listed as all rights reserved on curse. I'm not sure if it would be a better option anyway but if permission is an issue I don't want to spend time using recurrent complex instead.
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I'm not sure how to do that with the ruins mod, but if you weren't generating the world our forever, you could always use MC Edit to add in the schematic version of the ruin...
Well, Atonement is coming along. It is about to leave alpha for beta...and might make final release state by the 15th. The beta, if it come to that, will at least be mostly bug free.
I PM'd Ivorius the creator of the recurrent complex mod and I was told the mod can indeed be used in modpacks as long as its linked back to the original mod page/author. I apparently missed this information in my haste to find mods. Just for anyone who might still be wondering.
Eugh just realised that different worlds have different data values for each block, and I've made all parts of my map in separate worlds!

Is there any easy fix for this or do I just need to replace all blocks with vanilla blocks in MCEdit and re-replace them once the areas are transferred? right now the walls of my dungeons turn to a combination of sludge and sewage :confused:.

Wish I'd remembered that this happened earlier :(!
Eugh just realised that different worlds have different data values for each block, and I've made all parts of my map in separate worlds!

Is there any easy fix for this or do I just need to replace all blocks with vanilla blocks in MCEdit and re-replace them once the areas are transferred? right now the walls of my dungeons turn to a combination of sludge and sewage :confused:.

Wish I'd remembered that this happened earlier :(!
Possible? Yes. Easy? No.

Someone should really make a new schematic file format that uses includes names.
... welcome to the horrible state of 1.7. I realized that while looking at updating a 164 modpack back when 1.7 was new.

The "work-around" for this: Share the level.dat file between each of your worlds. Manually adjust the seed and start positions (heck, you've got /setWorldSpawn now), and don't change your items/blocks after sharing the level.dat.

I'd love to see forge have an "ids.dat" file, separate from level.dat, but that's not going to happen.

Is there any easy fix for this

Look into ... gaaah, there was a program for this, midas GOLD I think?
Thing is, he's already created the builds in the worlds, so the id's are already set. As long as the builds have a fairly low number of non-vanilla block types, and no tile entities, the simplest solution is to use world edit, or mcedit, to change all those non-vanilla blocks to unique vanilla blocks. Then he can move the build over and world edit them back.

Midas Gold would work, but it would be tricky. You would have to change all the present blocks in the world, and copy over the level.dat at the same time. That could be mitigated by deleting all of the chunks in the world except the ones you're interested in, limiting the number of id's that need changing.

I also like to mention the existence of midas silver, which is a command line version of midas gold. Which is a fair bit easier to use if you're working with a large world on a remote server, or trying to script something.
frumble frumblefrumble ... works in his setup, doesn't work in mine ... frumble frumble ...

How do other people assembling a modpack deal with "This works on his machine, but not on mine"?

(Amazing chickens is properly modifying the twilight forest labyrinths to replace some of the TNT traps with command blocks to summon a chicken, and it works fine for him. But for me, the redstone/command blocks are triggering as soon as the worldgen happens, and even a long-lived chicken has died of old-age before I can get to it.)