Is OP too OP?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They didn't nerf them, they just straight out banned them?
Wow, people should be lucky that most nerfed items aren't banned altogether.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you seen Veloctician's Brutality mode config pack???
I think it's been covered for the most part. Mystcraft pretty much nerfed itself anyway :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
which is why I feel no shame in using creative mode to get around mystcraft. I love the mod but the mechanic for getting pages just sucks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
which is why I feel no shame in using creative mode to get around mystcraft. I love the mod but the mechanic for getting pages just sucks.

This I have to agree with I thought the old way was silly but the new system is pants on head retarded.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am not especially a huge fan of mystcraft, but if you want villager all you need is zombies. Worst case you find a dungeon and you have an endless supplies, since they are not that hard to breed anyway.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I'm enjoying running around Mystcraft ages looking for those cobblestone towers. I don't understand why people are so annoyed at Mystcraft, and it isn't finished yet anyway. I found "No Seas" last night and made an Ocean & Mushroom Shore age with it, very surreal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
exploration is very taxing on a low spec system. As is creating needless, useless ages. I'd rather get exactly what I want first time and not bother with it at all.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I always delete my unstable or depleted Mystcraft ages. And occasionally I go round trimming useless areas of terrain using MCEdit as well. I have a lovely half-volcano from doing that, it didn't regen the north half when I went back to it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My main problem with the new Mystcraft is that it tries to "balance" "unbalanced" symbols by making them extremely rare. The difficulty of obtaining a, let's say, diamond ore symbol is not in some long, involved process (compare: fusion reactors), but in simple RNG of finding a villager which offers the trade, or finding the page as random loot. And the way symbols work means that as soon as you get lucky on the RNG once, you can write as many diamond worlds as you want. This combined with the supposed extreme rarity of the powerful symbols leads to two different issues: In a competitive environment*, the lucky few who happen to get the RNG rolls their way get an extreme advantage over the many others who don't. And even in non-competitive play, a RNG roll will suddenly turn a rare resource that many mods balance around into something that's almost more common than dirt. This is basically a random chance that the balance scale of every other mod will completely collapse.

* Not necessarily PvP. This could be for example a perceived "competition" of who builds the most impressive base by some standard.

Imagine that to build a widget you need 10 of a resource.
Now imagine you have a 1% chance to get 10,000 of this resource.
Even though the expected value of a roll is 100, this does not mean that over a large population of people, most will get enough resources to build a widget. The massive deviation will result in 1% of the population having way more than they need, and the rest being left with zero.

This could possibly lead to a trading system, where people who discover certain symbols trade their abundant resources with other people who have other symbols. However I have never seen anything like this stated as the design goal of Mystcraft. And ultimately, to have a working economy, you need resources with certain value - not resources with value and resources whose value is essentially zero for one party. If I get a diamond ore symbol, I would trade you a stack of diamonds for a stack of coal, and I would consider it a beneficial trade for me. This would very quickly ruin the value of diamonds across the server, as everybody would have access to limitless quantities through trading common supplies with me.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
My main problem with the new Mystcraft is that it tries to "balance" "unbalanced" symbols by making them extremely rare.
Agreed. Rarity (as in, low random chance of finding) is not balance. It's the opposite of balance, actually. But bear in mind that it's a WIP mod, the page discovery mechanism will probably change again. And rather than get annoyed about it, I'm looking forward to it changing, as it will give me something different to do when I'm bored of looking around for cobblestone towers or enslaving villagers. Got a Portal Gun now so the villager enslaving will be easier!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
which is why I feel no shame in using creative mode to get around mystcraft. I love the mod but the mechanic for getting pages just sucks.

I gave up and gave myself enough pages to make a flat, plains Age where villages will be a) more plentiful, because it's all plains and b) easier to spot, because it's flat. I felt like that was a fair compromise... still sorta playing the mod as intended while not pulling my hair out in frustration. 'Course, there's no guarantee I'll get lucky there either... but at least my chances are better.

While I'm aware that villager breeding is an option, I have absolutely no desire to build one of those silly machines. It's an absurd mechanic.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I gave up and gave myself enough pages to make a flat, plains Age where villages will be a) more plentiful, because it's all plains and b) easier to spot, because it's flat. I felt like that was a fair compromise... still sorta playing the mod as intended while not pulling my hair out in frustration. 'Course, there's no guarantee I'll get lucky there either... but at least my chances are better.

While I'm aware that villager breeding is an option, I have absolutely no desire to build one of those silly machines. It's an absurd mechanic.
I just spawned myself a creative notebook with all the pages. I will moderate myself on what is too OP.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tried that last night and I couldn't get it to work. Neither the NEI nor the regular creative notebook had anything in them. What's the trick?

There are two notebooks. One will be called "Creative Spawned Notebook". If need be, check in the regular creative mode MystCraft item/book tab (not the symbol tab) for it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it's like the 3rd or 4th page of the vanilla creative tab, at the bottom (this is assuming you're using the DW20 pack)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Grammar isn't OP... "an STD"

basically my view on "OP" in single player games is that if it negates the need to bother with other systems. "Why use this less efficient and more difficult but infinitely cooler system when you can just use this boring one block thing that takes 2 seconds to do and produces far more!"
Macerators are OP for making it possible to get two ingots out of one ore. :p