Grief Prevention for FTB Unleashed?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So from what I could see, there isn't a version of Grief Prevention (Golden Shovels) out for 1.5.2 just yet, and I really need to get something like it installed on my server. Are there any alternatives (That you have tried personally) that I could use. The reason I say that I want you to have tried it personally is because I have found quite a few plugins that refuse to load up with Unleashed, so I want to know its going to work before I put all the effort into installing them.

Thanks guys


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The server where I play (which is on Unleashed 1.1.3) uses mytown or something like that and it works fine. You have to learn the commands to use it, but it's not too hard and there are always people online willing to help.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem with all protection plugins is they are not designed with modded minecraft in mind, there are so many items/tools which bypass this sort of protection, non more so than the Force Wrench which bypasses everything.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Grief Prevention v7.7 worked fine in 1.5.2 (Unleashed 1.1.2)

Just tried installing it, refuses to start up with the server. I also checked the config and it's not even generating the config files for it when I restart the server. Strange. I'm running 1.5.2 FTB 1.1.2 like you described.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just tried installing it, refuses to start up with the server. I also checked the config and it's not even generating the config files for it when I restart the server. Strange. I'm running 1.5.2 FTB 1.1.2 like you described.

We cannot help you if you are not complete in your request for help. b0bst3r is probably right, did you install MCPC+?

P.S., unless you're running a public server this suggests other problems.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Traps. Lots and lots of traps. Traps that throw noobs off a cliff or poison them with nettles, traps that drown players in acid or vaporize them with high-energy pellets, traps involving locomotives, MFFS traps, soul shard traps, poison traps, every conceivable way of doing harm to your fellow player. Traps in your traps so they can be trapped while they're trapped.

Traps for the sake of traps.

Oh, and don't be that one guy who lives right next to spawn with the really obvious base.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Towny seems to work well, if it can be hacked with modded clients & scripts, as yet have not seen it happen.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem with all protection plugins is they are not designed with modded minecraft in mind, there are so many items/tools which bypass this sort of protection, non more so than the Force Wrench which bypasses everything.

MyTown is specifically written with mods in mind and runs in Forge instead of Bukkit. Unlike most bukkit plugins, it will actually protect against Wands of Excavation and the like.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You need MCPC+ as the engine to run it on.

Yeah I done a little more research today and found this out, although it says I need to replace my bukkit.jar with the mcpc and rename it. Last time I changed my bukkit.jar file though quite a bit of blocks had vanished from the server. Nothing machine or storage wise, just structures. So I was afraid to try it again :p I may have to though

We cannot help you if you are not complete in your request for help. b0bst3r is probably right, did you install MCPC+?

P.S., unless you're running a public server this suggests other problems.

Thanks for replying but not quite sure how I wasn't complete in my request? The topic I started was just asking users for an alternative, the message you quoted was me replying to another user with the results of his suggestion.

No, I don't have mcpc+ I actually just learned about needing it today, as mentioned in the message above. I do have a new question though. Why do certain structural blocks like for example stone brick disappear when I try to change my bukkit.jar? That's the only thing making me hesitant to trying to upload mcpc+


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Grief protection is awesome due to the fact it's not chunk based but it has a lot of loop holes with mods that I do not think get fixed early.
I was on a tekkit server ages ago and we had to constantly remind players that iron chests where not protected by the plugin. you either had to make a secure room around your chests or place dirt on top of your iron chest (i've seen people use a piston lock). Not sure if that's the case now but it's something to consider.
MyTown is a bit more robust with mod support (still has it's holes e.g the rod of ice being useable within claims if you look at the sky) but it's chunk based. Builds start to become stuck to a grid so you end up with some rigid looking unnatural builds. Also if someone is not aware of these chunk mechanics of the plugin one might find themselves only half protecting a build if say your house is built inbetween chunks. This is compounded when you built on the intersection of 4 chunks, imagine building your 9x9 but needing 4 claimed chunks.