I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had a bit of a funny moment and built myself a trapped room using loads of dispensers full of arrows and a bunch of rapid pulsers.

Herpaderpaderp, FPS tanks, game crashes.

Then I realise, upon logging back in, that I forgot to include a natural off switch.

So much redstone, so many entities...

My poor PC :(
Many entities! Much Redstone! So lag! Wow!!!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So.. In AgS I built a platform out from my base in preparation for a bloodwood farm. I didn't quite have enough torches to light it up completely, but I thought, you know what, there's only two spawning spaces out here, I've got a mob farm.. nothing will spawn.

I was wrong, and you know what spawned...?
A creeper jockey. A homing natural bomb...

I escaped it with one heart of health left (not lives, health)

Suffice to say I went on a lighting spree after that
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well... it wasn't really my derp, but me and my friend were playing Agrarian Skies and he wanted to fish, so he went to that small pool of water on top of that hill, jumped inside and launched that fishing hook above him, so it'll land where he stands... but accidentally he didn't took regular fishing rod but that MFR one...:D
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
[AgS confession time]
Derp level: 2
I had a lot of fun building a dedicated water tank for fishing.
Vanilla fishing is out of the question here- so MFR fisher is the way to go.
Set up a large tank- quartz glass walls, obsidian corners. Fill with water.
I should probably make some ranchers too- get some ink flowing.
Anyway- ranchers and fisher mounted in glass walls, add power. Connect in item ducting. Wait.
No fish.
Ah- goes on the top (duh!)
Ok, I'll just pick up my fisher.
Oh god!!! its leaking!!! I'm getting pushed off the edge!
[Another] near miss
At this point it would have been easier to just get my rod out.
Fisher on top, add power, wait.
Check on ranchers.
Do they work on top too? (nope)
Wait some more.
Collect fish. Submit.
Collect about 10 rewards from the remaining skyblock quests that I beat ages ago, but couldn't unlock because of this damn fish.
Why no squids?
Wait ... I'm above "sea level" aren't I? Fuuuuu.... :(
(every wonder why I don't livestream/LP? ^^ -who'd watch that??)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh thanks mate. :)
If it makes you feel any better, an entire series could be built on my collective gaming dumbassery.

Best move I've ever made was in FTL, I think. I'd just started experimenting with boarding teams and was doing quite well, until I teleported my entire crew onto an unmanned drone craft - which, fyi, doesn't require life support.

On top of that I blew it up myself by accident,with them on board, before they had a chance to asphyxiate.

So much for the hero of the galaxy over here.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Got another one. I made a batch of tree-breeding bees with Faster pollination, made bee houses for them, made a Mystcraft age to facilitate tree breeding (my entirely enclosed, mostly underground base is rather poor for the task)... set everything up, planted my trees, set them going... cycled them twice... not one leaf changed...

I went crazy trying to figure out what was going on, I relogged, I switched my Apiarist's Hat for Spectacles...

Then I found out that bees using exotic flowers won't pollinate anything. These were using redstone pollination.

FML. Another hour down the drain.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I had flight and a warp book, and I decided "Let's jump off into the void and try to activate proper flight at Y=20 or so to search for nodes to scan (AS). Long story short, 30 seconds later I was back at base minus one like and my entire inventory because I thought I could fly out of the void instead of simply warping with my book. At least I didn't lose anything irreplaceable (though losing 2 stacks of footlongs definitely sucks -_-)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I turned off my computer while it was loading a Minecraft world because I had to go somewhere. Lets just say I cried when I saw what happened......


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2014
It got corrupted and I had no backups ):
You could always right click the saves folder and select " Restore Previous Versions " and just copy the last save folder out of it. This is assuming you have system restore enabled on your windows computer. Not always garanteed but I find it usefull for accidental overwrites.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And for the future install an automated backup mod like servertools (needs config changes though to activate backups).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
... or just copy the saves\(world name) folder from your .minecraft directory every so often...

"But that's no fun!"
"But it WORKS."
"..." "You have a point there."
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
... or just copy the saves\(world name) folder from your .minecraft directory every so often...

"But that's no fun!"
"But it WORKS."
"..." "You have a point there."
That's actually not safe. The mods take care to turn off map auto-saving while doing the backup. If you do this while running Minecraft your backup might be broken.