Is the pattern for Obsidian from EE3 intended

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mystcraft isn't currently on mindcrack, so for the people most concerned about balance it's a non-issue. All of thaumcrafts transmutes incur loss that I can tell and compared to other mods a lot of items are really lacklustre, not seeing the problem there. Soul-shards is ridiculously OP even without the soulstealer enchant.

I agree about TC the dev has gone a long way to keep it from becoming easy to automate. Which I like as a said else where TC's transmutations are basically more a "Oh I need some of this now" and less a "Ok lets plate a starship in gold and call in the Blingstar". TC is powerful but requires a time investment both for research and for actual use. What automation is has is good but vary little of it is self automation.

But I'm on the fence with soul-shards. I like them and I think they would be really easy to fix by removing or nerfing the ability to steel from in world spawners. I spent a little over a (real world) day and a half getting the 8 I'm currently using. And time to get tier 5 was Night and Day different between the ones I could get spawners for and the ones without even with soul stealing. If I could find spawners (blaze, skeleton, zombie ect...) it would take me about an hour to get to tier 5. If I could not but I could build a spawn room (enderman, pigmen, ect) it took about two or three hours. But if I had to hunt stuff down (passive mobs) it took hours and hours. Yes the finaly product it awesome but my unlimited wool from my sheep soulshard took literally like five hours to get and compare that to a normal sheep farm setup I probably could get the same effect for much less time. Also I look at most of the other mobs and feel it is not to OP because you can always just build an old style spawn system and get vary similar outputs. The ones I think are sort of OP are the blaze and Wither Skeletons only because of the product for power use. But even toughs are not to OP because lets be honest a blaze farm in the neither is child's work and about an hour.

So yeah I can see your point about the shards being a little powerful but I would not call them ridiculously powerful. And I honestly think just editing the config to give you 0 instead of 200 per spawner fixes any OPness in the mod.
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At the cost of flux. Enough flux - and the only flux generating in my area - to create hundreds of wisps.

Wisp containment is pretty much Stage 1 of learning to deal with Flux. If you haven't noticed, EVERYTHING that Thaumcraft does causes Flux. Learning to manage that flux and contain the negative consequences of it is an essential step in playing the mod.
Wisp containment is pretty much Stage 1 of learning to deal with Flux. If you haven't noticed, EVERYTHING that Thaumcraft does causes Flux. Learning to manage that flux and contain the negative consequences of it is an essential step in playing the mod.

Yes I agree. Weather your build around your node or away from it wall that sucker up.

But flux causes other things to happen to so you cant go all hog wild on it even after locking up your node.
Yes I agree. Weather your build around your node or away from it wall that sucker up.

But flux causes other things to happen to so you cant go all hog wild on it even after locking up your node.

Depends on the aspect of flux you cause. Some are beneficial, some light you on fire and blast you with lightning.
Depends on the aspect of flux you cause. Some are beneficial, some light you on fire and blast you with lightning.

To be honest unless your doping the aura to grow stuff most of the time the flux your getting is from aspects you don't really want. Most of the stuff someone is going to want to mass produce is going to have those more negative aspects.

As a side at lest from what I have found. Flux in and of it self only seems to make wisps. I have done a lot of mucking about stocking up on aspects in warded jars and as long as there is no bleed (which gotten really good at avoiding) the flux only seems to poop out wisps. Maybe I'm just lucky? but I have a room full of aspects now and a box full of wisps. Which in comparison when I mass created my lights before I got the idea to stock up ... yeah flaming explosions were common.
To be honest unless your doping the aura to grow stuff most of the time the flux your getting is from aspects you don't really want. Most of the stuff someone is going to want to mass produce is going to have those more negative aspects.

As a side at lest from what I have found. Flux in and of it self only seems to make wisps. I have done a lot of mucking about stocking up on aspects in warded jars and as long as there is no bleed (which gotten really good at avoiding) the flux only seems to poop out wisps. Maybe I'm just lucky? but I have a room full of aspects now and a box full of wisps. Which in comparison when I mass created my lights before I got the idea to stock up ... yeah flaming explosions were common.

An easy way to prevent extra aspects from bleeding into the atmosphere is to use multiple crucible with filters on them so that if you can't immediately do a multiple of 8 for everything in that crucible then you can leave it until you can make it 8. The only time this won't work if if you have something with 5 or more aspects on it. Otherwise making everything from stockpiled aspects is the safe way to go.
I'm not actually talking about transmutes. Thaumcraft brought back divining rods. It's super strong and they're repairable. EE2's most broken feature was collectors. Its second most broken feature was infinite philosopher's stones. Its third most broken feature was insanely easy-to-get divining rods that were incredibly, incredibly, incredibly good. Incredibly good.

The Thaumcraft version is not nearly so broken as all that, but they're very strong because you can repair them even without an enchant. And with an enchant, they skyrocket ore production in mixed mod games.

Don't get me wrong; I love the new items with a passion. I'm just saying if someone wants to start taking issue with new features for resource generation, lots of mods have them. And also; it is very easy to have more aura than you could possibly ever use now. It takes time to set up and it requires some thought, but it's there.

