Is OP too OP?

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blake finn

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I guess this is as good of time as any to ask this. What are ever ones thoughts on the powerconverter mod? I had an issue where a large majority of my chests got deleted and so I lost most of my raw materials, but my boiler was already built so I had a solid source of steam but no materials to use the steam for power. I set up the powerconverters and BAM! I had power. I felt a little cheap doing this but I can now continue with my FTB endeavors. I know that the game is what I make it, but I would like to hear peoples opinions of this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Umm... How do I change my avatar? I used this in the attachment-- No wait, FTB seems to have a problem uploading my files. Hmm...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I guess this is as good of time as any to ask this. What are ever ones thoughts on the powerconverter mod? I had an issue where a large majority of my chests got deleted and so I lost most of my raw materials, but my boiler was already built so I had a solid source of steam but no materials to use the steam for power. I set up the powerconverters and BAM! I had power. I felt a little cheap doing this but I can now continue with my FTB endeavors. I know that the game is what I make it, but I would like to hear peoples opinions of this.
In a thread about disco ball elevator shoes, new avatars, and #YOLO, bringing up an actual question about OPness that could actually cause some flame. Maybe someone should just make an op thread where everything can argue about it, and have all the answers posted and maintained, and if anyone tries to make a new flamey thread or post, they could be directed there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yay! All done! What do ya think? I don't know where I can get a custom made one, so, this is the best I can do! BTW, that world in the background is my HV Solar Factory. Right now it just makes Solars. but if you look closely, you can see extra fabricators in the right background. Those are my temporary fabricators.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I guess this was not as good of time as any then...
Meh, doesn't matter. You may not like it, others do, the only items that aren't renewable are....Endstone, I think. Yeah, it's endstone, that may be all.

And how much endstone do you need, have you SEEN the asteroids? :p Oh, some TF stuff, too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Too small? I need to figure something else out. Does anyone know someone who can create avatars? That actually look good, compared to mine?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, it's too small and it seems odd. I'd remove it and make something that looks cool, not functional, or some kind of internet image.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
my (old) avatar and signiture were custom made, the new avatar I found on google and prompty nicked... need to get me a new sig with this creeper rather than my MC skin... good job my gf is good at photoshop ('cause I suck at it...)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I guess this is as good of time as any to ask this. What are ever ones thoughts on the powerconverter mod? I had an issue where a large majority of my chests got deleted and so I lost most of my raw materials, but my boiler was already built so I had a solid source of steam but no materials to use the steam for power. I set up the powerconverters and BAM! I had power. I felt a little cheap doing this but I can now continue with my FTB endeavors. I know that the game is what I make it, but I would like to hear peoples opinions of this.

Yeah, I think powerconverters is too good. The time it is useful is when you really want a mod that simply will not play with your power solution. But like all powerful things, it's difficult to not overuse it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have to agree I am not a fan of the 'one magic block' sort of mods. Powerconverters are a bit too good I would not mind it if there was some sort of loss over using other methods. IE MJ->Lava->EU should be better over all power cost wise then MJ -> magic superblock -> EU.

But thats just my point of view. And mind you it comes form someone that likes to use basically the worst power in the game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I need to go back to a 'proper' avatar (which for me is random pics of TOK715).

Anyhow... Automation is OP! You can build something and then wait a while and get lots of stuff!! Automation should be nerfed!!!
This. Is. SARCASM.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I need to go back to a 'proper' avatar (which for me is random pics of TOK715).

Anyhow... Automation is OP! You can build something and then wait a while and get lots of stuff!! Automation should be nerfed!!!
This. Is. SARCASM.
I quite like the default upside down. I laugh everytime.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This thread proves that no matter how reasonable and well-written your OP is, you just can't get a mature discussion about mod balance going on these forums.

Power converters: I always felt that any kind of power conversion (including things like Forestry electrical engine or RP blutric engine) were somewhat gamebreaking. Maybe 90% of people using any form of power conversion use it to completely skip the entirety of one mod's power generation. I don't know how mod devs feel about this, but if I was one, I'd be pretty sad about people choosing to avoid 50% of my mod. And I haven't really seen anybody whose actual reason (as opposed to the reason they will talk about) to use power converters is anything else than "I want to power my entire base with IC2 solars and I am too lazy to build anything else". As far as "realism" goes (probably the most voiced reason, however I find it hard to believe there are people for whom this is actually a primary concern), screw that. You can punch a hole in a tree with your fist and the tree stays afloat. What's so incomprehensible about several incompatible types of energy?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Abdiel I would argue that trying to use BT for everything can't really be called lazy or easy. It has a nasty conversion rate to MJ. And if you want EU you still have to use the EU power systems you just end up using the thermals.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
BT is a weird case as the conversion rate is so terrible. You will most likely have to spend way more effort building a massive solar plant or a lot of windmills (or a sky-high tower of thermopiles) to get the same output as a few basic engines of other mods. But you're still skipping the other mods' power generation requirements. Whether or not generating lava from a crucible and burning it in a (geo)thermal can be considered skipping IC power is arguable. I would say it is. The (geo)thermal generators were intended to give you short bursts of power from lava lakes/ravines, not as something to be run continuously off generated lava or nether lava seas.