In your opinion: BuildCraft of Redpower

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Best system for transport of items

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am rather torn between BuildCraft and Redpower. But the thing is that I am OCD, so I would like to stick to one system.

Redpower transport tubes need things like relays and timers, which I don't like.

BuildCraft pipes have odd programming, but only require an engine to work

Then the MJ transmission, which system would be best? I mean for transferring MJ to machines?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Both systems have a wide range of usages, and a good deal of overlap, but both do certain things better and should be used as such then. Although I've entirely removed my RedPower2 systems (except for tranposers at the bottom of mob traps/etc, and my frameships) in favor of Logistics Pipes (not in FTB, but it should be as it is EXTREMELY useful).

A filter, which can output a stack every redstone signal, is a LOT cheaper to run than an overclocked electrical engine to get that same stack of output.

Sorting with diamond pipes is a lot easier and simpler than putting a fliter-cluster (a bunch of filters clustered around a pipe).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For transport of items....... RedPower tubing is by far superior to Buildcraft pipe......

Biggest issue with BC pipe is that it is just a PIPE, it doesn't think, doesn't navigate, it's not intelligent, if no valid destination exists the item makes a run for freedom in the overworld.... it's simply a pipe and has never confessed to being anything else.....

Redpower tubing on the other hand is very intelligent (at every junction it will recalculate where the item is going if the destination becomes full), it's faster than non-gold bc piping, it lags less (sit and watch an item in BC pipe going backwards) and lastly and most importantly if it arrives at the destination and for whatever reason there is no longer space it will go back not just throw itself out of the tube/pipe.

Couple that with the fact every RP machine has a buffer space for items to return back to then you can see why it's so damn good.

But more importantly the question is flawed, you cannot compare tubing to piping or ask which is better as they are 2 totally different things doing a similar job.[DOUBLEPOST=1361737067][/DOUBLEPOST]
i find it incredible that BC has any votes... Tubes are far far better...

The votes for BC piping are probably people who have never used RP tubing to it's fullest.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RP Tubes are much more powerful than almost anything BC Pipes have to offer, no question asked. But they're also a lot more expensive and complex to deal with (and often more laggy).

I do use BC pipes for their obsidian and void pipes though, those are really handy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I'd say both, but for strict item transport I prefer Buildcraft, I use RP2 when I need a routing system. For item transport you also can't forget about RC, which offers IMO the most fun way of doing it, specially now with addition of locomotives. I tend to use different systems even in one build, just what seems more fun to do. Some subjective advantages of different systems:

- simple, both to craft and use. I prefer to build more complicated systems with simpler parts.

- machines can decide where to put input from pipes, which is impossible with tubes, tubes need sided inventory.

- better overflow mechanics (as I said, this is subjective opinion), I really don't like debugging where and why my system is stuck.

- gates, which allows for great control of automatic systems, they are very useful even in RP2 heavy systems, to for example control timer which powers RP2 extraction. Wires allow for good control without additional hiding of RS wires.

- a lot easier to split given materials between different paths in what average rate you want.

- it runs on constant RS signal, not on pulses.

- They are a lot better when you need precise control, specially with RS. Both engines and autarchic gates are terrible at good control with RS, but Redstone energy cells makes it a bit better. However travelling item detection via gate condition is still terrible.

- They will route your items to where they can go, combined with colored tubes it allows for more complex systems without pipe hell and a lot of diamond pipe configuring. Sortron adds additional level of possibilities.

- They are necessary when you want to use transport system on frames.

- Machines look and work really well.

- You have actual moving carts with your items, which alone makes it vast superior than BC and RP2 item transports.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The 2 questions are not even related to the poll - RP has no mechanism for transporting MJ, it has 1 engine which was added last patch which produces MJ, you can hardly ask if 1 engine is better than the tons of other MJ available engines.

Best transport of items method = redpower
Best transport of MJ energy = gold conductive over very short length (like 1 or 2) otherwise Redstone Energy Conduit
Best transport of liquid = liquiducts
Best MJ engine = depends entirely on what you're powering
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i find it incredible that BC has any votes... Tubes are far far better...

Tubes are better in terms of routing logic, but they are a lot more expensive to make in most cases, and start to require the blutricity power system when you get into more advanced RP2 stuff.

On the other hand, buildcraft pipes have an entirely random routing system, but are a lot cheaper, and you can make eight routing pipes (which do NOT require you keep a copy of the item in the pipe unlike filters/etc) for two diamond.

If I wasn't able to use Logistics Pipes (and I couldn't take my own life in response to that loss [kidding.... Mostly]) I'd likely be back to using RP2 tubes for routing into my barrels, and BC pipes for routing into those RP2 systems.

What I find incredible is that people seem so bloody polarized on these issues. TE or IC2. BC or RP2. Why the heck don't you people use both, and enjoy the bonuses that come with melding together two good systems to make an even better system?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That one engine can easily beat many other BuildCraft engines. I think it can get up to 20mj/t, depending on how much BT it has. Railcraft Industrial Steam Engines only output 8mj/t by comparison. And I think that's the most mj/t engine out there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use build craft when I need stuff from point A to point B or when I am doing bees or thermal expansion automation. If not red power pipes are superior in almost every aspect.
Also, when running MJ power, use golden pipes or red stone energy conduits.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The new autarchic gates make Buildcraft pipes much better for pulling items out of machines or containers, and the base design assumptions (independent of the autarchic gates) make it a better method for long haul transport as well.

Redpower is better for inserting into machines, but only if you have isolated tubes that won't cause random backups at unexpected and undesired far off locations on the network. Also, unless you use the fairly expensive router with a blutricity generator in close proximity, the block update lag from combined timer plus a number of transposers or filter can be significant. (As well, there is a literal game breaking bug with Managers that can rarely occur and can only be resolved by deleting the chunk in question or uninstalling RP).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I picked RP becuase I used that the most simply becuase in many ways it is better. But to be honest there are a few things BC does well so in many of my projects i would say they are 90% RP 10% BC and for power systems I've droped BC in favor of TE Condutients


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
not true. Autarchic gates still only pull single items, Filters on the other hand can pull entire stacks at a time.

Yeah, if you need a lot of stuff moved using BC pipes, it is best to make a normal gate, have it make a redstone signal, and then have an electric engine next to it.

Filters are better because they are cheaper to make, but they aren't going to be faster without adding more filters (a good idea).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm fully aware autarchic gates pull single items. It's still a true statement.

and I agree. sometimes you only need one at a time.

Also the gates are just handy for all sorts of things the RP currently can not detect. So even if I'm not using the BC piping for transport it is vary handy in many places as a sort of sensor/logic componet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RP Tubes are much more powerful than almost anything BC Pipes have to offer, no question asked. But they're also a lot more expensive and complex to deal with (and often more laggy).

I do use BC pipes for their obsidian and void pipes though, those are really handy.
Transposer basically = obsidian pipes though.

Void pipes have no equal in redpower though, the smallest you can get is 2 blocks I guess with transposer + lava, but even then it's meh compared to void pipes.