True, that's a more valid consideration I hadn't though of. That said, the research gating on the TC items is in stark contrast to the gating on a minium stone, which is to say it is gated at all.
I haven't really cared much about diamonds in my current world, as TE makes obsidian very obtainable without a diamond pick, and RP gems make for fine picks. The only diamond pick I've made was for a mining turtle, and I've hardly used that as I'm still learning what to do with it. I did EE3 a few diamonds from gold for a quarry, but I've only used that once, and I haven't made any diamond armor at all. A refinery was a must-have though, and I've used quite a few diamonds on TE things (RE cells and some tesseracts) but I've found plenty of natural diamonds to support the need. There's plenty of other limiting resources to slow me down (for instance, liquid redstone) so EE only helps me a bit. Yes, it has been handy to avoid hunting endermen and blazes and has cut down on my iron mining a bit (though I still don't have enough to finish my tanks) but it hasn't made the game too easy for me. I'm more focused on trying out new machines, so I find it beneficial to cut down on the mob-hunting a little (apart from spawner-camping for minium shards).
Anyhow, it's not like I don't need to mine diamonds and gold, or don't fight mobs. EE just helps streamline things a bit and lets me focus on deciding what to build.
IThe only diamond pick I've made was for a mining turtle,

If you do not care abotu obsdian you can make mining turtles with RP gem tools in fact any diamon tool for all the turtles can use the RP gem versions instead.

and Obsdian still will not stop the turtle they can break it fine just not collect it.
Gold and diamonds are not valuable. This is one of the biggest issues big, popular packs like these face. People are stuck in vanilla mindsets and think like they're still playing it.

I've put a good eighty hours into building my base in our current server using the DW20 pack. In that time I have used a grand total of 40ish diamonds, and three or four stacks of gold. I've used over two hundred stacks of iron, as well as probably half that in tin, and at least as much in copper. I've blown through half a dozen stacks of lead, at least a dozen of silver, and more smooth stone than I can count making the 200,000 or so xychorium bricks I will need to complete my new floating fortress base. Not to mention probably 50 stacks of redstone for all the various machines.

Diamonds are used in some higher end stuff. Particularly quarries, soul shards, tesseracts, IC2 power storage, and quantum armor to keep them from being available too early and trivializing the rest of the content that comes before them. They're not used very frequently at all though in these mods, because you're not really using diamond tools that break, and the items they make aren't often consumable. I value iron, tin, copper and redstone much more highly than diamonds or gold. Gold is more useful than diamonds due to thermal expansion, but it's still not nearly as heavily used as the three main ores.

It's fine if EE3 allows you to access some stuff via trades, because it's designed, as it's name implies, to make sure the trades are equal. By the time the philosopher's stone is added, it will be balanced. Those new to EE can rest assured that they do a lot of tweaking of EMC to ensure the trades themselves are balanced. The stuff that wasn't before, like collectors, relays, and condensers, are gone now.
how were condensers overporwered?
let me just say one thing on this matter:
have you ever only found three diamonds in chunks youve created? on two different maps? ever felt the dissatisfaction of using x-ray and discovering none in your map?
come back here when you do, cuase believe me when I tell you, its not a pleasant feeling.
how were condensers overporwered?
When something becomes everyone's end-all, be-all solution for resource gathering, that's overpowered. There's plenty of let's plays of the other mod pack out there where the players' biggest lament is that Industrialcraft and Redpower items can't be condensed. Turning a few thousand Dirt into a Diamond doesn't bug me, I can go down and get a Diamond faster than digging up stacks and stacks and stacks of Cobblestone. But when it's, "Bricks? Go to the Condenser. Iron? Condenser. Redstone? Condenser. I'm hungry, better stop by the Condenser for some Steaks. I don't like that mountain. Time to go get some explosives from the Condenser," and people complain that they can't instantly magic up some wires out of their Slimeballs, that gets my teeth grinding.
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I think that ee3 is balanced. Getting 4 stacks of wood is tedious(For me) than finding diamonds. Also, more mods use copper, tin, and iron than diamonds.
how were condensers overporwered?

Because the only thing it made sense to build were more condensers until you could nearly instantly conjure anything with a wave of your hand. EE2 basically took over the game. Now, don't get me wrong... a non-mixed-mod EE2 experience was fun and balanced because everyone had to play that way. In a mixed-mod game, EE2 tended to take over everything. Anyone who wasn't frantically building more condensers simply couldn't keep up, and their ability to participate in any sort of player economy was destroyed.

It was a bad mechanic for a mixed-mod game.
To get copper I have been using thaumcraft. Mellon slices and iron :D

I cannot wait until I can automate the last step of thaumcraft metal production. It can be an incredibly cost-effective way to handle these things.

I really wish we had some better control mods in the FTB packs so I could actually regulate my metal supply. Right now the #1 thing holding me back is taking inventory, and the Sortron experiments I tried suggested it was not a very good option.