I know I have been denied whitelisting because of my age, so I'm going to provide some references:
PM these people and ask about me if you like:
These are the people that have started the threads of the servers of which I am currently whitelisted. I know it can be hard to trust someone my age, but hopefully these "references" will convince you otherwise.
If they are the wrong people, I apologize and tell me, and I will find the right ones.
Your age is not my only problem. Here is my biggest issue:
I've tried public servers with this pack before, but unfortunately, the things added in this pack become griefing tools in the wrong hands. Whitelist servers, by their very nature, are more protected against this kind of thing. Plus, I want to belong to as many FTB servers as possible, so if one of them goes down, (or both of the ones I belong to at the moment) I can still get my FTB fix.
I want this server to be a close community, not one where players pop in once in two weeks.