Whitelist Server HavenCraft 'Reborn' | CLOSED | Archive

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nice, glad it all worked out good :) I hate being that guy that naggs and stuff, but I am literlly bored out of my mind, and I've got nothing to do. If you think my application is too short or too little text in it, just tell me and I'll add a lot more info :)

P.S those guys hosting your servers doesn't seem that friendly nor nice, tbh o_o


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 15
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes!
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I've been playing Minecraft for a year and half now and I've played tons and tons of mods especially modpacks. I've played lots of both Tekkit and FTB and I have extensive knowledge of most of the mods. I also tend to play a lot. Usually 2-10 hours per day or more.
Why do you want to join us?: I've been playing on a great server for the last few weeks buts it's going down so I need a new one and this looks good!
Do you have any previous bans?: I don't believe so and if I do it's just people messing around.
If answered yes, how come?:
Do you have any experience with the mods?: As stated above I have played Tekkit and FTB extensively and know a lot about most of the mods.
What is your secret code?: 42 of course


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whoa, wa-wa-wa-wa-wait a second! How are people pointing the finger at me?! As far as I know I didnt do anything that I wasnt supposed to, and has it been determined that it was indeed MY fault? And if so, can someone show me how I caused it and how to not do it again? I was trying to set up my first quarry aroun the time this happened, yes, but I have no idea if thats related to the server crash or not... I would really like it if you could come over and look at what I was doing Jen and see if I was the cause. IF I was the cause, then guys holy cow am I sorry, it was a complete accident and not something that I was even aware COULD cause a crash.

After the server went down I was frustrated because I was really excited about figuring out how to make a quarry, so I duplicated the what I was doing on the server onto a creative single player world and it worked fine... the reason I tested on creative is because I did place a quarry on the server but when I placed it the yellow and black construction lines never appeared like they did in the guide video I was watching, so I tested it in creative to see if maybe my design was too big (over 62x62) but when I tried it on creative it worked, so I was confused, I thought maybe I counted/measured wrong somehow, which was the next thing I was gonna do when I logged back in was re-measure.

I know that Pershire was also in the process of making a quarry so it might have been either one of us, but if I did somehow cause this, I am really sorry, I didnt do it on purpose.

EDIT: Just so you guys know: this all happened after I went to bed, I was not the one who said it was my fault in game because I havent logged in since it happened and JUST found out that a quarry is what caused this, and I want to reiterate: IF it turns out his was my fault, I am eternally sorry to all of you.. for the server being down, and for anything you lost from when the last world save was...

...I really hope this wasnt my fault.... I just joined and everyone's gonna remember me as "the dick that ruined our day"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whoa, wa-wa-wa-wa-wait a second! How are people pointing the finger at me?! As far as I know I didnt do anything that I wasnt supposed to, and has it been determined that it was indeed MY fault? And if so, can someone show me how I caused it and how to not do it again? I was trying to set up my first quarry aroun the time this happened, yes, but I have no idea if thats related to the server crash or not... I would really like it if you could come over and look at what I was doing Jen and see if I was the cause. IF I was the cause, then guys holy cow am I sorry, it was a complete accident and not something that I was even aware COULD cause a crash.

After the server went down I was frustrated because I was really excited about figuring out how to make a quarry, so I duplicated the what I was doing on the server onto a creative single player world and it worked fine... the reason I tested on creative is because I did place a quarry on the server but when I placed it the yellow and black construction lines never appeared like they did in the guide video I was watching, so I tested it in creative to see if maybe my design was too big (over 62x62) but when I tried it on creative it worked, so I was confused, I thought maybe I counted/measured wrong somehow, which was the next thing I was gonna do when I logged back in was re-measure.

I know that Pershire was also in the process of making a quarry so it might have been either one of us, but if I did somehow cause this, I am really sorry, I didnt do it on purpose.

EDIT: Just so you guys know: this all happened after I went to bed, I was not the one who said it was my fault in game because I havent logged in since it happened and JUST found out that a quarry is what caused this, and I want to reiterate: IF it turns out his was my fault, I am eternally sorry to all of you.. for the server being down, and for anything you lost from when the last world save was...

