I'm sorry to sound impatient, but...

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FTB's made the decision that their worlds should be compatible across different Minecraft versions, which means each new version they have to wait for every single mod to be updated before the pack as a whole can be updated. FTB also includes mods like redpower that have been historically slow to update, so a delay updating the pack to 1.5 is hardly a surprise.

If you're wanting to stay on the cutting edge FTB probably isn't for you - either look into smaller packs like the new tekkit or download mods into multimc yourself. Mods seem to have started automatically resolving block ids so adding them yourself isn't that much of a hassle.
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Just to clear this up, I didn't mean to suggest that anyone should find Eloraam in real life.

All I meant to say in that post was that it's the mod developers' fault that FTB can't update, not the FTB team's, and that RP2 is one of the most important mods that hasn't updated yet.
It's the FTB team's fault that we don't have a pack with updated mods. They could leave out some core mods and add them in later. If people cry because they won't have marble, then they don't have to use the modpack version, and they can wait. As irritated as I am with Eloraam's communication skills, she's not to blame. It's not her fault that a modpack using her mod can't update. She makes the mod, it's not exclusive to FTB, and if the FTB team doesn't want to give us an update just because of a mod that can be added in later, that's their problem.

If you're wanting to stay on the cutting edge FTB probably isn't for you - either look into smaller packs like the new tekkit or download mods into multimc yourself. Mods seem to have started automatically resolving block ids so adding them yourself isn't that much of a hassle.
This. FTB is great if you actually care about "supporting" the modders, or giving them praise for their hobby. It also has a less hostile community than Technic. Otherwise, Technic and MultiMC are simply superior. They may not have map packs, but they have every mod right when it releases.
It's the FTB team's fault that we don't have a pack with updated mods. They could leave out some core mods and add them in later. If people cry because they won't have marble, then they don't have to use the modpack version, and they can wait. As irritated as I am with Eloraam's communication skills, she's not to blame. It's not her fault that a modpack using her mod can't update. She makes the mod, it's not exclusive to FTB, and if the FTB team doesn't want to give us an update just because of a mod that can be added in later, that's their problem.
But it can't really be added in later. Sure, marble, basalt, and rubber trees are for aesthetics only, but then there's the gems and most importantly the nikolite, neither of which will magically appear when you add RP2 to an existing world. You'll have to generate a new Mystcraft age or travel to new chunks in the overworld in order to be able to construct most of RedPower's machines.

Not to mention the fact that RP2 isn't actually the only mod that hasn't updated to 1.5 yet. There's actually several mods that are still on 1.4.7. RedPower's just the most noticeable because it always lags behind, and because I think it's the only one with a lot of worldgen stuff that would break existing worlds if it was removed.

If you really want a 1.5 pack, wait for a week. Slowpoke said in his last news post that they're planning to release a 1.5 pack next week, although he warned that it won't be a "recommended" build given that the absense of RedPower and several other mods means you won't be able to use your 1.4.7 world without severe issues.
But it can't really be added in later. Sure, marble, basalt, and rubber trees are for aesthetics only, but then there's the gems and most importantly the nikolite, neither of which will magically appear when you add RP2 to an existing world. You'll have to generate a new Mystcraft age or travel to new chunks in the overworld in order to be able to construct most of RedPower's machines.
I don't think you're understanding; I'll try one more time. RP2 adds worldgen. The maps use RP2, and some people only want to play a pack with RP2. On the other hand, the rest of us could have the updated mods. Once Redpower2 is updated, it will be added in. If you do not want to start a world without RP2 worldgen, there is nothing forcing you to update. It's quite simple. If something is not updated to 1.5.1, it cannot be included with the rest of the mods. Once it is updated, it can be added in. I'm not sure how you're not seeing this. When we talk about time, usually one thing comes after another thing. Redpower2 can be added in after it is updated. if you don't understand this, I'm not sure what to tell you, I'm sorry.
One of the reasons the tekkit guys gave for dropping redpower permanently, rather than waiting and adding it in later, was that the way RP volcanoes spawn means that adding it to an existing world can make volcanoes appear on top of people's bases. I don't know if FTB still has contact with Eloraam, if they do they may be able to work with her to fix this.
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I definitely won't be changing my world after the update, I have to much already done, is it something most people do once an update comes out?

The thing is many new mods add new world gen. MFR will add puddles of Manure and Sludge, but the thing to look forward to is the world gen added by Natura and Tinker's Construct. And I don't know if any other mods changed their world gen (AE?), but I wouldn't be surprised to see many tweaks and changes from quite a few mods.
It's not mandatory of course and going to unexplored territory will get you the new world gen anyway, but many people like to start a new world to enjoy the new world gen (at least I prefer starting a new world whenever world gen is changed).

