- Age: 39
- IGN: WaywardBat
- What is your experience with FTB/mods? I have played FTB with the Minecrack mods for a few months in the beginning of the year before going back to Vanilla. I'd like to find a server now that the packs are updated that suits my playstyle and on a server this time.
- Where do you reside at (timezone will do)? Eastern time
- Why do you want to join? I'm looking for a mature FTB server. I am part of a great community on Vanilla Minecraft and would like to experience FTB again on a server that is as great as that one. Really I'm looking for a server that is active and just want to have fun.
- What would you bring to the server? Tough question. Even though getting back into FTB would be challenging at first with the new modpacks that weren't in Mindcrack, I think I can add some friendliness to the server and some maturity but at the same time can help others if they need assistance building things.