...I really hope this wasnt my fault.... I just joined and everyone's gonna remember me as "the dick that ruined our day"

Calm down, it was a minecraft bug, its not your fault. If you did something that you were not supposed to, I am sure you didnt meant it, and you shall not be punished for it! IF anyone tells you anything, just dont awnser, the only ones you must talk to is me and Jenial, otherwise, none can force you anything.
Guys, please calm down, accidents happen and I am sure if it was you in that situation you wouldnt like to be attacked.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok here is a idea for the badges make the acheavment based which is measurable and also make them time based so that if someone is on the server for a week is a badge anyway just ideas -jack


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So.. about the blueprint problem:
1. Copy the bpt files you want into your MindCrack_Server/blueprints directory.
2. For every file you add, write the file name (e.g. "Test.bpt", without the quotes) in the index.txt file, each in a new line.
3. Also add the same lines in the (playername).list file.
4. Restart the server.

That should do it. If not, open the blueprint files with a text editor and make sure that the name in line
exactly matches the file name without the extension.

The blueprints should appear in the blueprint library. To get a blueprint, put an empty blueprint into the bottom left spot while having the name highlighted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

In-game Name:

Have you fully read and understood the rules?:
Yes, I have read and understand all the rules.

Motivate us why we should whitelist you:
I think you should whitelist me because I could bring a lot to your community. I think I'm a mature, and I hope likeable guy. Not the most sociably oriented by nature, but I've gotten better at it :p I'll always speak my mind, and try to be honest (anybody who claims to be completely truthful is a flat out liar). And I can speak English like a champ, well, if by champ I mean chimpanzee.

In terms of building, I'd consider myself an "ok" decent architect, but a very creative builder. I've been building MC stuff on and off for a year and a half now. I tend to like perfection, but I certainly don't complain about others' builds, whatever they may look like :) Though I might never get to it, I also love to build community stuff, like train systems or charities. Anyway, I'll definitely stick with the server if I'm accepted.

I'm also staff at fCraft.net (though rather inactive now), and love to help others! I'll come on when I can, when I'm not bogged down with schoolwork.

Why do you want to join us?:
FTB is awesome... unfortunately, I haven't yet found a server I really like yet. I want to be a part of a mature and friendly FTB community, one that's not too large, but gets some activity. From what I can see, your server looks pretty awesome in that area, even just the application process proves it :D The rules also seem adequately thought out, but not as restricting as a lot of servers I know.

Do you have any previous bans?:

If answered yes, how come?:
Well to start, I used to admin this one server. I then made and hosted my own server for fun.

Other staff eventually saw it, and one of the owners got a second hand account that it was a complete ripoff of their own server. I was banned from all their services for over month. I'll admit my server wasn't the most original ever, but it certainly wasn't "that" bad :3

Do you have any experience with the mods?:
I used to use tekkit a fair amount, so I have detailed knowledge of Redpower, Industrialcraft, and Buildcraft, among others. Not that I'm a master at it, but I've built a pretty decent airship in my time. I've also used or at least tried the majority of the other mods on SP.

P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?:
The server restarts every 2 hours. I've tried other modpack servers that don't do this, and... ugh, disaster.

What is your secret code?:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welcome Extreme8897 & Zafum[DOUBLEPOST=1358849484][/DOUBLEPOST]
Whoa, wa-wa-wa-wa-wait a second! How are people pointing the finger at me?! As far as I know I didnt do anything that I wasnt supposed to, and has it been determined that it was indeed MY fault? And if so, can someone show me how I caused it and how to not do it again? I was trying to set up my first quarry aroun the time this happened, yes, but I have no idea if thats related to the server crash or not... I would really like it if you could come over and look at what I was doing Jen and see if I was the cause. IF I was the cause, then guys holy cow am I sorry, it was a complete accident and not something that I was even aware COULD cause a crash.

After the server went down I was frustrated because I was really excited about figuring out how to make a quarry, so I duplicated the what I was doing on the server onto a creative single player world and it worked fine... the reason I tested on creative is because I did place a quarry on the server but when I placed it the yellow and black construction lines never appeared like they did in the guide video I was watching, so I tested it in creative to see if maybe my design was too big (over 62x62) but when I tried it on creative it worked, so I was confused, I thought maybe I counted/measured wrong somehow, which was the next thing I was gonna do when I logged back in was re-measure.

