I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I often type middle parts of names into the NEI or ME termainal search bar, e.g. "bbl" for "cobblestone". Well, guess what I typed in for "ender pearl" :D
I try to (semi-)uniquely identify items using just the left side of the keyboard (to keep from having to move my hand off the mouse), so I'd use "ear" for that. Or "der ". P is a key too far to be considered.


Popular Member
Apr 25, 2014
When working around delicate setups, I usually switch away from my powerful tools to more innocuous items in order to avoid accidental destruction when interacting with things. It's just too bad if you don't pay attention and that "innocuous" item is Protoclay. Protoclay thas the unique property of automatically putting the tool in your hand most suitable for destroying the block you're targeting. Even worse if you had set all your tools to area mode...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I noticed a lag that was building up slowly on the server I was playing on

Today, I decided to upgrade my soul sand rig for AgS, because I built that really early on, and it was still using regular itemducts, instead of impulse ones. So, in attempting to upgrade the soul sand farm.. I also found the source of lag

Apparently there was enough stacks of sand bouncing around in the itemducts to make the sound for items going into my inventory take ten minutes before it played.

Well, Lets hope it only takes two hours to despawn (TPS of 1)

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
I noticed a lag that was building up slowly on the server I was playing on

Today, I decided to upgrade my soul sand rig for AgS, because I built that really early on, and it was still using regular itemducts, instead of impulse ones. So, in attempting to upgrade the soul sand farm.. I also found the source of lag

Apparently there was enough stacks of sand bouncing around in the itemducts to make the sound for items going into my inventory take ten minutes before it played.

Well, Lets hope it only takes two hours to despawn (TPS of 1)
Good grief... This sounds like a legitimately useful time to use a Bound Pickaxe in Beast mode in skyblock...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I noticed a lag that was building up slowly on the server I was playing on

Today, I decided to upgrade my soul sand rig for AgS, because I built that really early on, and it was still using regular itemducts, instead of impulse ones. So, in attempting to upgrade the soul sand farm.. I also found the source of lag

Apparently there was enough stacks of sand bouncing around in the itemducts to make the sound for items going into my inventory take ten minutes before it played.

Well, Lets hope it only takes two hours to despawn (TPS of 1)
I still wonder why itemducts sends stacks and stacks of items to a destination where only one slot is free.
I hope this will be fixed in 1.7.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I still wonder why itemducts sends stacks and stacks of items to a destination where only one slot is free.
I hope this will be fixed in 1.7.
That's just how they work (and the reason I don't use them if possible).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I only use them when there's no backlog. Too bad transfer nodes aren't available in AS. I don't get why.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I still wonder why itemducts sends stacks and stacks of items to a destination where only one slot is free.
I hope this will be fixed in 1.7.
They do that because you set them to do that
There's a setting if you look in the configuration screen about how many items it will send
So, when I get back on tomorrow (server crashed before I got it fixed up), I'm going to attach a nulifier to the item ducts as we will have rolled back, and then replace them with impulse item ducts set to only send one item at a time[DOUBLEPOST=1404563873][/DOUBLEPOST]
Good grief... This sounds like a legitimately useful time to use a Bound Pickaxe in Beast mode in skyblock...
It was item entities, not solid blocks, I don't think the bound pickaxe would have helped


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or just put down a vacuum hopper connected to a trashcan.
If them just sitting on the ground broke the server, them flying through the air definitely wouldn't have been better
We had to roll back, so doing a more gradual empty of the itemducts now instead of trying to get rid of them all at once


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If them just sitting on the ground broke the server, them flying through the air definitely wouldn't have been better
We had to roll back, so doing a more gradual empty of the itemducts now instead of trying to get rid of them all at once
It'd be unplayable for long enough for them to reach... I think it's -100 Y. Basically, once it's far enough below the void, it's gone flat out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nevertheless, this kinda thing shouldn't happen. Blame SoarynThermal Expansion.
I wonder if itemducts will be somewhat optimized in 1.7? Right now, they're safer than BC pipes, but still prone to misdirections and overflow.
Of course, one could always use XU's pipes instead.