Whitelist Server HavenCraft 'Reborn' | CLOSED | Archive

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Feen or Jen, Mind looking at the logs anywhere from an hour or 2 to now? I got killed while I was at my XP farm, because I forgot I had minecraft open, they took my stuff. I looked at all the odds, its impossible for it to be a mob, it was a player that took all my stuff. Greatly appreciate it. Thanks :)
In-game Name:TheSoftTaco
Have you fully read and understood the rules?:Yep.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you:First of all, I've had horrible luck finding a decent FTB server. After stumbling around in the forums for a bit, I came across this and was convinced this server is perfect. I can come up with great ideas, and love to try out new things. I'm not so great a builder, but there is always room for improvement, right? Given enough time though, I'm sure I could come up with something.
Why do you want to join us?: Well, like said above, from the first post, I was convinced that I would love this server. Also, I haven't been playing FTB lately, and would like to get back in the swing of things. I really can't wait to try out this server.
Do you have any previous bans?: Nope. Never had to endure the pain of the ban hammer. Who willingly screws up other's fun?
If answered yes, how come?:
Do you have any experience with the mods?: I used to play tekkit, let's just say, A LOT. I'm pretty experienced in the major mods, and I am aware that FTB changes a few recipes and, from my experience, is a little bit harder to understand.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Server restart :)
What is your secret code?:208
Age: 23
In-game Name: Prince_Tuten
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I have plenty of experience playing FTB, enjoy building solo, as well as collaborative group projects, and I would never grief or ruin the game for anyone else. I'm social, respectful, and polite so I know I won't have any trouble getting along with anyone on the server.
Why do you want to join us?: I've hosted both a small vanilla and FTB server for me and one other friend, and we are both looking to join a more community-oriented multiplayer server and from the description your server sounds to be a perfect fit for what we are looking for. (I keep saying we because he's about to apply as well)
Do you have any previous bans?: No, I would never grief, steal, or otherwise ruin anyone else's fun.
If answered yes, how come?:
Do you have any experience with the mods?: Yes, I've played FTB a lot
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Server reset without warning
What is your secret code?: 1618
Age: 21
In-game Name: Tysinsu
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I play many hours a day. I am very friendly and do not mind helping people out. I would be very active in the community, and I am very easy going.
Why do you want to join us?: Looking for a nice community of people to play FTB with. I play alot of Minecraft and FTB on a friends server, and were looking to play with more people.
Do you have any previous bans?:No
If answered yes, how come?:
Do you have any experience with the mods?: Yes
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Server resets every 2hrs
What is your secret code?:2025
Welcome Prince_Tuten! & Tysinsu (Short application, but accepted because you're with Tuten.)
Feen or Jen, Mind looking at the logs anywhere from an hour or 2 to now? I got killed while I was at my XP farm, because I forgot I had minecraft open, they took my stuff. I looked at all the odds, its impossible for it to be a mob, it was a player that took all my stuff. Greatly appreciate it. Thanks :)

I found it after all. A skelleton shot you.
Hey, great server you have, and I'd like to help get it more popular.

I just started a new server list website, which now supports Feed the Beast, that you might be interested. It is called The Server List.

You can find it at http://serverlist.us.

On The Server List, you can submit your server, just like any other top list website, but it's much better.

The management of the website CONSTANTLY listens to the feedback of the users, and always takes suggestions into account, so there are constantly new updates that are implemented, for your convenience. Unlike most other top list websites, the captcha isn't reCaptcha, it's a convenient and easy captcha. That's just one of the little conveniences we have.

Some of the features that show just how different we are, is our postback feature, which, if you don't have something like Votifier support, it will send data back to your website verifying someone's vote. For the longest time, server owners could not determine whether or not the user really voted before giving them rewards... now you can.

Another feature is our vote redirection. "What is that?", you might ask. Well, when a user attempts to vote for a server, and they have already voted in the past 12 hours, they are automatically redirected to the front page, informing them that their expiration has not yet come, AND telling them how many hours, minutes, and seconds are left until they can vote again. Pretty cool, huh?

In addition, another one of our greatest features is our description editor. A sleek, user-friendly editor is used when you edit the description of your server, with tools that enable you to edit your description in a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) format. Add images with just a click, align, color, and highlight your text... embed youtube videos, and more!

Finally, a great feature is being able to see the all of the checks made on your server, including the status, time and date, and latency in milliseconds. This way, you can keep track of your server's online times, all the time!

I hope to see this amazing server up on The Server List, and thank you for your time.
"An spammer posted advertisements on a lot of server threads. Server thread owners please report this spam using the report button so we can remove it."
Age: 15
In-game Name: MCParradox
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes, I have.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I feel that I am a very creative person, and I like to dabble in lot's of different things. Mostly, I work with visual art, creating skins and textures for Minecraft, though I have also tried my hand at coding, 3D modelling, and even music (That one was a bit of a flop!). I'm also a member of The Voxel Box, a creative Minecraft server that encourages players to build bigger and grander creations, in a whole host of styles, which I feel is an experience I have learned a lot from. I would consider myself to be quite a good builder (I hope to go into architecture), and also a perfectionist - I'll keep tinkering with one thing until it looks just right. I have a very active imagination, designing complex structures with lots of functionality, alongside aesthetics, to make my creations believable and / or accurate, and love working with other people in a community to achieve a larger goal.
Why do you want to join us?: I've never really used FTB before, though I believe the best way to learn something is in a community, with lot's of friendly people to help you out, give you pointers etc... and I think that I am able to pick up and learn new things quite quickly anyway, often by teaching myself and finding out what works by trial and error. This server looks like a perfect community to learn in, as everyone is kept quite closely knit together by the world boundary, and I already have a friend who plays on this server (rshuttle1337), and one, maybe two more who are also hoping to apply. Together, the four of us make YouTube videos, and this server was recommended to me as a good community to make them in.
Do you have any previous bans?: Nope.
Do you have any experience with the mods?: I don't have a lot of experience with FTB, but I have played quite a bit of Tekkit in my time, almost since it was released, and feel that this server is a good environment to get used to the mods in.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: The server restarts every 2 hours, with no warning.
What is your secret code?: 133