Whitelist Server InfiniteCraft: FTB Infinity 1.6.2-1.7.10 (18+)

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Age- 28
IGN- xBrandonMP87x
Skype- Same
Why you would like to join- I'm looking for a small community to have fun with. Playing solo is getting a bit old.
How friendly are you- Very

IGN- JustinWC
Skype- Justin.Clement6
Why you would like to join-Getting really bored with solo play, and want a smaller server to play on.
How friendly are you- Fairly friendly though I am usually quiet, until I have settled in with a group.

Accepted! Please check your Inboxes!
The server is now updated to 1.7 please update to this version.

Apologies to the downtime earlier. Host issues.

Cry anyway it could be reset with 1.90 version of the pack? Reason being is the world gen seems to be a lot different in this version then others.
Age-(18+ only) Sure im 18 :D
IGN- XMiner001X
Skype- philip.hack3
Why you would like to join- I got some time on my hand and would like to play FTb with some other people again :)
How friendly are you- On a scale from 0-10 probably orange - no im rlly friendly unless u piss me off xD

I hope i still get on now that u have a potential reset x:
Of you don't mind me asking where is the server based I live in Australia and at the best of times I get 290 to 600 ping on servers from the U.S

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
IGN- HandsOfBlue
Why you would like to join- I am just looking for a small, friendly, and mature gaming community to have fun and build awesome stuff with!
How friendly are you- I'm a very friendly (and funny) person! Don't worry, I'm not an antisocial/awkward person that won't talk to you. I will make a great addition to your community!
Age- 28
IGN- zorax87
Skype- zorax666
Why you would like to join- Love FTB and if I'm playing with the right ppl I'd like to start streaming it :)
How friendly are you- Very very friendly and mature Swedish guy who lives in his mines and builds awesome machines :D
age - 20
IGN - EternalHittMan
Skype - TheHittMan5
Why you would like to join - my last server shut down, and i would like to have a server with friendly people without griefing and stuff so we can have lots of fun
How friendly are you - Absurdly
Age-(18+ only) - i will be 18 in two months... ;)
IGN- thcHlade
Skype- i will tell you in game
Why you would like to join- because i like small comunities :)
How friendly are you- If someone is nice to me, i am nice to him ;)
Age-(18+ only)- 22
IGN- Gambrous
Skype- Gambrous Gamington, make sure you say it's you or I wont accept the friend request
Why you would like to join- Looking for a serious but fun server, with no banned items and no one who'll grief.
How friendly are you- Very I guess
Age- 22
Skype- stroganov-grisha
Why you would like to join- just looking for a good server
How friendly are you- very nice :3
Age- 22
IGN- MrHanXin
Skype- MrHanXin
Why you would like to join- I would like to play on a friendly server, as I indulge in the game of Minecraft once again.
How friendly are you- I am pretty sociable with everyone, haven't ever gotten into any drama or troubles with others.
Age-(18+ only) 29
IGN- CynicalDirector
Skype- I prefer teamspeak, but I usually don't post my Skype on public forums
Why you would like to join- would like to join a community
How friendly are you- pretty friendly, no griefing from me
Age-28 (18+ only)
Why you would like to join-Looking for a FTB infinity server to play on
How friendly are you-I like to think i'm fairly friendly :)
IGN- StrunkyHawter
Skype- Don't use skype anymore. I do use other clients.
Why you would like to join- I like to chat with other ppl in game. Hate to play alone :p.
How friendly are you- Can you even mesure this :P? I don't screw with other ppl and like to chat.