How do YOU power your quarry?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sneakernet at the moment. I think I'll Tesseract it soon, but I'm a little worried that it will drain my system of power.
It will help if you make a more efficient MJ power generation system; converting via electrical engines has a lot of loss. Maybe use those blazerods to fire a medium sized LP boiler and run a couple of Industrial Steam Engines to provide the MJ. I'd suggest a 36LP boiler but I am not sure how badly nerfed blazerods are after their nerf a couple of versions back.


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Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
It will help if you make a more efficient MJ power generation system; converting via electrical engines has a lot of loss. Maybe use those blazerods to fire a medium sized LP boiler and run a couple of Industrial Steam Engines to provide the MJ. I'd suggest a 36LP boiler but I am not sure how badly nerfed blazerods are after their nerf a couple of versions back.
I know my power system is a complete mess at the moment. I started out with IC2 only, and built that up until I got an MFSU to keep my Lapotronic Charge Pad topped up and run my processing machines. Now I'm starting on serious Buildcraft/TE stuff and I tried to hang it off my IC2 infrastructure. It's a good start, and it can keep the RECs full that power my quarry, but it needs a major overhaul and a substantial native BC energy input.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't have a quarry, but I do have a Red Power tunnel bore. I'm powering it with a RP wind farm leading to a BT-battery enderchest charging station. The whole thing runs on like three windmills, which seems wrong somehow, considering the tunnel bore is gathering ~320 blocks every 5 seconds...(yes, I do think mine is better.) Anyway, I thing I might use the wind farm to get MJs with the Blulectric engine. Off topic question; does any one know a good way to get IC2 power from other forms of energy?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use 15 biogas engines (which power other things too) and it goes really fast (the quarry not the biogas)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now that I've got a 36HP, I've switched over from manually lugging Redstone Energy Cells around to an Energy Tesseract. Is there any way to throttle the output?
cell on your boiler system then a tesseract set the cell to w/e you want the quarry to have


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Once I get some more TC3 stuff going, I'm going to attempt to invest in an Arcane Bore. My automining shall be SILK TOUCH, and powered by RENEWABLE ENERGY. Bwahahahahahahaha.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've managed to make a pick turtle... That eats coal like there's no tomorrow... Do I win?
Seriousness though...
Being on a flat land (yeah bad choice I know) I have little in the way of resources and planting trees is getting tedious in fuel my turtle and generator
I've also sucked dry all 3 lava pits near me to power a geothermal gen..
I am no where near the supply of materials to make tesseracts and chunk loaders to pump from the nether.
Only just managed to make a magma cruicible yest... 2 weeks of playing >.<


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Being on a flat land (yeah bad choice I know) I have little in the way of resources and planting trees is getting tedious in fuel my turtle and generator
Make a steve's carts tree farm, a boiler, and automate fueling it via either charcoal or a sawmill. Very low barrier to entry for making endless charcoal to fuel your turtle, more boilers for other power needs, etc.

/edit -- oh, and delete your flat world in favor of something more fun ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
With a normal Solar array and a few Electrical Engines. Not only are Solar Panels extremely expensive and Electrical Engines inefficient, but I get tons of lag, too! There's no better way to power a quarry!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
With a normal Solar array and a few Electrical Engines. Not only are Solar Panels extremely expensive and Electrical Engines inefficient, but I get tons of lag, too! There's no better way to power a quarry!
Use a diamond pipe to dump the cobble and dirt back into the hole (not a void pipe, not lava, the hole), for maximum trollage.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I get a nether star and a MFSU and in a magic energy converter it makes 10,000,000 EU and then that powers electrical engines.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For anyone giving ideas out, it may help if you mention which modpack you use (Ultimate, Mindcrack, etc...).

That being said, if you use Ultimate, power converters are your friend...Have a bank of generators for EU but want MJ way out in the middle of nowhere? Use powerconverters to make steam and connect that to a liquid tesseract...with a receiving liquid tesseract, have that output into an MJ converter and voila...lossless MJ power =p

Same applies to anything else really...EU / MJ / factorization converted to steam + liquid tesseract = whatever power you need on the output. Its not that complicated and only takes a few extra steps and mats to bypass the energy loss you get from energy tesseracts.

As for quarry power, I think the most interesting build I had involved a full size quarry + properly cooled nuclear reactor putting out 40 eu/t + MJ powerconverter... mineral output was handled with an item tesseract. Worked like a charm :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But electrical engines suck

Regardless of which modpack you're using, if you have a solid amount of disposable EU generation (like with ultimate solar panels), electric engines are easy to use and in my opinion more interesting and balanced than alternatives...
1. They are upgradeable using circuit boards. I don't remember off the top of my head, but they will put out between 16-18mj/t at a hefty cost of around 50eu/t... *shrug* some of us scoff at power loss...
2. Mats are fairly easy if you have tin to spare.
3. They don't overheat and can therefore be left on forever...Without an output, they just stop running to cool down but never explode.

One thing to note is that they're pretty pointless if you're using the Ultimate modpack...I wouldn't recommend them in that instance.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a 3-point setup, connected via a steam locomotive that does the rounds pulling one storage cart and a chunk loader cart. It would be simpler, sans-train, but I don't like setting up a quarry within sight of my base. It looks dumb. I'd rather do 3 huge areas next to each other, then move the quarry's powerbase to the next spot, clearing out hundreds of consecutive chunks far enough away that I don't have to see it.

At the tree farm my train picks up wood produced by a Steve's Carts tree harvester. I haven't yet started using the barrels of saplings and apples. I've heard they can be useful for something?
The wood gets shipped back to my base where it is sent to 14 coke ovens. The train then picks up charcoal.
At the quarry the charcoal is unloaded and cycled into a HP boiler which runs the quarry.

The quarry's output was going to be handled by a train too, but I was looking at 4 separate train lines with 8 storage carts each just to keep up with the demand, and compared to a pair of ender chests that seemed foolish instead of fun. So, ender chests won out.

The creosote oil my coke ovens produce powers another boiler at my base for processing the quarry's contents. Dirt, gravel, and marble go into the recyclers. Cobblestone goes through a Xycraft fabricator to turn it into slabs, which go into the recyclers.

I suppose someday I'll burn through all that scrap, but I only have 9 geothermals (lava from the nether, pumped into an ender tank), which won't run the mass fab for more than a half hour before the MFSU bottoms out and needs to fill again, so I'm not ready to be running it full-time. For that matter, I'm not sure what to do with the UU matter or the goodies from the quarry yet either. That's all "step 2" stuff. I have a choo-choo so I'm happy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've always wanted to - but never actually had the resources in survival to - build a magic energy absorber (or converter, whichever sucks vis out of the air and makes EU) and use it to seriously jack up the aura. I'd move the node to a wisp/zombie detention facility, and have them killed; when the thunderstorms started happening, I would set up my lightning rods and bingo, lots of power and diabolical environment destruction to boot.
Then, using electrical engines, I would quarry the hell out of everything near me and make my base only reachable by a trapped walkway. And THAT is how you use GregTech, my friend.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mine is powered by 2 tesseracts. the energy comes from my energy bridge, which is connected to my IC2 grid. the bridge has an EV consumer so its as high as i can get it. my grid has 4 ultimate solars and 15 hybrid solars. I tried hooking a few ultimates directly to it but didn't see any notable improvement in the speed.