In SSP, how much do you cheat?

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If I die and/or lose a bunch of stuff from some bullshit glitch or something, then I will give myself the stuff back. And for random testing when I don't feel like quitting and going into a test world.

Sometimes also from laziness. Don't want to walk all the way home just for a pair of shears.
Last 2 cheats for me was, Portal gun glitching me thru bedrock and fell out of world. The other time when I made a nether portal and the only land in the immediate area was a floating island of a single layer of gravel which I happened to be standing on. Did I mention over a magma sea? A ghast made it a free standing nether portal of death.
I used to play strict 100% legit, but then my world got corrupted. After that, I started cheating in some minor items like wood, cobble, etc etc. After that world got corrupted (yeah, I corrupt alot of worlds), I started to cheat in things on my new world that I would find underground because I hate caving and feel it makes the game more of a grind than gregtech does. So, that world was corrupted. I made a new one, but with more mods installed (gregtech, some other stuff I can't remember) and then I hooked up MV to my centrifuge and it exploded. The explosion was incredible, but I repaired it. Then, I used a wrath igniter on my obsidian portal in the Nether and got trapped, with no obsidian and no way of getting out (Water boils up instantly in the Nether). When I got back (by cheating in obsidian), I started playing with the wrath igniter some more. Then, my stirling engine quarry exploded from power overflow and overheating. I repaired that. Then, the direwolf20 pack came out and I decided to try it on a new world. I couldn't get a Gregtech download (because Greg only likes to give updated mods to the FTB team and not somewhere like... y'know, THE WIKI) so I dealt without it. On that brand new world, I cheated in alot of stuff, including not only stuff that I could get underground but things that I could go out and harvest myself (trees, souls, alot of other stuff). The game started to lose interest after that, and I went through a process of deleting 3 worlds manually because I got bored of them, and when I heard news of the Ultimate pack coming out, I started playing that, cheating in whatever I so desire.

Quite the snowball effect.
Stay true to your word of not cheating in any items whatsoever and you'll have alot more fun than I did.
A time I cheated was when I created a Mass Fabricator and I didn't like the placement of it so I try to destroy it. It drops an advanced machine block. I get rid of the advance machine block and spawn myself in a mass fabricator.
or trying to break my wood-looking, made-with-wood apiary with an axe instead of a pick
that P*sses me off so goddamn much! especially when it's early (first 20 mins) of the game and I'm stealing apiaries from villages >.<
I tend to cheat my items back in after an unfair death. Might just do the keepinventory thing instead.
there's also sheer laziness that causes me to throw out items required for something and just cheat it in (thanks to the fabricator that won't be an issue anymore)
oh and
I hate making books
farming cows is impossible for me
I hate making books
farming cows is impossible for me

We need a mod that changes the recipes for things.
I think that's called University, but I don't know where to get it.
Time to get hated on because my subtle joke is too subtle :D
There's no such thing as cheating. You can play however is most enjoyable for you.

I've never used creative mode, commands, or NEI to give myself items (except by accident once when NEI started in cheat mode - trying to look at the recipe for a macerator, and suddenly there are 64 of them in my inventory!). If I lose my items somewhere, or blow up a machine and destroy a bunch of stuff, it's much more interesting to go through the work of recreating it from scratch than to load a backup or otherwise take shortcuts to get everything back the way it was.

With the mods (and Minecraft itself) the way they are, there are plenty of things you can exploit with a little bit of ingenuity to get things relatively easily. Engineering a system that produces enough enchanted books that you can get any enchant in the game whenever you want, for example, is more satisfying to me than just enchanting an item with a command. There's a lot of gameplay you'd miss by doing it the quick and easy way.
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I cheat myself Unbreaking enchantment, and rubber saplings when XtraBiomesXL screws me over at the world generation and I can't even start IC2. I also occasionally cheat myself a iron axe at the beginning. I also cheat myself the lather required for books, but I might instead just change the crafting to the old one. And I play with Keepinventory and no exploding creepers on. Yeah, I'm a cheater. But I value my own fun and enjoyment much more than any e-cred for regaining all my stuff after a creeper explosion or lava fall or anything. When I play FTBRETROSSP I cheat in a Transmutation Tablet.
cept it's called NEI CHEAT MODE... so the clue's sorta in the name that it actually is cheating.
It could easily be renamed to creative mode. There is no such thing as a cheat in a sandbox game. The game is only what you want it to be.
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It could easily be renamed to creative mode. There is no such thing as a cheat in a sandbox game. The game is only what you want it to be.
GTA San Andreas was described as a sandbox game..
L2, RIGHT, L1, TRAINGLE, RIGHT, RIGHT, R1, L1, RIGHT, L1, L1, L1[DOUBLEPOST=1362709759][/DOUBLEPOST]people say it's not cheating and y'know what, more power to you, you call it what you want. But when you're playing survival mode, and you spawn stuff in out of thin air, that's cheating. End of story. Sandbox game or not, that is cheating.

