How do YOU generate power?

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What is your main source of power?

  • Lava (in any form of generator)

  • Solar

  • Coal (mined)

  • Tree farm based

  • Other farm based

  • Big reactors (mod in general)

  • Oil/fuel

  • Other

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I thought the forestry mutliblock farm was pretty cool until I found out every plant required fertilizer... I gave up on that cause I didn't have a quarry and couldn't reliably produce fertilizer.
If you have MFR you can use the Sewer on a group of animals, Composter to make Industrial Fertilizer, which can be crafted 1:1 into the Forestry variant.

1) Is it normal that I have found 0 salt peter ore?? (after having mined quite a bit and found over 50 stacks of coal, 10 stacks of gold and 8 stacks of iron)
Saltpeter only spawn(supposed to) in deserts.
Saltpeter only spawn(supposed to) in deserts.

From my experience the above was true in Unleashed, false in Monster (where saltpeter would randomly appear all other the place). I have yet to see any in the overworld in 1.7
From my experience the above was true in Unleashed, false in Monster (where saltpeter would randomly appear all other the place). I have yet to see any in the overworld in 1.7
Yeah I think that was an error in certain versions of Monster. Think it was fixed, but probably didn't take effect unless you started a new world or ofc at least spawned new chunks.
Part of it is the way the world gens. Sandstone is kind of everywhere, and the rules, as defined by Railcraft are kind of loose.
Here's another option I'm going to try: Mekanism Ethylene. Ingredients are any kind of plant material (saplings are best) and water. The processing chain:

Plant Material -> Bio Fuel (Crusher)
Water -> Oxygen and Hydrogen (Electrolytic Separator)
Bio-Fuel + Hydrogen = Ethylene (Pressurized Reaction Chamber)

Apparently, one machine of each type, sped up with five, none and three speed upgrades respectively, is enough to generate 21KRF/t in a block of gas-burning generators. Most likely you'll need a seriously sped-up tree farm for that much power, though, since it equals, if my estimation is correct, about one sapling per second. Still, that's way more efficient than the usual tree-farm-based power setup.

BTW, what's happening with the forum? I'm getting strange formatting and very small text in posts.
This sound strange to me. How do you find those villages so fast ? All engines in game cost about 12 ingots. How can you reliably find villages faster then 6 matching ore ?
I'm picky about where I build it has to have a feature or 2 that make me say "yeah THIS is the spot" so I often walk around for several minecraft days before I dig even my first ore, I always have a bag mod of some sort installed so I scavenge as I wander often I start with a couple bags full of various dungeon loot and village loots.
I saw, "Solar Panels" and just googled it. The post about Solar Expansion hasn't been made yet. The mod I've found seems decent, and isn't based off of "EIGHT MOAR SOLAR PANELS TO MAKE THE NEXT TIER!" recipe systems. :p
For the record, here it is:
Are you trying to tell me that you don't want to make 32,768 solar panels?

Also, that mod looks less... Expensive. Like the design of the panels :D
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I filled a Bedrockium Drum with oil, then used BC Refineries to fill a drum with Fuel. Then I made 16 Semi-Fluid Generators (32 EU/t each so that's 512 EU/t total) and finally just plugged em all in and ran the fuel line... OMG I had no idea they hum really loudly, now I have to re-think the entire design. Since there's power loss over distance in IC2, you really want to keep your power close to your row of production/processing machines. Ugh. After a month or two with Infinity modpack, I finally decided to work on the IC2 side of things. Now I remember why I put it off for so long.

Yeah, on the RF side, Big Reactors has easily become the greatest mod that just does its job quietly (QUIET IS GOOD!) and doesn't cause any fuss or bother. And I recently completed a twin Turbine project run off a little reactor in the middle which turned out quite well. BR is a "user-friendly" mod. IC2, not so much I guess. LOL Ah well, with the Magnum Torch I can pretty safely keep the master volume way down while I play. :rolleyes:

But the tl;dr is, Oil/Fuel for EU and BigReactors for RF.
I filled a Bedrockium Drum with oil, then used BC Refineries to fill a drum with Fuel. Then I made 16 Semi-Fluid Generators (32 EU/t each so that's 512 EU/t total) and finally just plugged em all in and ran the fuel line... OMG I had no idea they hum really loudly, now I have to re-think the entire design. Since there's power loss over distance in IC2, you really want to keep your power close to your row of production/processing machines. Ugh. After a month or two with Infinity modpack, I finally decided to work on the IC2 side of things. Now I remember why I put it off for so long.

Yeah, on the RF side, Big Reactors has easily become the greatest mod that just does its job quietly (QUIET IS GOOD!) and doesn't cause any fuss or bother. And I recently completed a twin Turbine project run off a little reactor in the middle which turned out quite well. BR is a "user-friendly" mod. IC2, not so much I guess. LOL Ah well, with the Magnum Torch I can pretty safely keep the master volume way down while I play. :rolleyes:

But the tl;dr is, Oil/Fuel for EU and BigReactors for RF.

Does ExU's sound muffler not work on GT generators?
I started off running off with Ender IO Combustion Generator running on Hootch.
Moved to a passive Big Reactor as my AE system was draining too much power. Now I have Big Reactor Turbine running on steam from Railcraft Boilers running on Hootch.

I could swap the Hootch for Firewater/Rocket Fuel but it’s more fun to say that I’m powered by Hootch!!!
I started off running off with Ender IO Combustion Generator running on Hootch.
Moved to a passive Big Reactor as my AE system was draining too much power. Now I have Big Reactor Turbine running on steam from Railcraft Boilers running on Hootch.

I could swap the Hootch for Firewater/Rocket Fuel but it’s more fun to say that I’m powered by Hootch!!!
What is the RF/t on that?