I know that Pershire was also in the process of making a quarry so it might have been either one of us, but if I did somehow cause this, I am really sorry, I didnt do it on purpose.

EDIT: Just so you guys know: this all happened after I went to bed, I was not the one who said it was my fault in game because I havent logged in since it happened and JUST found out that a quarry is what caused this, and I want to reiterate: IF it turns out his was my fault, I am eternally sorry to all of you.. for the server being down, and for anything you lost from when the last world save was...

...I really hope this wasnt my fault.... I just joined and everyone's gonna remember me as "the dick that ruined our day"

It wasn't you. We know who did it.[DOUBLEPOST=1358849742][/DOUBLEPOST]
So.. about the blueprint problem:
1. Copy the bpt files you want into your MindCrack_Server/blueprints directory.
2. For every file you add, write the file name (e.g. "Test.bpt", without the quotes) in the index.txt file, each in a new line.
3. Also add the same lines in the (playername).list file.
4. Restart the server.

That should do it. If not, open the blueprint files with a text editor and make sure that the name in line
exactly matches the file name without the extension.

The blueprints should appear in the blueprint library. To get a blueprint, put an empty blueprint into the bottom left spot while having the name highlighted.

No worky. :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 14 (Will be 15 very soon, 29th of March)
In-game Name: Sur_Dylan
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes, I have.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: Because I could be a great addition to the server creating automatic (toggle-able) mob farms, automated machinery, etc.
Why do you want to join us?: Because this looks like a great mature "Vanilla" MindCrack server.
Do you have any previous bans?: No, I do not.
If answered yes, how come?: \
Do you have any experience with the mods?: Yes, I do. I have played with IC2, Red Power, etc. A lot in just single player and I think I am ready to go multiplayer!
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Because the server will restart every 2 hours. Without announcement.
What is your secret code?: 19 - 21


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 16
In-game Name: TazzyyFFS
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes, I have read all the rules and understood all the rules.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you:
I'm a Swedish guy that loves to play minecraft on my spare time and I love building big projects ( not too big, hehe ). I love playing around with redstone ( not the best redstoner (?) ) and I love making exp traps / farms. I have been looking for a good community to play some Feed the beast with. I'm a rather fun guy I'd say and I love playing minecraft in general! I am also very mature and helpfull if anyone needs help building stuff :p
Why do you want to join us?: Well, as I said above I am looking for a friendly community based server where everyone doesn't have their home / base 2,500 blocks away from each other, but rather everyone around one place.
Do you have any previous bans?: No, I have never been banned on a minecraft server ever before :p
If answered yes, how come?:
Do you have any experience with the mods?: Yes, I do! I've played around with redpower 2 a lot, and also a bit of Thaumcraft. I LOVE the IC2 machines, and how it all works. I think storing energy in a mfe / mfsu is soo cool, hehe :p I have not touched the Bee's mod, but I am planning on doing so now when I've heard you can get ores out of the comb's. I also think that the Soul shard mod and the Twilight forest mod are soooo cool.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: The server restarts every 2 hour to decrease the amount of ententies laying around, I'm guessing?
What is your secret code?: 201

*edit* I re did my application because I guess my last one was too short? Hehe.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OMG, please tell me this isnt a repeat of the other day.. server crash?

Before this even gets started and we add to the already growing joke of "blame dejaja!", I was cooking resin in an extractor... pretty simple... what was Pershire doing?

....EDIT: Disregard, it was client side I guess.. I dunno..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-game Name:Warriorsofcats
Have you fully read and understood the rules?:yes.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I'm quite guy who never speak too much, but i can be generous person if i have enough resources to give away. Really, I don't think I good addition to community, but I want to help community as much I can.
Why do you want to join us?: I am looking for server that suit my playing style, look like this server could be it! beside i am bored of SSP and want someone to play/work with on this amazing modpack.
Do you have any previous bans?:oh there is one unknown reason ban
If answered yes, how come?: for unknown reason
Do you have any experience with the mods?: I watch dierwolve20 Lp. SSP, and SMP. Also just some month of playing around with it and there still room to learn
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: kicked? no, server is restarting