Is OP too OP?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Locked, loaded, and ready to nerf!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
as always just trying to help.... or at lest bring a smile to someones day.


I'm smiling here :D

And I agree on the whole OP thing.

btw, isn't it "too OP" with 2 o's in the "too"? Or is my English knowledge failing me here? xD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm smiling here :D

And I agree on the whole OP thing.

btw, isn't it "too OP" with 2 o's in the "too"? Or is my English knowledge failing me here? xD
nah you're right, it is "too" and not "to"
Saice isn't really too good with the 'auld spelling :p despite being a grammar nazi I forgive him on grounds of "this place wouldn't be as awesome without him"

Also, thank you for my 500th like, I now have ALL the trophies :p (Guswut got there first though :p gratz)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guswut got there first though :p gratz

The last I checked, I was at around 420 likes, and you were at 450, then I got an alert to say that I got 500 likes, and checked and saw I passed you. No new title at 100 points, though, so nothing for anyone else to rush onto, eh? Good stuff.

But yes, the term "overpowered" is a fairly irrational term given the context in almost all situations.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The last I checked, I was at around 420 likes, and you were at 450, then I got an alert to say that I got 500 likes, and checked and saw I passed you. No new title at 100 points, though, so nothing for anyone else to rush onto, eh? Good stuff.

But yes, the term "overpowered" is a fairly irrational term given the context in almost all situations.
(firstly points out that I'm not a likewhore nor do I believe any of this really matters a whole bunch)
You're far ahead of me now, but then looking at the amount of posts you have more than me that's no surprise eh ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Technically, Over powered should only be used for something that has too much power for its purpose.

So, well, we should not use it when something is just more powerful that anticipated/expected.
That being said, this is the internet, and we all talk a lot about things we don't know anything about, right?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Technically, Over powered should only be used for something that has too much power for its purpose.

So, well, we should not use it when something is just more powerful that anticipated/expected.
That being said, this is the internet, and we all talk a lot about things we don't know anything about, right?
Im here to talk of stuff i dont know about. I didnt read all the other post and im just gonna say that something is OP to keep the post going cuz i only read the title and it had OP on it. (insert generic complaint about something being OP and that gregtech nerfed a mod)
On a serious note, good post Saice, was a nice read.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"to overpowered"

Um, I think you mean "too overpowered".

[edit] Although, what does "too overpowered" even mean? It implies that something can be "the right amount of overpowered" :p :D :cool:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey, you know what's OP? Original Poster.

Also Canned Maple Beans are OP. Why? Well, for one they cost the same as any other kind of beans in cans, but taste better(is my CANADIAN showing yet?). Second, they are very easy to make.(why bother cooking a box of macaroni when a can of beans is so much easier to make? Even if you can't make a sandwich with the beans and can with the Macaroni)
Third, they are very filling considering the size of them. A box of macaroni barely feeds two people(and makes one painfully fully), but a can of beans which costs less the a dollar is just as filling as cooking two boxes of macaroni and feeding three people, but the beans only feed one person, but do a damn good job at that.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Saying things are OP is too OP, it always leads to unnecessary discussion and way too many replies.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, I just realised that the grammar error came from the "Buildcraft fuel to OP ?" thread. So not Saice's fault :D

No it is my fault. I'm really bad at English if spell check does not find it I'm pretty screwed. I have fairly bad dyslexia and because of that I'm mostly a phonetic speller. So things like to and too do not even cross my mind at times. I'm much better theses days as it is something you sort of learn to deal with over time. But still yeah my spelling is crazy bad and my grammar is horrid too. But for the most part spell check has my back. Sadly I don't always have access to spell check which makes my posting quality kind of go all over that place. This is most noticeable when I'm posting form work since I have no spell check on IE and can not install one because of IT lockouts.