... I read your post and was going to fisk it, but... I decided not to. I'll state this really simply: I've done the math really carefully. In RR, the only reactor type to not be amped substantially is the IC2-2 reactor. IC2-2 power is quite good if you leave your baggage behind and do what it asks you to do.
I'm having some trouble seeing this. Other than Nuclear (which got an amazing boost), GeoGens got a nerf (which was needed to bring them in line with the other generators). However, EU demands significantly went up with no additional means of generating that power before nuclear. Which means 'spam more generators'. I would have really appreciated a couple of different types of generators, maybe a mid tier generator somewhere between the Generator/GeoGen's 10 EU/t and the Nuclear Reactor's 420 EU/t (highest possible for a Mk. I without MOX) or higher.
But really, the problem here is with the energy transmission. The new cable logic is just... I can't wrap my head around why anyone thought this was a good idea. It is contrary to a good idea. It is the antithesis of a good idea. On the one hand, you are demanding people use over 128 EU/t just to keep their manufactorum going, then on the other hand, you sharply curtail how much EU/t can go through the wiring. More importantly, it makes it impossible to leverage the amazing potential of nuclear reactors, because there isn't an energy transmission system capable of handling that kind of output.
I see a lot of these complaints, and they read to me like someone who is mad that you cannot play IC^2 2 like IC2. And I get that is frustrating, but... Doing it that way relied on a substantial pair of design flaws in old IC2. In new IC2, you can move substantial power in a reasonable space. If you also use Railcraft (which gives additional benefits to the IC2 ecosystem) then you can move MFSU carts with tons of power, and have a more interesting system to boot.
I think you seem to be missing my point here. The MFSU Carts can store a ton of power, but it can only transmit 2048 EU/t. I can set up a nuclear reactor to produce over 8k EU/t. But nothing can transmit that much energy, so it is a complete and total waste to build it. It punishes building large and complicated systems of energy generation.
There is zero benefit to producing more than 2k EU/t per station. Anything beyond that, and you are just wasting resources trying to produce power that won't ever be able to be transmitted.
It's not a matter of transmitting over long distances. It's a matter of not being able to get it out of the reactor period. For MFSU Carts to be viable, you have to be able to get it TO the MFSU Cart.
IC2-2 doesn't favor centralized power plants unless you lean on item transport. IC2 only favored them because its wire model was very curious (and glass fiber cable was unbalanced). IC2-2 favors a reactor for a factory and then using the decay products from that to distribute smaller but maintenance-free power throughout your base.
My problem is a much more fundamental one than item transport. The devs have put in a ceiling of energy production and said 'here and no further'. The problem isn't long-distance energy transportation, the problem here is
getting that energy INTO your energy transportation system.
Banging your head against the differences and calling that a failure is strange to me. You say, "The design is bad for these technical reasons" but then state play mechanics like your distaste for them is itself damning. It's one thing to say you don't like this direction, but it's another entirely to try and imply that mechanically it's inferior and the old way was "better."
I see where you are coming from, everyone plays the game differently and it might work for some play styles. I just see the massive boost given to nuclear reactors... then see how completely impossible it is to leverage that, and all I see is one great big huge 'U MAD BRO'.
I've been doing nuclear reactor design for IC2 for years now. I remember CASUC reactors. I never really got into them because of the hidden EU costs involved in the setup for making all that ice, but I respected the out-of-the-box thinking that generated it. Then the 'new' reactor designs came out. It was actually pretty amazing, you could get up over 400 EU/t out of a Mk. I! Before, I think the cap was around 140 or so, and Mk. I's were mostly kid's toys to get yourself familiar so you could set up a Mk. II or III setup. I invented the CRCS reactor design, and came up with the Tower of Power as ways of trying to leverage nuclear power, so it wasn't so completely overwhelmed by GeoGens and HV Solar Arrays. Now we've got MOX and some new means of energy generation... and they swung a nerf bat at the wiring infrastructure so that while it is possible to
generate enormous amounts of power... it's impossible to
leverage it, and thus meaningless to actually do so.
That's what gets me. The potential to generate that kind of energy was given, and the ability to use it was taken away. trollface.jpg