Thanks for this awesome work, it's exactly what I've been looking for.
One quick question:
I used the spreadsheet for a bee that produces its specialty every 78 minutes (e.g. glittering, impregnable, radioactive), database speed Slowest, individual speed Fast (because it's easy enough to inoculate them, might as well save a few frames). It told me I needed 7 frames.
Running the numbers manually:
27.5/(0.3*60*78) = 0.01959... (i.e. almost 2%)
So if it gets rounded down to 1%, then we have:
0.01 * 1.2 (fast) * 2^6 = .768
0.01 * 1.2 (fast) * 2^7 = 1.536
meaning we need 7 frames to get to 100%, which is what the spreadsheet says it should be.
But if the game instead rounds it up to 2%, we have:
0.02 * 1.2 (fast) * 2^5 = .768
0.02 * 1.2 (fast) * 2^6 = 1.536
meaning we only need 6 frames to get to 100%.
I mention this because Hypnotizd ran a test in one of his recent videos (
and skip ahead to the 18-minute mark or so) with Fast Impregnable bees, and it only took 6 frames to get 100% production (exactly 2 rocky combs and 1 titanium comb every 27.5 seconds). This leads me to believe that the game is actually rounding up to 2% here, not rounding down to 1%. Which in turn leads me to believe that the "always round down" assumption of the spreadsheet might be incorrect. Anyone want to check the code?