Now the people saying "it's not cheating I can do what I like in my own defined limits of gameplay blah blah" you are most likely just too embarrassed to use the word "cheat" and would rather some plushy feathery soft word that doesn't have negative connotations attatched to it. But that's not the case, you spawn stuff = you cheat.

I do however like Oohdahns explanation for why he cheats :P
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GTA San Andreas was described as a sandbox game..
L2, RIGHT, L1, TRAINGLE, RIGHT, RIGHT, R1, L1, RIGHT, L1, L1, L1[DOUBLEPOST=1362709759][/DOUBLEPOST]people say it's not cheating and y'know what, more power to you, you call it what you want. But when you're playing survival mode, and you spawn stuff in out of thin air, that's cheating. End of story. Sandbox game or not, that is cheating.

Now the people saying "it's not cheating I can do what I like in my own defined limits of gameplay blah blah" you are most likely just too embarrassed to use the word "cheat" and would rather some plushy feathery soft word that doesn't have negative connotations attatched to it. But that's not the case, you spawn stuff = you cheat.

I do however like Oohdahns explanation for why he cheats :p

That is a subjective opinion on it. You can call it cheating if that's what prevents you from doing it but do not attempt to mark it as a universal feeling. You may feel it's cheating, I feel it's fair.
That is a subjective opinion on it. You can call it cheating if that's what prevents you from doing it but do not attempt to mark it as a universal feeling. You may feel it's cheating, I feel it's fair.
look at the second post in this thread, I have already said that I cheat. You are just attatching unnecassary negative connotations to the word. You know how I had the most fun in any GTA game? Cheating in all the weapons and going on a rampage in a hospital or a park or somewhere...
If you want to cheat in SSP then go ahead, but don't try to appease your concience by calling it something other than what it is. Just admit it, you're a cheater... just like I am with mystcraft worlds, just like a whole heap of people in this thread, we're all cheaters.

"Hi, my name is Hoff and I'm a cheater"
"Hi Hoff"

see, don't you feel better now?
That is a subjective opinion on it. You can call it cheating if that's what prevents you from doing it but do not attempt to mark it as a universal feeling. You may feel it's cheating, I feel it's fair.
I hope this doesn't go the direction of the "EE2 is OP" threads.. I agree with both of you, though. A game is supposed to entertain us or make us happy. If some people get satisfaction from playing legit and earning everything, I kind of admire that (and they make good LP's). If some people like to be able to build things or use machines without earning them, that's cool too.
look at the second post in this thread, I have already said that I cheat. You are just attatching unnecassary negative connotations to the word. You know how I had the most fun in any GTA game? Cheating in all the weapons and going on a rampage in a hospital or a park or somewhere...
If you want to cheat in SSP then go ahead, but don't try to appease your concience by calling it something other than what it is. Just admit it, you're a cheater... just like I am with mystcraft worlds, just like a whole heap of people in this thread, we're all cheaters.

"Hi, my name is Hoff and I'm a cheater"
"Hi Hoff"

see, don't you feel better now?

I don't have a problem with the connotations of the word but it's actual meaning. It's meaning is not getting something without effort or without earning them. To cheat is to go around the actual game or hack it. Google minecraft cheats/hacks and what you find would be the real definition of cheating.
I don't have a problem with the connotations of the word but it's actual meaning. It's meaning is not getting something without effort or without earning them. To cheat is to go around the actual game or hack it. Google minecraft cheats/hacks and what you find would be the real definition of cheating.

and using NEI Cheat mode is going around the actual game of survival :)
It's meaning is not getting something without effort or without earning them.

No, it does not. Cheat is define as follows:

In context, the "rules" of MineCraft have been defined based upon your gamemode. "Survival" gamemode does not allow the vast majority of things considered "cheating" (some things considered cheating are not disallowed, such as saving your world and restoring to it if you'd like [this is called "save scumming" and is considered a form of cheating in regards to the definition of that given by the gaming universe]) and as such, it is cheating, even if you want to play your game that way.

That aside, as was stated, there is nothing wrong with cheating. I cheat whenever I want to test a new idea that I don't want to spend the time building out just to find out that you cannot use chickens as qbits for your qprocessor, mostly as they aren't cats (and cats don't float, so good luck getting that to work with your oil submersion tank, at least sans a double piston array).

Says who? It uses a mechanic the game already has.
NEI's cheat mode enables "creative mode", which is outside of the gamemode's ruleset for "survival mode". By changing your gamemode, you have removed yourself from the original conditional set and have, instead, "cheated" in that regard.
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See, this is why I need that big turquoise grinning face backing me up :P As I point out in my signiture, I lack eloquence... but dear Guswut here has that in spades.
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