@ the OP: I agree. FTB treats modders with more respect, but we get a lot less from them than anyone who just makes their own pack. I'm not saying we should get more or sooner than anyone else, but it would be nice if FTB is at least (almost) on par with "home brewed" packs. Even if those early releases would only be alpha/beta.
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Some things to have in mind:

First: 1.5.1/2 is being tested. Can't do anything about it except: Waiting.
Second: old maps WILL BE compatible, OF COURSE. But they will lack some of the new world gen (some mods have world re-gen, like TC). Is up to you to move 1000 chunks to the left and start again (deleting your nether and possibly mystraft dimensions for them to be generated again).
Third: There will surely be new mods, for example, tinkers construct. Im pretty sure it will be included.
Fourth: New mods can be delayed, because of bugs, because of compatibility, it may be a lot of things, the goal of FTB is to be stable.
Fifth and last: MAYBE we will have to wait until 1.6... I'm just saying.. but that may be the path of choice, it could mean a waste of time to update to 1.5 with 1.6 this nearby.. So.. That.
I don't think you're understanding; I'll try one more time. RP2 adds worldgen. The maps use RP2, and some people only want to play a pack with RP2. On the other hand, the rest of us could have the updated mods. Once Redpower2 is updated, it will be added in. If you do not want to start a world without RP2 worldgen, there is nothing forcing you to update. It's quite simple. If something is not updated to 1.5.1, it cannot be included with the rest of the mods. Once it is updated, it can be added in. I'm not sure how you're not seeing this. When we talk about time, usually one thing comes after another thing. Redpower2 can be added in after it is updated. if you don't understand this, I'm not sure what to tell you, I'm sorry.
You skipped the rest of my post, where I mentioned that they're planning to release a 1.5 pack next week, regardless. It just won't be a recommended build.
You skipped the rest of my post, where I mentioned that they're planning to release a 1.5 pack next week, regardless. It just won't be a recommended build.
Because I wasn't talking about that part. I already knew that, and it was unrelated to what i was talking about. You were trying to say that it can't be added in later. Good day.
they are waiting on red power 2 like always. Wish I knew coding. Would make a red alloy type wire and trash the almost dead mod called red power 2.
No one is being a dick friend. Red Power is just about dead and has almost no use anymore thanks to mods such as AE.
they are waiting on red power 2 like always. Wish I knew coding. Would make a red alloy type wire and trash the almost dead mod called red power 2.

But they aren't. They are set to release a Beta 1.5.x pack "soon", without Red Power for those of us that choose to use it.

Aside from that, RP isn't the only mod that hasn't been pubicly released.
The only thing I consider a problem is that the FTB team is trying too hard to put out a working mod pack in one release, when in reality they should rely more on incremental updates. I appreciate what they are trying to do and people complaining about bugs a thousand times over can certainly be an annoyance, but that's what the private packs - as opposed to recommended releases - are for. They can release something with a disclaimer that it's going to contain bugs and that they are going to ignore all bug reports other than the ones for the recommended version and the community is going to understand.

That way the people who are too eager to play will finally stop complaining and the team can take their deserved time to perfect the pack to whatever their vision is.
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The only thing I consider a problem is that the FTB team is trying too hard to put out a working mod pack in one release, when in reality they should rely more on incremental updates. I appreciate what they are trying to do and people complaining about bugs a thousand times over can certainly be an annoyance, but that's what the private packs - as opposed to recommended releases - are for. They can release something with a disclaimer that it's going to contain bugs and that they are going to ignore all bug reports other than the ones for the recommended version and the community is going to understand.

That way the people who are too eager to play will finally stop complaining and the team can take their deserved time to perfect the pack to whatever their vision is.

If you read the "suggest mods here" thread - you'll understand why they don't do this. People are utterly incapable of reading instructions. So even IF you pasted "THIS IS A TEST PACK, THERE WILL BE BUGS" all over it, people are going to squeak. Critical thinking is a thing of the past.
If you read the "suggest mods here" thread - you'll understand why they don't do this. People are utterly incapable of reading instructions. So even IF you pasted "THIS IS A TEST PACK, THERE WILL BE BUGS" all over it, people are going to squeak. Critical thinking is a thing of the past.

They can squeak all over the place and it won't make any difference. It's not the community who engages in a discussion with the FTB team, it's the other way around. If the team is firm enough with ignoring the idiotic minority then they are not wasting any more time than they are now.

At the end of the day, there's always going to be some community member who's going to reply to a bug thread or a mod suggestion and explain to the original poster why they are wrong, you don't need an administrator for that.
You can update your current worlds.. Its just going to take some work to get it converted..

The biggest thing is that if you have redpower you better off waiting for 1.6.. Because the New Pack will be missing redpower.. until 1.6.

In fact like others have said 1.5 is not even an ultimate pack.. Its just a beta pack.
They can squeak all over the place and it won't make any difference. It's not the community who engages in a discussion with the FTB team, it's the other way around. If the team is firm enough with ignoring the idiotic minority then they are not wasting any more time than they are now.

At the end of the day, there's always going to be some community member who's going to reply to a bug thread or a mod suggestion and explain to the original poster why they are wrong, you don't need an administrator for that.

Oh I see your point, totally. I'm dying to get my hands on the pack and I really do wish they'd release it. But, I understand why they don't. That was really my only point.
If the team is firm enough with ignoring the idiotic minority then they are not wasting any more time than they are now.

"Minority" is not the word you're looking for. I believe "majority" would be a better fit.

People won't stop complaining when the 1.5 pack is out. They'll start whining about the lack of RedPower, or about the lack of several other mods that also aren't updated to 1.5 yet.

If anybody is really so eager to play 1.5, they should consider other options besides FTB. MultiMC for example. No better way to stay on the cutting edge than to update the mods yourself. FTB has always been slow to release, and the delay with 1.5 is nothing new. FTB has always taken a "quality over speed" approach, which is why I'm perfectly okay with waiting, even if I end up waiting until after 1.6.
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